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  1. Registrant to view and change his event registrations

    Current features:
    Once registered, a person can not change anything (i.e. cancel/edit details) about their registration, this can only be done by the administrator

    Desired behavior:
    Registrants should have the ability to view and edit their own event registration(s)

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    194 comments  ·  Events  ·  Admin →
    Resolved  ·  Team Events responded

    Hello, dear supporters!

    We’re happy to announce that now your registrants can view and cancel registrations.

This suggestion has accumulated many votes and comments. As usual, we started with the main needs and some of your requests are not covered in this release.

    What released:

    • All registrants now can view all their event registrations in one place. There is new tab ’My registrations’ in the profile.
    • You, as administrator, can allow them to cancel their registrations and specify cut-off date if required.
    • We added new email – Event registration cancelled. This message is sent when a registration was cancelled, either by an administrator or by the registrant.

    What is not covered yet:

    Check our help page for more information about these changes and others, that we added in this…

  2. RSVP - Simplified event registration

    Current behavior:
    Registration requires filling out online registration form.

    Desired behavior:
    In some cases this is an overkill and what is desired is Evite-style registration when people can simply click on the link in the event and be done with it.

    1) This would only work for people already in the database
    2) This would only apply to free events
    3) If there are multiple registration types - assign one as default? Force people to choose online?
    4) Highly desirable - negative RSVP - when people say they can not attend.

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    96 comments  ·  Events  ·  Admin →
    Resolved  ·  Team Events responded

    Hello, dear supporters!

    This suggestion has accumulated many votes over years and is one of the top 3 in “Events” category.
We’re happy to announce that the RSVP (we called them Simple events) is now ready for your use!
As all big features, this one contains several suggestions. Some of them are covered in this release, some are not.

    What released: Admin can create the Simple event that requires only RSVP from registrants – one-click registration with Yes, Maybe, or No answer.
    The simple event is very simple now :) Free registrations only, doesn’t allow for guests, registration limits and sessions. Some of these options are still important for you and required, so we will continue to improve our RSVP feature.

    Check our help page for more details
We hope you’ll like it. Please leave your feedback any time by email, by using in-product feedback form and use our Wishlist…

  3. Allow members and/or conference registrants to upload file attachments - like abstract submission

    Our academic society would find it extremely useful if members -- or better yet, conference registrants -- could upload files (e.g., Word docs, PDFs). This would allow presenters at the conference to share papers prior to the conference, potentially enhancing the feedback that they would get from other conference-goers. We would really like to provide this service for our members/conference attendees.

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    158 comments  ·  Events  ·  Admin →

    Dear supporters,

    With the new release 6.18 version, we added the ability to create File attachments field for Common and Membership forms.
    So now, you can collect documents/images from your members, subscribers, registrants. Members can share their documents with others via Public profile. You can upload files and download files right in contact, member or registration details.

    If you have any ideas, requests how we can improve this new functionality, please share it with us.

    More about this and other updates in our release notes:

    Thank you for your support and have a good day!

    Katya Tyukina,
    Product Owner @ Wild Apricot by Personify

  4. Mandatory payment for event registration: complete a registration only when a payment is received

    I have two sites that I have just created and thought before hand (Prior to last update) that I tried the registration process. I recall being able to turn off manual or offline payments which in turn would only complete event registrations only if an online payment was received.

    Now that I have built these two sites and see that "invoices" are being created and people are regsitering without paying online, it is creating a major problem and adding a tremendous burden on our businesses in multiple ways.

    1. A bunch of our events have limited registration so when people register…

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    82 comments  ·  Events  ·  Admin →
  5. QR codes scan for event attendance tracking

    Does anyone know a way to use QR codes with WildApricot? It would be a nice way to handle check-in to events, etc. if we can get the reservation to print with a QR code.

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    13 comments  ·  Events  ·  Admin →
  6. Multi-session events with a single registration (e.g. courses)

    Current behavior:
    Events can not recur automatically, each instance has to be created manually.

    Desired behavior:
    Ability to setup automatically recurring events, for example monthly board meetings

    1) We need to figure out what kind of recurrence is required, for example:
    - every XX weeks on a certain day
    - monthly on certain date
    - monthly on a certain weekday (e.g. 2nd Tuesday of each month)
    2) probably should be able to set max number of recurrence
    3) Initially we will not address the ability to register and pay for several events in the series.

    UPDATED: This post is…

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    142 comments  ·  Events  ·  Admin →
  7. Automatically add a waitlisted person upon someone's cancellation

    (Capture from other feedback source) Waitlist feature only half helpful....needs further automation to automatically add a waitlisted person upon someone's cancellation AND then automatically send out confirming email to the new person.

