Reusable registration types
Event registration types could be saved and used over and over across events

In version 6.4 we released the new function ‘Duplicate registration type’. We believe that together with copy event function this will help users to create registration type quickly and save their time.
See more about version 6.4 in our release notes –
Katya Tyukina, on behalf of Events crew
Product Owner @ Wild Apricot
Duff Fletcher commented
Here is the registration issue: Event for regatta is created. A Notice of Race is sent out to the public with a link back to the event. A number of details are still to be determined, so the registration type is called pre-registration. The purpose is to collect the pre-registrants and to notify them when full registration is available. So far, so good. Now we using the same event (which is published to the public, so we cannot create a new event), we need to add a registration type(s) (no problem), but we need to extensively modify the registration form. Because of the amount of details (extra meals, various t-shirt styles and sizes), we need to be able to create and test the registration form (to a restricted group) before putting it in the event (while keeping the event live). There does not appear to be any way to copy a registration form from one event (a test event) to another (live event). Ideally, there would be different registration forms for different types. But the ability test registration form independently and then incorporate in event is key. As an alternative, and alias URL pointing to an event with the ability to change the event it points to would also solve the problem.
Lawrence Glynn commented
I too would like to be able to reuse a registration type from one event in another event. I do not always want to duplicate all the other event settings or layout.
Marily Mondejar commented
Why can't you allow duplicating items in the "Registration Types" so we don't have to cut and paste every item. It will greatly help save time and effort.
Walt Bilofsky commented
Yes, this can be very helpful in the case that the event requires multiple registration types.
It won't help our club. But since I always support part of a solution now instead of waiting for the perfect solution later, I have to applaud. :)
I am curious to know, from the people asking for this feature, whether starting with a copy of an existing event will solve their problem, or are there reasons why that does not work for them.
Walt, it will work within one event.
I agree that event duplication works in such case, but sometimes you just start the new event and don't have something for copying. In this case, the type duplication could be valuable as well.Katya,
Product Owner @ Wild Apricot -
Walt Bilofsky commented
Katya, will this allow a registration type from one event to be copied into another event?
Or just to create an additional registration type in the same event?
I still think the way to create a new event is to duplicate an existing one, including its registration types. There are so many event options and it is so fiddly to get them all right, you might as well start with something you know works.
As the first step, we decided to add the 'Duplicate' function for registration type. That will help to reuse the existing registrations type.
This change is already in development. We will notify as soon as it will be released.Katya,
Product Owner @ Wild Apricot -
Anonymous commented
Allow duplication of Registration Type
Aaron Alanen commented
We would use exactly 2 types for 100s of events per year. Recreating the event type is busy work and prone to error.
Walt Bilofsky commented
We have made several "template" events, including registration types. Then we just duplicate one of them and start with that to create a new event.
There are too many event options to start from scratch each time. Even if registration types could be reused - and they should be - we would still use the template system
Barbara Stofast commented
We mostly use 2 registration types. Recreating them each time is inefficient. Reusable stored registration types would be great.
Karl Hakkarainen commented
Reusable registration types.
Karl Hakkarainen commented
We offer 75 events (courses) per year. Creating a registration type for each one, each with the same name, is time-consuming and error-prone.
Ross Robins commented
Agree completely, we basically use the same registration for every event.
Rick Smith commented
I also think this is a no brainer. Events already reference a Registration Type ID that it looks up so we not be able to lookup from shared types ? We use the same registration type for all events
anonymous_206.223.175.10 commented
Hello Adam, we do not have any immediate plans for this as yet.
This sounds like a feature request so I will transfer this post to our Wishlist forum. -
alobartn commented
I've mentioned this before, and was given a workable but unsatisfactory answer. I would like to have a pool of used registration types, obviously with the Availability Period wiped, to choose from. Any chance of this?