Automatically add a waitlisted person upon someone's cancellation
(Capture from other feedback source) Waitlist feature only half helpful....needs further automation to automatically add a waitlisted person upon someone's cancellation AND then automatically send out confirming email to the new person.

Released in version 5.18.
You can now allow people on your event waitlists to be automatically registered when spaces become available.
More about 5.18 release:
Thanks for your votes and comments.
Katya, Events crew @ Wild Apricot
Kenny, I understand your frustration and your situation, that you cannot turn on the cancellation feature. But it has the huge value itself for many other clients, who use or not use Waitlist functionality.
So we released cancellation feature before because it was ready and expected by our clients for many years.The automatic registration of waitlisters already developed, the current plan is to include it in the 5.18 release (mid of Feb). Right now we are checking that everything works properly.
Katya, Events crew
Kenny Mac commented
You promised not to release the ability to cancel registrations until you have fixed what to do with waitlisters.
We cannot allow this cancellation feature to be used until either 1st waitlister is given the option to take the spot or we add them manually.
Giving ALL waitlisters the ability to steal the newly cancelled spot is worse that when you started.
[Deleted User] commented
One improvement to the wait-list would be to show the number of people on the wait-list, not who though. If a person knows they will be near the top of the list, they are more inclined to join it.
[Deleted User] commented
I also vote no or at least make this feature optional to activate or not. As time rolls on many of those on the wait-list are no longer interested. There isn't away for them to take them-self off the wait-list, as far as I know. We have enough trouble getting to agree to join the wait-list, if we have to tell to get off once they aren't interested or they will automatically be registered would likely most of them using it.
RRCV Web_Admin commented
Hi, there is no way vote against in this form. But you should not worry - when we analysis and design a solution for a problem, we take into account all the comments before making design decisions, so your will be be accounted for.
Patricia Eggers commented
I would like to vote NO for automatically adding wait list registrants to an event. At minimum this should be an event level parameter that we control. Many of our trips involve hotel rooms/condos, so often it is not the next person on the list, but the next couple or the next single male, etc.
How do you vote no for anything on this forum? -
Melodee Patterson commented
A member suggested that WA offer waitlist functionality that's similar to Meetups: if a spot opens up, an email is automatically sent to all the people on the waitlist - the first person to register gets the seat.
Pat S commented
We have wait list for many events. Cancellations for wait listed events is a very big deal for us. If the cancellation opens up a new slot registration slot vs taking someone off the wait list our members will go ballistic. We are all about first come first served and fairness... We would like to have the next person on the waitlist notified that they are now enrolled. If you are unable to do that, the event administrator needs to be notified to fill the slot from the waitlist, not make it available to the general public.
One of the problems I see with automating taking the next person off the waitlist is that many of our events are open to members and their guests. If a single registrant cancels, the slot has to be filled by a single registrant. If a member and their guest are registered, then 2 slots need to be filled....
Riley Jackson commented
I don't use the waitlist feature because it's kind of clumsy and doesn't work well for me. All my events require payment, so if a member cancels his registration my treasurer needs to know to process the refund. So I'm not sure yet that this feature offers any benefit for me.
Anonymous commented
We frequently use the 'event' section. There are times when people need to cancel, but they cannot figure how to do it online. They have to email us direct to cancel, but that doesn't always work in a timely manner.
1)Please let us know how to make it easy for members to cancel a reservation or rsvp using their login.
2)How do we make the waitlist automatically fill the empty spot?
3)Is there a way to have the system automatically be notified when they are given a spot off the waitlist?
Thanks -
Cindy Cooper commented
We want to be sure if a new person is registering concurrently, they don't get the newly opened slot, that it needs to go to the longest waitlisted person.
Merged several similar suggestions into this one.
Tim Nott commented
Waitlist management enhancement
While the waitlist is useful for getting a timestamped list of folks who want to join a full event, there is no good mechanism for completing the transaction. If there is room available in the event, anyone with a link to the registration page can register and pay.
It would be great if we could send a special unique link to waitlist folks to allow them to register or do a deferred credit card transaction when they join the waitlist that can be cancelled when the waitlist is cleared.
Charles Congdon commented
Agree with the other folks: make it optional to move people from the wait list to the registered list automatically (an event setup option), a cancelled registration should go to the next person in line in the wait list, etc.
Nomon Tim Burnett commented
Finish making the waitlist feature functional. As it is someone is on the waitlist and nothing happens without manual intervention. But if someone else already registered is cancelled the registration opens itself back up and a brand new person can register BEFORE the waitlist person. I think once there's someone on the waitlist the registration should close itself and the 1st person on the waitlist should receive a notice automatically and/or only that person should be allowed to register for the open slot.
Vice President NorCRID commented
Right, if the available spot can be "held" for the next person on the waiting list for a certain amount of time. the hold expires then moves to the next person.
I changed capacity of my event by the number of cancelations so I can manually control it -but it's a head ache :)
Thanks developers! you're amazing and I LOVE Wild Apricot!!
aoudman commented
This would not work for our events. However, If this could be an Admin selection in the waiting list optional functions when creating an event, that would seem to suit everyone's needs.
Scot McConnachie commented
I am in favor of this but suggest that it be something that can be toggled on and off by the event administrator. Sometimes there are reasons for not automatically admitting attendees on a waitlist.
Kelli Bogan commented
From our registrar: The wait list feature is fabulous, especially since its impartial, but there is one thing that is a little annoying. Being on the wait list does not guarantee the persons the next space at the event, when a space becomes available, it becomes fully publicly available. I've figured out how to work around this but it would be great if there was a way still give the wait list folks priority.