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71 results found
When Back clicked, make it so you can return exactly to the place you were
In event registration, sometimes we have over 100 people registered. When I review an event, I might go to a particular individuals registration and then try to return to the full registrant's list. What happens is I am automatically put back into the #1-50 in the Pager section rather than going to where I was previously (say I was at #75, instead of going back to #75, I'm put right back into #'s 1-50). It's a bit hard to explain this but I would be happy to discuss with anyone to make it clearer. I spend more time getting back…
89 votesEvgeny Zaritovskiy responded
I’m making this not just about events, but other lists too – this is a common usability problem.
Reduce charges based on field selection
For the membership fields, just as you have a radio button with extra charge, I would like to see a radio button and / or multiple choice with reduced charge. This would allow me to offer discounts to new members who meet certain criteria, such as being a member of similar association or chapter.
37 votes -
Generalize Macros to All Text and Allow Custom Macros
Suggestions have been made to use macros in email blasts and text of site pages, and to allow the admin to create macros.*
I sugest that macros be generalized and any system macro allowed in any of these contexts, and anywhere else an admin enters text, such as event details ...
And allow the admin to create arbitrary macros that apply system-wide.
(And a macro for Event_Organizer would be handy so the event details could automatically tell people who to email for info and registration changes.)
36 votes -
Re-order Pages Not in Menu
We are regularly adding site pages which we do not wish to appear in any menu. This means our "pages not in menu" list is becoming rather long. We would really like to be able to change the order of the pages in this list, but doing so is impossible. Please consider making this possible. Thank you!
23 votes -
Improve the speed!
This is not an idea but rather a suggestion for improvement. I love Wild Apricot, always have but notice of late that it is very slow. I have two association clients on the platform and the downtime (the spinning circle) is cutting into our productivity and speed.
10 votes -
Confusing Uses of Term "Administrator"
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, use a consistent and different term for the overall WA account primary admin person vs. a bundle membership account admin person vs. one of the people authorized to work in the WA modules.
I sent out invoices to the entire membership last night and checked the box to send a copy to the organization contact, which is me (membership-dues@idesst.org). That did happen, but a copy of every invoice ALSO went to our president who has full WA access and is one of the 5 administrators, but is not the primary organization contact!!
The term…
10 votes -
Clear search box after each search
It would be great to have search boxes empty each time I go into them.They currently store the last search characters (name or organisation etc) and in order to do a search, I have to clear out the space first. It's just one more set of clicks in the process that I'd rather do without!
10 votes -
Rework the admin UI
I've worked with many different types of admin panels, and Wild Apricot's is hands down the most difficult and counter-intuitive panel I have ever had to struggle with. And, the problem exists throughout the admin system. Whether you're working on the website, managing financial matters or just trying to send an email out to members or contacts, you have to poke around and experiment to hopefully get it close to right. The learning curve is way too steep for what is supposed to be a simple membership site.
9 votes -
All common fields checkbox - turn off all common fields
I have many common fields. If I want just a few of them on a registration form for an event, I have to turn them all off individually. I'd like to see the All common fields checkbox turn off all the common fields, or turn them on, respectively. Currently, turning off this checkbox only gives me the ABILITY to turn off common fields in my registration form. What is the point of that?
8 votes -
Put pages not in menu in alphabetical order
The the ability to put pages not in menu in alphabetical order
7 votes -
Newsletter posting in social media
PLEASE make it easier to put newsletters on facebook!
7 votes -
Separate form field labels from field ids
Wild Apricot's current requirement that all field labels be unique results in cluttered forms when the same information is required in different contexts. For example, a form that requires the name, email, cell phone for the event attendee, their emergency contact, their family member plus the name and phone of their preferred medical practitioner, hospital, etc. Ideally, the use of section headers would negate the need to have unique names but currently this does not impact the unique field name requirement (indeed, it is only a visual section heading; not supported as such in the code).
Please separate the field…
7 votes -
The ability to share folders
Being able to share folders of documents as opposed to sloppy sites with documents linked would be a cleaner interface and allow for efficient institutional knowledge share.
6 votes -
Allow me to sort a members event registrations by event name or type when in "admin view"
When a member has multiple events in their accounts, as the admin I cannot sort the list of event registrations in any way. Should be able to perform a simple sort by function (either date registered, event name or event type should do).
6 votesFrank responded
We do have a similar request (http://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist/suggestions/8826139-sort-admin-event-list-17082) which is when we may address this requests also, but it’s possible that this could be addressed seperately so I’ll keep this issue by itself for now.
File Management Structure
When I look at File Management, such as clicking on "File" to view the contents, there are menu options that allow me to look at items as a list, and as several sizes of the items, allowing me to the options to see the filename or look at the item.
However, when I am on a page and want to insert a picture, etc. from "File", all the items appear as only a list. There is no option to view the items as such in order to select the correct item to insert into the document.
Please, in the "insert…
6 votes -
Increase Font Size, Reduce White Space
Increase the size on the pages. Currently they take up a fraction of the available space. For example on the Add Member page the entries are tiny, the font is tiny and there is a huge amount of white space down right side and across bottom.
5 votes -
When searching, keying <ENTER> shouldn't refresh the page
In the Membership List, Event List etc, users can type into the search box at the top of the list and the list will seach in "real time", not requiring the user to press <enter> to conduct the search.
While this is great, most people have a muscle memory to hit <enter> after entering a search term, as it is widely used on the web. In Wild Apricot though, hitting <enter> like this causes the page to refresh (and sometimes the search term clears).
Can you please code something into the Search box to ignore the <enter> key.
5 votes -
Datestamp internal notes
2014-07-08 11:43 It would be helpful to have the cursor start in the text input box when editing notes, so that any new entry appears above those before it, like this.
2014-07-08 11:40 Please can you add a facility to add a date and time stamp to the beginning of all new note entries, either automatically or using a shortcut key? Thanks.
5 votes -
Button Change on Events Details Registration Types Page
Please move the "Add type" button at the VERY BOTTOM of the Events Details, Registration Types Page to the top where it can be seen more easily without scrolling to the bottom of a long list of registration types.
I believe this may be the only page I recall that has a button function like this at the very bottom of the page. If there are others, please move them up too. :)
5 votes -
Ability to undelete anything that has been accidentally deleted.
The system needs to be robust, and this means ability to roll back accidental changes.
5 votes
- Don't see your idea?