Event sub topics
Is it possible to set up an event that has several seminar topics with each topic having several tracks? Here is an example:
Our event has training on several different fields: Fire Alarm, Fire Sprinkler, Civil Engineering, Security/Video, Special Hazards, Crossover.
Under each of these are classes offered at different times throughout the day. As an example, under Fire Alarm we might have:
Fire Alarms
9:30 - 10:30 Alarms 101
11:30 - 12:30 Inspection & Testing Certification
2:00 - 3:00 Chapter 7 Documentation
Then we would have other tracks with additional seminar options.
What we need to track is who is signing up for the different seminars in the different tracks. Why do we need this? A couple of reasons. First we need to know how many people plan on attending the different classes so that we know how to assign rooms based on attendance. Second, during the conference we print out attendance certificates. By having it broken out we can export the information to Excel where we can mail merge the information (name, Seminar topic (Fire Alarms), and class (Inspection 101)) into the certificates.
Currently we have it so that attendees can check what class they want to attend, but this does not work well with exporting and mail merging. We need a better way of doing this. It would almost be like adding sessions, except instead of adding sessions that span days/weeks, it would be sessions that span a registration type.