Order forum summary other than alphabetical
When using multiple forums, the forums are listed in the summary in alphabetical order. I would like my discussion forum users to see the forums in an order that I choose, not alphabetical. I would also like to leave the forum names as is, instead of re-naming with a prefix to get the correct order.
For example, I would like my users to see the "Rules" forum at the top of the forum summary and my "Everything Else" forum to appear at the bottom. Currently they appear within my forum summary where "R" and "E" fall in the alphabet.

Gareth Sharp commented
I would really like to see this facility added please.
Lexi Stern commented
Another vote for this option. The workarounds are irritating and force our naming conventions to not be consistent.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Sorry for a late reply. Thanks for comments - but unfortunately this not going to be implement soon. There are a lot of other changes we are doing now plus there are more important forum changes in queue (like forums moderation http://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist/suggestions/8825590-add-moderation-of-new-forum-posts-3452 )
Graham Jones commented
I agree - I would very much like this option too.