Allow waitlisted person to self cancel
Allow waitlisted person to self cancel

From release 8.10 and going forward, your waitlist registrants will be able to cancel their waitlist registration on their own, without need to reach administrators
See more in release notes:
Daniel commented
Is this feature enabled for the mobile app? if not, can the enhancement be made pls.
Sydney Bush Walkers, Inc commented
Not having this function creates admin overhead.
For example, if my original event is over-subscribed, I can open up a new event, and email the waitlist to advise them to join it. But they then email me to get me to remove them from the original event, and I have to remove them manually one by one. All for want of a cancellation button - which is available to registrants, but not to waitlisters. This seems like a no-brainer. I'm a bit surprised it's still bouncing around 4 years after it was first suggested. -
Gillian Schair commented
YES! Not having this function creates a lot more work for me (the admin).
Toronto Bicycling Network, Inc commented
Our organization (Toronto Bicycling Network) would like to see this implemented too.
Gwyneth Moss commented
This would help so much. We run free 8 person groups which are always oversubscribed. People cancel but then the waitlisted person cancels and its too late for others so often these oversubscribed groups run with less than 8 people
Kenny Mac commented
Members can cancel from registrations but need to be able to cancel off an event waitlist as well.
The auto registration part of waitlisting works well and pushes waitlisted members onto full registration if someone drops off. However, if the waitlisted person can't attend, they need to wait until they are given a spot before they can cancel.
This causes delays in finding members that are both on the waitlist and available to attend the event. Often made worse because some of our events are booked up months in advance and a great number of waitlisters find something else to do but can't get off the waitlist.Currently, admin needs to do it or the member needs to cancel off a full registration once they get there.
Arthur Fletcher commented
Same as Mark Bower
Mark Bower commented
Basic function for event management. Having users mail Admins to remove from the waiting list creates a burden on the admin and the user. Self-deletion is highly desired.
Jacqui Dowd commented
Members should be able to cancel a waitlist via website and mobile app.
GK commented
Is there even a debate on this one? Without it, the person has to email me and let me know they can't make it and I have to manually delete them from the list. Surprised it wasn't implemented in the first place - if someone can delete themselves from registration, why not from the wait list?
Jacqui Dowd commented
It should be implemented right away as a basic function of events. It makes no sense to have admins manually keep track of this when it could be a simple cancel button on members event list.
Mary Folsom commented
Our members would like to be able to see the waitlist, or at least see how many are on it, so that they can decide whether to sign up, and what their chances are. It would also be easier for administrators if waitlisted people could cancel. It would save us time running down the wailist to fill a slot when someone cancels.
Q-Admin commented
Everyone should be allowed to self-cancel, both on the website and the mobile members app.
Endres commented
Agree! Not good to have folks on lists taking slots when they could cancel and let others move up the list. Please all this function.
GOPS Webmaster commented
Why have a person on a waitlist if they no longer want to be on it - for whatever reason? Why make the Admin activate them only to later find out they really don't want to be on the waitlist? This is not a problem for us, but it does make sense to program it.
Cindy, thanks for sharing.
Let's collect comments from others, why this is important and in which cases?
Katya, Events crew