Registration workflow: Only bill for the event, not all outstanding invoices
Currently, if a member registers for a paid event and continues to pay online, they are presented with a bill for both the event and any other outstanding invoices.
When this happened to me, I felt like I was being dunned by a collections agency! This is not how we want to treat our members!
Then it's not obvious to the member how to break out of the registration and just pay the event invoice.
Please, during registration, just present the member with a bill for that one event. It is easy enough for them to pay other invoices when they want by clicking the nagging popup.

Ed Emond-Worline commented
I would actually like to collect any outstanding payments. Maybe present the user with a payment screen so they can select which items to apply the current payment to.
Janet Ordway commented
I am advocating for an option where we could choose to stop including other outstanding invoices when paying online for an event registration. Our club has a three month long renewal time frame where we create an invoice for each member at the beginning of that time. Renewal starts at the beginning of June and runs through August. We have over 500 members and many are older and have some trouble even completing the event registration process. We issue the renewal invoices to try and simplify that process. We also hold monthly luncheons with an online payment option which we strongly encourage them to use. Now, during the renewal period when a member tries to pay online for her lunch but has not yet renewed...or may not plan to renew...she is presented with a bill for both the lunch and renewal. The amount is not that obvious on the payment screen so it would be easy to overlook the fact that it is for more than the cost of lunch. I am having to try and explain this to the group so that they are not surprised when it happens. If they want to pay for both, that is fine...but this situation is still a hassle. We are telling them to just choose the Pay Offline option if they don't want to pay both items. I know they can pay invoices separately outside of a registration but it would be much easier if we could set it up the way we want it to be before the event registration payment is impacted. Please consider!!
Lucinda (Cindy) Moore commented
Allow our participants to pay for trip balances with a credit card. Right now it charges all activities and trip balances at once. It needs to allow them to only pay their trip balances with a credit card.
Great comment, Walt, thank you! I will let responsible crew know, so they can comment too.
Just to remind: there is always a possibility to pay for single invoice for a member/visitor, they just have to use bottom right corner showing "Messages" and choose "Outstanding balance" there. It'll open their profile with open invoices and there they can pay for single invoice.
Yes-yes, I agree, this is very unusable :)
Walt Bilofsky commented
Suppose the member registered for an event where the option is to pay online or pay by check. And he decided to pay by check. So the check is in the mail and the invoice is open.
Now he registers for another event which requires payment online only. But now he is asked to pay also for the check which he already sent.
If you don't want to make it a default, then if there are other outstanding invoices, at least give him a screen where you ask if he wants to pay all of them or just the current one.
I winder, why would a member have a lot of open invoices in your organization in first place? And if he has open balance, why don't you want to get the money? Some examples or context would be very helpful. Thanks!