Integrated member degree program
Our organization is a professional photography group. We have been using Wild Apricot now for several years and I know a lot of other photography groups are using Wild Apricot also. In a meeting a few months ago I heard that Wild Apricot was working on an update that we have been intetested in for a long time. We have a degree program that members earn merits or credits towards their degree by attending meeting, performing service, etc. We would love to have a relational database feature that members could access their merits and merits for attendance could be automatically entered by Wild Apricot. If that something being worked on currectly and if it's in beta how we do get on the beta program. I was a database administrator previously and have though about building something myself but if it's something that could be built into Wild Apricot that would be so much better. My email is
stellaa9x stellaa9x commented
interested and want to collaborate