When Back clicked, make it so you can return exactly to the place you were
In event registration, sometimes we have over 100 people registered. When I review an event, I might go to a particular individuals registration and then try to return to the full registrant's list. What happens is I am automatically put back into the #1-50 in the Pager section rather than going to where I was previously (say I was at #75, instead of going back to #75, I'm put right back into #'s 1-50). It's a bit hard to explain this but I would be happy to discuss with anyone to make it clearer. I spend more time getting back to the number I was at than anything else. It would definitely cut my time if I didn't have to do this. Thank you.

I’m making this not just about events, but other lists too – this is a common usability problem.
Melissa Symmonds commented
I am looking in the Member directory and going through each member. After going to a member page, I hit the Back link to return to the list. This Only works correctly if you are in the 1-50 list. All others also return to 1-50, rather than the previous location in the list. This makes the tedious chore of looking at each one much more tedious. Back should always return you to the previous position. I also tried using my Browser's Back arrow - same result. Not standard behaviour.
Walt Bilofsky commented
When returning to a list (member list, contact list, event list, etc.) using the Back link, it should return to the list entry that was being viewed, NOT to the beginning of the list.
There are times when we need to look through a list and edit some but not all of the entries. That is incredibly tedious when we have to find our place in the list again for every single item. When the list is longer than 50 and we always return to the first page, it's impossibly annoying.
Back should mean Back!!!
Colleen Corrigan commented
Searches - When the directory results are over 50, i click to show the next grouping of numbers. I click one company and the search is gone. Can you make it so I can click to the next page of results, and also go back to the original search results?
thank you
John Giles commented
Our list of contacts is split into groups of 50. When I save out of maintenance on a record, I would like to stay in the same place in the list rather than being bounced up to the top of the first group.
Harley Cozewith commented
If I am on the fourth page of contacts (201-250), click on a contact record to open it and then hit the back button to go back to the contact list, it takes me to page one (1-50) and then I have to choose 201-250 from the drop down to get back to the fourth page. This is very time consuming and truly annoying when I am trying to manage the list of contacts. PLEASE back up to the previously chosen page of contacts so I can keep efficiently working down the list without endlessly having to go back and choose the page of contacts I need.
Cindy, back button behaviour is ugly, I agree. Until we fix it, I can suggest a workaround - while in a member details page, instead of clicking Back, use << Prev and Next >> link right beside the Back button.
Cindy Bruce commented
I have 12 pages of our Member List. As memberships are being renewed right now because of competitions we have going on, I am having to change something on some of them. When I click on the name to go to their profile, I would like to back to the page that I was on so I can check the others down the line but it always goes back to page 1. It would be nice if the BACK button on their profile, would go back to the page their name was found on the list and not all the way back to the beginning of the member list. It is taking me forever, plus the new change isn't correcting itself. I have to refresh and refresh several times for the change to show correctly. So much time is being wasted right now.
Debbeh commented
When I have clicked on an entry, viewed it, and then clicked on the 'back' button, it always takes me back to the first directory page '1-50', instead of the directory page I was on. So I have to navigate back to the directory page I was on. Extra unnecessary steps.
John, unfortunately, the issue with navigation between pages is known and hasn't been fixed yet. I merged your request with an existing one.
As I understood, the old post wich you mentioned, was about prev-next navigation between items in the list. When you filtered list, you can go through these items, from one item details to another without returns.Katya, Astra crew
Membership management features @ Wild Apricot -
Anonymous commented
holding place in member list
I am going through a list of lapsed members via the Members/List/AdvancedSearch. Once I finish page 1 and start on page 2, each time I click Back, the server takes me to the top of page 1, so I have scroll down, choose page 2, and then resume scrolling down the correct page. And even on page 1, after each account view, Back takes me to the top of the page list, so I have to remember which account I was one, a real challenge when there are several with the same last name. I see an old post about this, marked resolved in release 4.4 but it seems not to be resolved in the current (July 2016) version. Huh? -
Michelle Jordan commented
I am having problems with wild apricot going back to the home page and not going to the next record. It is difficult to work on the database when you have to keep going back to where you started and it not automatically doing it for you.
Scott Hendison commented
This shouldn't need 170 votes to happen - it's a bugfix. My best workaround seems to be always opening everything in WA a new tab
Paul commented
Yes, the Back link keeps taking me to the front page of my website, after viewing a contact from a search.
Carolyn Williamson commented
PLEASE will you set things up so that when I am working off a list from a search, and access one of the members of that list, it goes back to where I was before I made the access. I am doing some data cleansing and it is driving me mad!
Thank you for sharing this issue with us.
Agree, that looks not usable and should be fixed. Unfortunately, I can't give you the fixing time.Katya from Astra team @ Wild Apricot
Diane Dias commented
After having imported, I am now adding members to bundled "couple" accounts and was on page 2 of the member list. When I've completed the add-in, I click on the back button, but it takes me back to page 1 at the top. Really want it to take me back to page 2 again and to the anchor point I was just on in the list.
Ron Mercaldi commented
Hitting the back button from a multi page member list, etc, returns you to the first page of the list and not the prior page your were on.