Mobile app chat
Customizable mobile application. It would be nice to be able to chat with members within the app

No updates here, sorry. We are busy with technical updates of our mobile apps right now, maybe we will consider this feature later
Nicholas Wright commented
Any movement on the in-app chat function?
Nadine Lawrence commented
I agree, this would be a great feature to have. We require all attendees to our events to become members first, and we need to communicate to them at the events and we also have to use What'sApp which is not ideal as not everyone has it. It would be great to be able to send IM to everyone either Registered and /or Checked-in to an event as we already have all their contact details/mobile phone number etc
Anonymous commented
Yes, a direct channel to members would add significant utility to the mobile app, be it for general, individual or small group messaging.
Sylvan Schurwanz commented
One feature that I would like to have is a messaging tool inside the mobile phone app. Theses days the easiest way to send quick messages to the membership is through a messaging app. Right now we use WhatsApp but many folks refuse to use that because it is owned by Facebook.
Such a feature could be used for organization wide messages and members to member messages.
You can see that thread here:
Thanks for your feedback, Stacey!
I transferred the part about custom app icon to another thread. It has plenty of votes already so it is a better place for such thing.