Event end date calendar should start from start date
Once you enter a start date for an event the calendar for the end date should start on the same date. This would reduce scrolling through the better part of a year when entering dates in Nov and Dec.

Released in version 5.12: help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Release+5.12
I'm sorry about this bug and all troubles it gives you.
Fix is going to be published in May, hopefully. You will get additional notice from support team.
At the moment, we have to balance our efforts between several activities like:
- implementing top requested features from wishlist (https://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist/filters/top)
- fixing high-priority issues
- fixing medium issues which has a workaround like this one (you can always enter date manually)
That's why it may take sometime to fix such issues.Sorry again for any inconvenience caused.
Event Management features team at Wild Apricot -
D'Ann Bartley commented
The event calendar doesn't even work, as of March 2017. If you put a start date of April 5 (whatever), your calendar pushes it back one day to April 4. I have notified tech support several times, and the result is just "maybe in our next update (july) this will get fixed. That is really BAD. The calendar was one of the main features why we chose WA, and it doesn't even work --- and no one cares until "maybe" July??? Extremely disappointing.
Walt Bilofsky commented
Use the drop-down next to the month-year instead of scrolling.
You don't have to define end date, start date is enough.
Rick Dalven commented
It would be nice when entering an event that the end date is defaulted to the start date. When scheduling future events, we have to scroll thru the calendar.