FORUM - include full posting text in email digest
Because the daily forum summary only includes topics and links, users are not willing to switch from Yahoo groups. We'd rather not maintain both systems, obviously. People want to read the post on their mobile device email instead of having to logon to see them.
We need to be able to specify if our daily digest will include just the topics and links, or contain the full text of the new postings. Would be nice if users could switch their individual setting from the site default if they don't want full text, for example.
Our forum activity isn't very high, so I don't think this would put extra load on the mail servers and would substantially increase the value of the forums to us.

Walt Bilofsky commented
This is a component of a larger wishlist item with over 200 votes:
WA's usual approach is to delay addressing a problem until there are resources for a comprehensive solution. But there are some cases, like this one, where a small tweak can provide a significant benefit.
I encourage the resource allocators to move forward with this and the suggestions in the listserv thread.
Anonymous commented
Sad to see this was a concern back in 2010 - guessing this will never be resolved. Very sad because the way it is really is an inconvenience. Wishing my organization never switched to this.
Anonymous commented
Tracy commented
This would especially be helpful so users don't have to keep logging in every time to read a post. Otherwise, it's less likely to be read.
Jenn Etheridge commented
I'm incredibly disappointed to see nothing has been done with this feature request since the idea was posted in 2010. I'm also incredibly disappointed that my organization didn't know that this is what the forum emails look like, before we went to the effort of moving over to WA as a platform. This is absolutely a deal breaker for us and our members, as our forum posts are a huge part of our value and if members can't see the post in their email, they won't visit the site to contribute. I'm devastated that this means we'll have to spend a lot of time and effort on looking for yet another new platform to use next year.
Anonymous commented
I just posted in another topic, but this is exactly what my members need! We just moved to WA and our members are up in arms about not getting the full messages in their emails. Our previous system did this. Some are saying they will have to find other sources for their information. I hope this can be an easy fix, and soon!
Anonymous commented
Excellent suggestion.
Chris commented
What about a gadget to create "custom" email notifications from forums? WA could control what choices the administrators have to select. One choice would be to include some, all, no content.
Chris commented
Put "I only want the summary" as a preference check box. We have members who point blank say they will not bother to log into WA unless they see the content of the post. If they want to see pictures or attachments, then I want them to go to WA.
Walt Bilofsky commented
Except for WA, I've never seen a forum email notification that didn't have at least a good chunk of the content of the post(s), if not all of it.
This and other forum shortcomings are going to force us to keep our listserv, at significant effort.
A platform devoted to membership organizations needs to do a better job on member-to-member communication.
tlcorr03 commented
I agree with the other comments here - there needs to be a way to post via email and see the posting (or at least the start of the post) in the email summary. I am getting disgruntled members because of the lack of member-to-member email ability. I thought the forums would be the answer, but having to login to post or even just to read to the posting is way more than they are willing to do. I really don't want to have to use another service just for email listserv. I wish I had realized this was such an issue before I signed us up for WildApricot. This is turning into a deal breaker.
Kirsten Greene commented
I just received my first daily summary from a test forum we created. It would be great if the summary could be updated to mimic something like that of At least then the viewer would see a good portion of what someone wrote and only have to click to enter the site to "view or reply".
I'd like to attach some samples here but don't see a button to click to upload them. Please advise. Thank you.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Right now, our focus is to finish the CMS redesign in version 5 so we are putting everything else aside. Once we release it in the summer, we will review and tackle accumulated requests. We will post updates in relevant threads.
Sharon Graham commented
Is this on the radar now that it's 2013?
It would be very nice to have a way to encourage our subscribers to read and participate in the forums. The daily summary email with more (or all) text would be a very good way to encourage participation.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Thanks for suggestion - we now that forum module needs a major upgrade. Unfortunately, there is no chance we can have anything here in 2011
Sharon Graham commented
We would like to see at the least some introductory content on email digests and the ability to format the digest.
Our current forum email digest has the following, which is what we would like to see in WA forum digests:
* Header with association logo.
* The body lists link to post, name of poster, date, and the first few sentences (lines) posted to the forum. The reader then clicks on the link if the post is of interest.
* Footer with custom unsubscribe wording.