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Number of topics in the forum list
It would be nice to be able to configure the number of topics that are listed per page. The current setting of 10 is VERY low and our members are used to seeing quite a few more than that.
9 votes -
See the post you're replying to
I'd like to see what I'm replying to without having to include the whole thing in my reply (as with quote). Also, the nomenclature is not what a user expects... most of my users didn't bother to even try "quote" before asking how to get that type of functionality.
5 votes -
ability to sort in the forum by last in first posted
Some observations from the field:
I understand WA is working on a major architectural back end redesign. Well appreciated.
And, I still think its one of the best non profit, membership-turnkey solutions out there..
At this point, I do have to speak up, and suggest you implore some of these real easy enhancements asap before we loose ground.
Easy stuff like having the ability to sort in the forum by last in first posted ? So common .. in fact in practice on WA forums. There are many other examples in this "wish list" that are easy, and logical.
7 votes -
Customizable username for forums
Does anyone know how to change how members show up when they post a comment in the Forum?
Because we have members real names blocked, all members that post show up as "Anonymous Member" in posts.
When members apply for membership, they select a "Profile" Member name.
Is there a way for this discreet "Member / Profile" name to show up in posts instead of having to unblock their real names or only show "Anonymous".
Any help greatly appreciated.
22 votes -
Managing email subscriptions to forum updates
Current behavior:
Members can subscribe to receive updates about forum posts by email - by going to the forum and clicking on a subscription link in that forum or topic
However, there is no way for administrator to view their subscription status or change it.
If administrator wants to subscribe them manually, the only way is to log in under member's profile (so he has to know the password) and subscribe to forums as if he is this member - very crude workaround.
Admin can only remove subscriptions from member records.Desired behavior:
- Allow administrator to subscribe member(s) to…170 votes -
Add "Anonymous" Commenting Option to Profile
Currently, anyone commenting on a Forum has their name displayed with their comment. The only way to comment anonymously is to remove all outside access to the profile.
On the premise that people might be more willing to participate in a Forum if they could easily create anonymity, adding a profile option to permit anonymous commenting would be a helpful feature.
An alternative approach might be to direct the commenter through a process allowing removal of their name, substituting of a "nickname" or simply "anonymous" to identify the commenter.
5 votes -
Order forum summary other than alphabetical
When using multiple forums, the forums are listed in the summary in alphabetical order. I would like my discussion forum users to see the forums in an order that I choose, not alphabetical. I would also like to leave the forum names as is, instead of re-naming with a prefix to get the correct order.
For example, I would like my users to see the "Rules" forum at the top of the forum summary and my "Everything Else" forum to appear at the bottom. Currently they appear within my forum summary where "R" and "E" fall in the alphabet.
15 votes -
FORUM - include full posting text in email digest
Because the daily forum summary only includes topics and links, users are not willing to switch from Yahoo groups. We'd rather not maintain both systems, obviously. People want to read the post on their mobile device email instead of having to logon to see them.
We need to be able to specify if our daily digest will include just the topics and links, or contain the full text of the new postings. Would be nice if users could switch their individual setting from the site default if they don't want full text, for example.
Our forum activity isn't very high,…
27 votes -
Ability to see forum posts by each user/member
I put this comment in a different thread (oops!) and the Chief Apricot Dmitry said "I totally agree with your point about the usefulness of seeing a particular person's posts and I would appreciate if you could create a thread on this" Thanks Dmitry! Here it is...
It would be useful for us to see posts by each user - like in these WA forums when you click on the user's name and it brings you to a page with a tab that shows all of their posts.
Situations when we would like to see a list of each user's…
5 votes -
Add a Report Post link in Discussion Forum Posts [7490]
I see a Wish List about forum moderation. But I would like to see a "Report Post" link in every post that would allow any reader to report the post to the site owner. Nothing fancy. Just click the link and a message comes up that says "This post has been reported to the site administrator. Thanks for your concern". The admins would then get an email or maybe it would show up in a section in the dashboard that would let the admins investigate any posts flagged by users and then they can decide whether to edit, delete or…
5 votes -
Renaming buttons on the forum for replies and new threads
I have noticed that every time my forum users start a brand-new topic, they do so by adding it as a comment to a previous topic. I'm sure this is because the New Comment button is the only one they see as they are reading through the forum (unless they go back a page, which they don't know to do).
I would really like have a New Topic button on that page, too. I'd also like the "New Comment" button changed to Post Response which I think makes more sense to users.
Thanks! -Bradley
13 votes -
Default setting for forum email frequency
It would be useful to have a global setting for the default forum email frequency -- immediate or weekly. If this is not feasible I think that the default should be weekly. Many members object to
receiving too-frequent emails.Gary
14 votes -
Add moderation of new forum posts
Current behavior:
All posts and replies are published immediately (subject to the user having appropriate access rights on the particular forum)Desired behavior:
Ability to moderate posts/commentsImplementation ideas:
- Administrator can specify whether forum should be moderated or not (maybe by each membership level?)
- Administrator can assign moderators
- All new posts/replies according to settings go into moderation list
- Moderators receive notices (probably option: each message/daily digest)
- Moderators have online list of messages to be moderated and can approve/reject/edit them
- once approved, message is displayed.
53 votes
- Don't see your idea?