Member app - allow members to communicate with each other (i.e. access WA forums)
Add access to the member forum to the mobile member app
Our organization is a community and we rely on the sharing and of information on the online forum. We would like to see the forum added to the member app to drive participation.

Daniel Googel commented
When I created a group on WildApricot, the group forum was a critical component, as I would like group members to communicate with each other, post questions of the group, etc. Shame on me for assuming this would also be par of the app in a world where everyone lives on their phones and don't want to log into a website to read conversations and participate!
Nao Nozawa commented
Please either add Tapatalk integration for the forums or add for access to the members app!
Jim Biram commented
It would seem rather easy to integrate the forums into an app such as Tapatalk if it is too difficult to set up on the WA App.
Anonymous commented
I would love to see discussion forum access on the Wild Apricot app.
Thank you! -
Kimberly Davidson commented
We had an event the other day and a couple of people weren't there. I wanted to send a quick text to check on them to see if they would be arriving (ie caught in traffic, late start) but couldn't message anyone from the app...very frustrating.
It would be great if we could go to the list of registrants as admins and text or email people directly from the mobile application. -
Terra SHALABY commented
Hello and good day.
I was discussing the MOBILE APP with a tech assistant today and would like to suggest an upgrade within the mobile app.
We require an easier form of communication for our members and would like to do it within WILD APRICOT.
We require:
1. Member messaging within the mobile app that is not 'email' based. ( Our whole purpose of going to a mobile app is to eliminate the amount of emails and have all information shared on a mobile app )2. The ability to 'sub group' our members.
We have between 180-200 athletes in our club, but the individual teams are broken down to 5-10 athletes. We require these teams to communicate only between each other on an easy, instantaneous, mobile platform.I use TEAM SNAP for other sports groups and it works great. please see here :
We require a similar mobile platform moving forward and have been offered the full package from TEAMSNAP, but noticed that we already have a mobile app at Wild we do not want to transfer all our services that you provide at this point.
Please email me here as we in the process of discovery on this issue moving forward.
I am this years communications director of SilverStar Freestyle :
thanks in advance
Marcus -
Anonymous commented
Adding to this, retention by way of building online community is essential for non-profit community organizations. We need to give members access at to discussions at their fingertips, the member app would be great. We get so many people saying they get fed up having to log in each time, especially on the iPhone as it does the face recognition as an extra step. Please add the plain text option urgently, thank you.
Anonymous commented
Please can you update us on this? Our members are starting to complain about the multi-step process to access the forum, having to log in to the website then find the forum before commenting. We used to have more of a listserv discussion, Bigtent, and our online community interaction has declined significantly since we switched over the WA.
It would be good to understand the strategic vision for WA as the online engagement across communities is vastly overlooked? Everything else is wonderful, however, the lack of functionality in this area is starting to hurt our 77yr old organization.
Two things would help:
1. Allowing admin to opt members onto email updates from the forum.
2. Having a text version of the forum on the member app.Here is a recent member comment from a survey we ran:
LexFUN does a lot for its members - thank you! But a sore point is the Discussion group. A better Discussion group format where it's actually easy to send messages and reply to messages would be hugely helpful. The level of discussion and information/questions being posted has really gone down. With the old BigTent, I got daily email digests and could reply to someone's post with one click from the email - the person's email address was embedded into the email digest. With the current WildApricot/LexFUN process, I have to remember my login, then login to those websites, and then reply. It's multiple clicks and not user friendly. If I post any query to the Discussion group, I'm then depending on someone else to go through the entire process to reply.
Leonardo commented
@dmitry, plain text is a good start. Please activate this function ASAP.
lhorvat2 commented
Member App with Forum access, and notifications, would be useful our organization (a 55+ HOA community with 414 homes [equals profiles]in Florida). We have not implemented the Member App yet because many of our members are technology challenged.
However, everyone wants to know what’s happening in a timely manner. They want to add their opinion and/or their topic for discussion.
Forum access is very appealing and could likely be the feature that would allow us to enable the mobile app. -
Grant Sheehan commented
member app forums
Grant Sheehan commented
Members Mobile App:
App should include forums to encourage usage. -
Karen commented
Plain text would be a great start!! An added bonus would be to see a notification on the phone when something is posted to a forum if the user chooses to do so in their settings. Thanks.
Question to everyone, who supports this idea: Rich text formatting capabilities could be quite difficult to implement. Do you think it is still valuable to have forums with just plain text, as a first step?
Anonymous commented
We would also LOVE this feature. In fact, it would be the feature that makes the app worth it for us altogether. I hope this becomes a top priority on the wishlist!! Thank you for considering!
Grant Sheehan commented
Would like to have discussion boards within the member mobile app. This would increase the use tremendously.
Sonija commented
Our organization would also greatly benefit from including access to the forums on the mobile site. Most people don't use desktop computers anymore, a majority of people use their phones as computers these days. It would make more sense to have everything for members easily accessible on the mobile app.
Does anyone know when we can expect this to be integrated??
Anonymous commented
This is crucial for us
No updates for now.
Anonymous commented
Any update on this idea mobile team?