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756 results found
have better event tag management
Currently it is possible to add arbitrary words as tags to an event's event tag text field. This allows events to be filtered on calendars/event lists and on the administration side allows them to be filtered for by those tags. Currently tags can be added in the edit mode for any given events. Currently tags can only be deleted by going into each even that has the tag and individually deleting the tag.
Aside from dates/times and locations tags are the only means by which it is possible to categorize an event for event workflow, administration, and display purposes.
20 votes -
I wish there was a way to apply expenses to an event.
5 votes -
Calendar Month view - make today highlighted
In the monthly calendar view, make today highlighted like a changing the color of today that stands out on the calendar rather than just bolding today's date.
7 votes -
Multiple Pages for 2-Day Conference
Would like to be able to have the option of creating multiple pages for an event. For example for a large 2-day conference, we would need different pages for sponsorship, speakers, exhibitors, registration, etc. The pages would not be limited in width by having the registration on the side. The pages would need to be the full width of the page and the links to the different pages of the event could be added with buttons and placed anywhere on the page - on either side, top, or bottom. Here's an example: https://www.txconferenceforwomen.org/.
5 votes -
Event sub topics
Is it possible to set up an event that has several seminar topics with each topic having several tracks? Here is an example:
Our event has training on several different fields: Fire Alarm, Fire Sprinkler, Civil Engineering, Security/Video, Special Hazards, Crossover.
Under each of these are classes offered at different times throughout the day. As an example, under Fire Alarm we might have:
Fire Alarms
9:30 - 10:30 Alarms 101
11:30 - 12:30 Inspection & Testing Certification
2:00 - 3:00 Chapter 7 DocumentationThen we would have other tracks with additional seminar options.
What we need to track is who…
5 votes -
Registration workflow: Only bill for the event, not all outstanding invoices
Currently, if a member registers for a paid event and continues to pay online, they are presented with a bill for both the event and any other outstanding invoices.
When this happened to me, I felt like I was being dunned by a collections agency! This is not how we want to treat our members!
Then it's not obvious to the member how to break out of the registration and just pay the event invoice.
Please, during registration, just present the member with a bill for that one event. It is easy enough for them to pay other invoices when…
5 votes -
Allow different confirmation emails for different event registration types
When a member registers for an event, he/she receives the standard event confirmation email. I would like to be able to set up different confirmation emails for each registration type.
20 votes -
Events sponsorship amounts
The ability for outside sponsors to financially sponsor events by filling in the amount they wish to contribute an event (rather than a set dollar value) via the Events Section. And then be able to track this separately.
5 votes -
The Edit Button is a Waste of Time
When updating registration types for events, I have to click the "Edit" button to update the registration option. You should go to the Edit page directly. The middle step is a waste of time. In fact get rid of ALL edit buttons. Every page should have open fields. Clicking Edit is archaic and counterintuitive. WHY ADD THE EXTRA STEP!?
9 votes -
allow membership levels for events
We have events that are open only to those at a certain level of achievement. We can restrict events to members only, but have no way to restrict registration only to members with proper certification. We need a way to setup events so that the event admin does not have to manually check the qualifications of each person who registers.
8 votes -
Ability to CC an email for registration on events
We need to have the ability to have a secondary email for event registrations. If a person registers for an event and wants to have their assistant in the notifications currently there is no ability for this.
16 votes -
the Event Organizer to get an automated email with the attendance list and wait list entries
Attendance list automatically emailed to Event Organizer
10 votes -
Registration form Custom "Time" field
Events - Registration form - Custom fields.
A Time field would be great.3 votes -
display only the one instance of a multi-session event
Currently, if we have a multi-session event in progress and other events scheduled for later, all sessions in the event are shown in the event list gadget.
For example, we have Event 1, Sessions 1-5, followed by Event 2, Event 3, Event 4, Event 5, and so on.
The event list gadget is set to show 5 events.
We get
Event 1, Session 2
Event 1, Session 3
Event 1, Session 4
Event 1, Session 5
Event 2Events 3, 4, and 5 don't show up.
I'd like to have a way to show only Event 1, 2, 3, 4,…
13 votes -
Email event reminders relative to the END date of an event
Schedule emailed event reminders relative to the END date of an event.
For our art exhibits, we need members to drop their art off for the first day of a show, and pick up their art on the last day of the show. This translates to reminders as the start approaches, and as the event ends -- we currently would have to create 2 separate events.
7 votes -
Future event with not defined date, with a future posting date
I would like to be able to create a future event that will automatically become visible at a future specified date, rather than me having to create the event, set it as Admin Only and then change the access permissions when I want it to be visible to the public. Thank you!! :)
36 votes -
I would like to receive an alert when certain contacts/members register for events.
I would like to receive an alert when certain contacts/members register for events. The reason for this is some of them have multiple delinquent payments or a poor record of paying on time. I do not want to fully block them from registering, as I would be fine with them attending as long as they pay in advance.
3 votes -
Suspend members from upcoming & ongoing events if their membership lapses
Currently if a membership lapses the members details need to be checked to see if they are participating in any upcoming or ongoing events and then unregistered by admin.
The ideal situation would be to give admin the options to leave registrations as is, flag these registrations to the admin and automatically un-register. Globally would be a big help if this is difficult to do on the actual event page.
Alternatively if there was at least a way of flagging the upcoming and ongoing events which a member is registered to, when their membership lapses, in the email which is…
18 votes -
Ipad app improvements
From our registrar: I've also been using the iphone app, also pretty great, but it would be nice if it showed more of the event details (which tends to be the sort of thing I want to check on the fly (dates and prices) it would also be great if I could sort the list of names of the registrants differently like by order of registration or registration type.
5 votes -
When editing events, return to the edited event instead of to the latest event in the list
Right now after editing an event, you are returned to the last event in the list. This means continually having to scroll back to the required event - usually the next event in chronological order.
It would be much better if you were returned to the event just edited, so you could just move to the next event in the list5 votes
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