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    23 comments  ·  Events  ·  Admin →
    Resolved  ·  Team Events responded

    Released in version 5.18.

    You can now allow people on your event waitlists to be automatically registered when spaces become available.

    More about 5.18 release:

    Thanks for your votes and comments.
    Katya, Events crew @ Wild Apricot

  8. Implement Event Waitlist

    Events now have waitlists.
    If you would like to elaborate or expand our waitlist capabilities please post a new idea.

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    65 comments  ·  Events  ·  Admin →
  9. "Add to Google Calendar" button on event details

    Today a client requested an "Add to Google Calendar" button on our event details page, in addition to the "Add to Outlook" function we already have.

    Would you find this useful as well? Please post your comments below.

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    35 comments  ·  Events  ·  Admin →
  10. Limit for Guest Registrations

    With events you can now set up Registration types that can allow multiple of "guest" registrations. At the present time the only limit put on the number of guests is as part of limiting total registrations for events.

    However, some clients have mentioned that they would like to limit the number of guests who can come to an event. I can think of two ways to do this:
    * Limit total number of guests for the event - If you don't want more than 50 guests, then you set this limit at the same time that you set the registration…

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    40 comments  ·  Events  ·  Admin →
  11. Allow waitlisted person to self cancel

    Allow waitlisted person to self cancel

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    16 comments  ·  Events  ·  Admin →
  12. Reusable registration types

    Event registration types could be saved and used over and over across events

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    17 comments  ·  Events  ·  Admin →
  13. Do not mark as 'free' events which involve expenses payable to others

    Some events are not free, however we don't want to enter a price, in order to prevent the system from generating an invoice... For example, when members register for a trip to a chocolate factory. They don't owe the Club any money, but still, this is not a free event, they will have to pay for the transportation, visit, lunch,...

    Is there a way to either hide ¨Free¨ (because it's not free after all) or prevent the system from generating an invoice if we input a price (because it's not money owed to the Club)?

    Many thanks,


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    27 comments  ·  Events  ·  Admin →
  14. Simplify Setup of Non-Registration Events

    Calendar Events

    Can we please have a way to add items to the calendar view that ARE NOT a full event in the database? We have general board meetings and other gathers or other group meetings that we want to show on our calendar but don't want to have to set up a full registration event.

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    3 comments  ·  Events  ·  Admin →
  15. Waitlist Export Option

    We need the ability to export our waiting list participants into an excel spreadsheet. Currently it only pulls the class registrants with no option to add or pull the waiting list.

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    15 comments  ·  Events  ·  Admin →
  16. Enable admins to manually add members to waitlist

    Enable administrators to manually add to the waitlist. Frequently, members who wish to enroll in an event call our office to get put on a waitlist. It would streamline our workflow process to have someone manually add to the list instead of referring someone to do it themselves on the website.

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    14 comments  ·  Events  ·  Admin →
    Resolved  ·  Team Events responded

    Released in version 5.11:

  17. Allow to use special guest price even when collecting full registration information for each guest

    We have the following event-related situation which results in incorrect pricing being set:
    Event open to member and non-members
    Free to members
    £10 to non-members
    £5 to members guests
    There are no special requirements so there is no registration form designed (we just use the common fields)
    In the "registraion type" for members we allow guest registrations
    The three options under that related to the collection of guest data.
    If I select "collect full registration form for each guest", the guest price is incorrectly forced to base price e.g. FREE whereas if I select either of the other options I…

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    16 comments  ·  Events  ·  Admin →
  18. Check in guest when main registrant fails to attend

    When a member registers a guest for an event we are unable to check in the guest when the main registrant fails to attend.We would like to have the capability to check in the guest despite the main registrant not being present. The scenario is not uncommon. For example, it arises when a bundle administrator (often a firm owner) decides to send employees to an event (and typically wants to put all registrations fees on his credit card) but fails to attend personally because of a conflict on the day.

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    11 comments  ·  Events  ·  Admin →
  19. Ability for the admin to set/ change “not attending” invitees event status.

    Please add the ability for the admin to set/change the attendees event status to "not attending".

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    6 comments  ·  Events  ·  Admin →
  20. Event end date calendar should start from start date

    Once you enter a start date for an event the calendar for the end date should start on the same date. This would reduce scrolling through the better part of a year when entering dates in Nov and Dec.

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    5 comments  ·  Events  ·  Admin →
    Resolved  ·  Team Events responded

    Released in version 5.12:

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