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390 results found
Allow custom codes to membership levels like the events.
Need a sponsorship page that is like the join us page and sponsorship level form and fields that allows you to add predefined amount levels and an ala carte level that the sponsor can put in their own amount that they would like to contribute.
6 votesEvgeny Zaritovskiy responded
This idea is not clear, please elaborate
Members to specify their privacy settings during membership application
I would like for new members to be able to specify their privacy settings during membership application process. More specifically, the setting that I am looking for is "Show profile to others".
17 votes -
Filtering & Restricting Groups for specific Events
We have had a request by staff that they wish to filter certain Events to a restricted group of schools.
Therefore, we are seeking an upgrade by Wild Apricot to please include a Filter with a drop down box of individual SCHOOLS be available when creating new GROUPS and when the MANAGING PARTICIPANTS option is chosen - similar to the current “Search” option available in the CONTACTS ADVANCED SEARCH tabs where there is the ability to refine the search to School/Organisation from a drop down box.5 votes -
List family members in profile for church use
Family groups in the profile to connect a member with their spouse and children so I can use WA for my church
6 votes -
Notify admin about new members
It would be great to have a notice (to the admins) that is in your face when you login and there is a new member. Maybe there is a way to do this and I missed it. Either way, I have to be diligent about checking if there are new members when a pop-up or something at the top of the page that stands out would be better. :) Thanks for listening!
34 votes -
advanced search filters for member group management
It would be great if there was a way to use advanced search filters to find certain members when creating a member group or managing group participants.
23 votes -
Membership Fields Auto-Populate Category Response
Membership fields automatically populate a specific category response. Example: Each member gets a free "new member" ticket for an event. When John enrolls, his membership field will automatically show he has an "available" ticket that can then be changed to "unavailable" upon him redeeming the ticket at an event.
5 votes -
Print Envelopes
Desperately want to print paper envelopes for those that are not reachable by email.
20 votes -
Print Member Profile
Would like to be able to print the members profile in a nice format to send to member to update by hand. Some of our members are older and do not do correspondence by email.
18 votes -
Make required custom fields required for all
Make Required Fields REQUIRED regardless of how enters the data. I find that when a bundle administrator or site administrator creates a new record the Required Field is not being enforced by the system.
15 votes -
Better Member Profile Pages
Improve the layout, design and SEO of member profile pages. See WP Ultimate Member for a good example
25 votes -
Add the same Simple Search options for searching Member List that it has for searching Contact List
I would like to be able to search the Member List using the same drop-down filter that is available for Simple Searches of the Contact List. For example, I would like to be able to search the Member List for all those with email delivery problems, rather than having to search the Contact List for that and getting that list for nonmembers as well as members.
5 votes -
index custom fields so they can be searched
Custom fields would be more useful if the system indexed them so they can be found through the search function. Now when you enter text into a custom field and search for it you will get an empty result list. If custom fields were indexed you would find the content.
9 votes -
Customise Membership field requirements.
I would like to add multiple field to the Membership Application form and want to force new applicants to choose at least one option from each field. This helps me target the member for invites to relevant events / communications. e.g. Membership field is Sector (financial, legal, water, transport etc) and each member would have to choose which Sector they belong to.
3 votes -
Facilitate Levels with end dates for organisations which have a closed season
Sports seasons often run for part of the calendar year e.g. soccer in the UK runs from September to April with a closed period from May to August. At present monthly recurring payment plan levels can be set up with a start date ok but have no facility for setting an end date. Ok this can be got around with a manual export of membership data in April, modification of the file, and reimporting to stop the payments, but this could create some member confusion. The ability to input a stop date at the time of creation of a monthly…
2 votesEvgeny Zaritovskiy responded
Allow configuration of Group administrators to approve their team's membership applications
A sports club usually has several teams (i.e. groups) within it, each of which will require periodic renewal and new applicant approvals. Each team is managed by an individual manager who is ideally placed to authorise renewals and new membership applications for his/her particular team. When a new applicant applies for membership of the club they are required to select the appropriate team on their application form (e.g. age group). This application should then ideally be emailed to the actual team manager for acceptance / refusal rather than having at present to be processed by the overall site administrator(s). The…
5 votes -
Allow Members to send email to more than one member at the same time in a directory
The ability to allow members to send emails to other members from within the directory in bulk and not one by one.
25 votes -
Changing bundle members to nonmember or changing their level
The Problem: A membership administrator tries to change a bundled membership to non-bundled membership and there are bundled members, the only option is to suspend or archive the bundled members.
Request: Have the option to assign the bundle member as a non-member (regular contact).The same problem have bundle administrators, they can't remove members from bundle or change their membership level / bundle
27 votes -
Add "Subscribed to emails list" Criterion to Advanced Search
Currently, the only way to find out if members are subscribed to an email subscription list is (I believe) to export the membership list and look at Subscription Source.
There should be an Advanced Search criterion "Subscribed to email list" which allows checking any of the email lists.
(The checkoff "Subscribed to emails" in the Email preferences criterion refers to email blasts, not email subscription lists.)
6 votes -
Display checkbox edits & results in columns, rather than one neverending list
I have certain fields with MANY entries (over 200) and members who often will select all 200. I can't have individual drop down lists, because to have 200 dropdown lists is unmanageable and looks way too complicated. The next option: to have checkboxes. However, the way the system is, when members edit their profiles, they are presented with a huge vertical list. There is SO much white space to the right that could be used to make the presentation more professional, so that one doesn't have to scroll through 3 pages just to get to the bottom of the list.…
5 votes
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