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390 results found
Migrate/retain bundle member info when new bundle admin is assigned
(1) It should be possible for bundle organization info to migrate to new bundle admin (or stay with the organization, not just with the contact). This includes the organization name, address, logo, etc. AND the recurring payment information.
(2) A bundle admin should be able to add payment information to set up recurring payments at any point in time - not just when they have a new invoice to pay - and it should not require them to make a payment to set up the recurring payments (it should just let them know when their next payment will be).9 votes -
Long renewal periods
We wanted to have a 10 or 15 year renewal period because we have members who do not have credit cards and it is a process for them to get a check and send in an application renewal form so to make their life easier we thought of the idea of having a longer renewal period option. Not a lifetime membership but close for some people.
Coming from a background in S/W development I am curious why this option has to be a dropdown and not a simple variable you can use to enter your own number of years?
2 votes -
manual sort of levels on renewal page
Levels can be manually sorted on the Join page, but levels are sorted alphabetically on the Renewals page. Why can't we put the list in the order we want?
6 votes -
Flexibility with Member Payments (Fortnightly)
More flexibility in setting up membership payment options has been asked for many times.
The recurrence of payments should be no harder to set than a repeated event in Outlook / Calendar.For my extra $10/month in increased fees, I'd simply like to be able to set up a fortnightly membership payment schedule to coincide with my members Payroll dates...
1 vote -
Integrated member degree program
Our organization is a professional photography group. We have been using Wild Apricot now for several years and I know a lot of other photography groups are using Wild Apricot also. In a meeting a few months ago I heard that Wild Apricot was working on an update that we have been intetested in for a long time. We have a degree program that members earn merits or credits towards their degree by attending meeting, performing service, etc. We would love to have a relational database feature that members could access their merits and merits for attendance could be automatically…
8 votes -
secondary email login
As couples and families share membership accounts, our members would appreciate if the secondary email address holder also had login credentials to access their profiles to renew membership, edit information, etc.
Thanks for considering.6 votes -
More flexibility in renewal messaging
We need more flexibility in the configuration of automatic messages around renewal:
1. We would like to send out the first reminder as an advance announcement before sending the invoice.
2. The current post renewal date messaging allows only two phases. We would like to have three:
Phase 1. 1st overdue warning (grace period notice)
Phase 2. 2nd overdue notice, membership changed to „lapsed“
Phase 3: 3rd overdue notice, membership suspended and renewal invoice voided
As it stands now, we must perform phase 3 manually. This requires individually voiding and editing each renewal invoice and individually suspending each unpaid membership,…2 votes -
Print out completed membership application
the ability to print out a digital membership application. currently the only way to approve an application is to have an admin review it in the back end of Wild apricots. I would like to be able to print out the application and share with principals.
5 votes -
Print labels for member list
need the ability to print out labels for the members/contacts if you have to do a mailing that isnt emailed. As it stands now you have to export the whole list and do a mail merge somehow. Please create this option!
5 votes -
5 votes
Allow a Bundle Member to Renew, Not Just the Bundle Administrator
In our club, couples are full members. There is no concept of a primary member. The ONLY reason we use bundles and give the couple two logins is because WA doesn't permit two fully independent email addresses. (There are 453 votes for that. Please finish the job.)
In the meantime, we have members trying to renew and emailing us because the Bundle Member is trying to do it, and you don't let them. (We try to tell them to log in as the Bundle Administrator, but the email macro for that doesn't work.)
Please let the Bundle Member renew. If…
15 votes -
additional action for status change after due date
I would like for there to be one more action in the renewal settings for members. Currently there are 2 reminders after the payment due date. I see the first (15 days after due date) as an additional reminder, The second one (30 days after) as "your grace period has ended and now you are in lapsed status", and I'd like a 3rd time setting for changing their status to archived. Currently a change to lapsed and archived are both available options in the second action/reminder. This doesn't make sense as an archived member would nullify any privileges given to…
3 votes -
Track %complete for member profile
Currently once members join, they no immediate need to fill out additional profile fields or keep it updated.
New Feature Request: Many membership sites have a % counter called Profile Complete so you can track members completing their profile. This should be a metric only available for administrators so you can email members without 100% complete and be able to search for these members and email them. Also their should be a gadget that you can add to member only pages to notify current logged in user of % profile complete until it reaches 100% complete.
9 votes -
Prevent duplicate account creation
We have encountered issue with individual able to create 2 accounts ( one member and one contact) based on the two different emails, simple reverse the order of primary and alternate accounts. This has created some issue for us when we send email to contact to offer free members turn out that these individual already an member. Pls help to fix the issues to ensure both primary and alternate emails are validated upon account creation.
Thanks5 votes -
We would really like the ability to add a second of third avatar to a members profile so that we can add at picture of the members partner. Our club is a very social club and partners attend on all occasions but sometimes identifying them can be difficult. Also, because we are a car club it is important for our members to be able to link the car to the member. A third avatar would allow us to do this.
3 votes -
Manage Group Participants by Membership Level
Groups: Add members to a group by Membership Level so we can have multiple membership levels automatically added.
Example 1:
Our membership organization has different levels of Supporting Partners, but they are all Vendors. We track them within the Membership Levels alongside our Members. Would like to have a "Vendor Group" As new vendors come on board or others discontinue sponsorship, they would automatically be added to Vendors simply by virtue of the Memebership Level they belong to--NOT individually added (which is easy to forget to do and difficult manage).Example 2:
Some of our Membership Levels are Non-Voting. Therefore,…2 votes -
Membership or Contact field for connecting multiple members
Create a member or contact field that can be populated with links to other members. This can be used to describe multiple kinds of relationship. It can be used to indicate spouses, siblings, parent/child, guardian, program sponsor, dependent.
I see it as a many-to-many relationship.
My specific use case is "sponsorship".
Bob sponsors Ted and Andrew.
Frank sponsors Ted and Erik.which also can be written as:
Ted is sponsored by Bob and Frank
Erik is sponsored by Frank
Andrew is sponsored by Bob.Being able to select multiple people could be accomplished using something along the lines of the…
14 votes -
Member Check-In
We need a way for members to check in and make sure their membership is within date. Our members pay a monthly fee to use our facilities and need to be paid up each month. If a QR code could be implemented so that it can be scanned when they enter and the membership date be displayed on the scanning device it would be extremely helpful. We have tried may other things to check in people but nothing has worked very well as people can always escape the person near the front door. Additionally, we tried a sign in chart…
2 votes -
Group Leadership
I use the membership group to track committee members. All my committees have a chair but I have to track that manually. I wish there was a way to track committee chairs and vice-chairs of a group.
1 vote -
Map Directory - Multiple Listing/One Address
We have members with multiple specialties (dog/cat; dog/horse; dog training/pet grooming) and want to offer a membership type (either within one membership or with multiple memberships) so they can list their specialties separately. At the moment, WA Map Directory cannot drop two pins at one location, so we are unable to provide this service to our members.
1 vote
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