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101 results found
Mobile App Customizations
Similar to gadgets on the web page, allow organizations to control which content appears on their mobile app such as:
- Event List
- Forums
- Polls
- Member Directory
- Custom Directories
- An app module built from a specific web WA web page
Given these options, I could build and customize my organization's mobile app to meet out needs. One organization's app may only contain a member directory. Another organization may only want to show events on their app. Someone else might chose to have all options on their app.
221 votes -
Member app - allow members to communicate with each other (i.e. access WA forums)
Add access to the member forum to the mobile member app
Our organization is a community and we rely on the sharing and of information on the online forum. We would like to see the forum added to the member app to drive participation.
105 votes -
Allow to send push notifications to the members app.
Allow admins to send notifications with some important information to member app users.
88 votesDmitry Smirnov responded
We consider this as one of candidates for the next year.
Photo albums management from mobile app for admins
This topic is about working with existing albums: uploading new photos, removing of existing ones. If you need it, please add your vote and briefly describe your use case. This will help us to better understand your needs and prioritize our development plans.
66 votes -
CMS, Web site management from mobile app.
This topic is about adding CMS functionality into mobile app for admins. If you need it, please add your vote and briefly describe your use case. This will help us to better understand your needs and prioritize our development plans.
55 votes -
Members app. Add polls.
Add polling option and voting options
44 votes -
Mobile app chat
Customizable mobile application. It would be nice to be able to chat with members within the app
39 votes -
white label app
We would pay to have a white label version of the app with our name on it. Downloaded through the app store. We would need an apple developer account but the code would be largely the same.
33 votes -
Event Organizer to manage event on APP
I would like to see the mobile app to allow a member to login and if they are an event organizer they can see these event. They can add/remove/check in registrations and only see common data fields for contacts.
This is so the organiser can manage the registrants instead of hassling the trip coordinator.
32 votes -
Admin app. Add an ability to manage guests for registrants
The admin's app should allow managing guests registrations. People can't add or edit guests themselves after they've already registered so they ask admins to do it.
27 votesThe thread was divided into two, managing guest registrations in admin app and registering guests in the member app.
The latter is in progress, you can find the update here: https://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932/suggestions/48343238
Forums management from mobile app for admins
This topic is about working with forums from mobile app for administrators. f you need it, please add your vote and briefly describe your use case. This will help us to better understand your needs and prioritize our development plans.
27 votes -
Reset password from mobile app. Admin app.
If you log out and can't remember your password, the app has no 'reset your password' option. It's unclear and inconvenient to go to the website and use it from there.
This idea was split from this original idea, Reset password for Member app:
https://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932/suggestions/1702287123 votes -
Mobile App Features
I would like to see the following functions on your mobile app:
Online Store
Push Notifications
Text Messaging19 votesDmitry Smirnov responded
Are you talking about admin or member app?
Events are already in, did you already had a chance to try it?
Member App and Admin App - add and update photos within their contact information
Upload a picture from their phone to the member app. At renewal my organization required members to upload a picture to their contact information but this was bypassed because members were able to renew through the app but did not have to upload a picture.
12 votes -
Option to dial members number from mobile app
When you are using the mobile app, it would be nice if you were able to dial the members number from the app by clicking on the number after to do a member search. Once you locate the member that you are looking for it would be nice just to click on the number and call them.
12 votes -
Add new Functions to mobile app
Add the following pages to the mobile app:
Online Store, Donations and Payments
(membership renewals), Photo Album12 votes -
Event Forums (member app)
When creating an event, also create a temporary forum that participants are automatically subscribed to. The forum would be shown in the member app and they can post questions about their event right on the member app. (Similar post regarding forums being available on the app already exists). This request would tie in with that one. The new event forum would behave similar to description button in the app, but would open a conversation page where the participant or event leader or admin can post comments.
12 votes -
Integration with "PayPal Here" on Android
Integrate mobile app for administrators with PayPal Here in order to accept credit card payments.
"PayPal Here" was integrated for iOS version in 1.8:
https://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Mobile+1.8Unfortunately we can't do this integration for Android due to lack of PayPal integration documentation. We will continue discussion with its support but frankly without any expectations.
We'll post updates on this feature as soon as we'll have any progress. Feel free to subscribe on it in order to get it on your e-mail.
12 votesDmitry Smirnov responded
We are not going to take this into development, since PayPalHere does not provide any useful documentation for integration on android.
Use mobile app to access the website
So now that we can use the mobile app for the directory and events and our profile, it would be nice if we could use the app to access actual pages on the website.
11 votes -
Customized app logo
Change app icon to organizations logo
10 votes
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