Add a Report Post link in Discussion Forum Posts [7490]
I see a Wish List about forum moderation. But I would like to see a "Report Post" link in every post that would allow any reader to report the post to the site owner. Nothing fancy. Just click the link and a message comes up that says "This post has been reported to the site administrator. Thanks for your concern". The admins would then get an email or maybe it would show up in a section in the dashboard that would let the admins investigate any posts flagged by users and then they can decide whether to edit, delete or leave it as is. We have a large user base and hundreds of posts. So It is not feasible for one or even several of the admins to read all the posts and make sure they are in bounds". This lets the users help police the site. This is very common on forums today.

Bruce Sharpe commented
All forums have the potential to attract spam messages, or there may be messages posted that some users consider to be inappropriate. It would be very helpful if anyone reading a forum message could click a button to flag a message. This would alert the forum administrators to investigate that message.
James Johnson commented
"Flag as inappropriate" button would be a great feature to implement on Forums.
We can just about cope without Forum Moderators but the ability to flag an inappropriate is key.
It could be on the options, just add to Edit, Delete and Quote menu options on a forum post and work as wchester suggested ten years ago.
Gary C commented
This would be very helpful!
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Sorry for late reply - this is still in our queue. I see no chances to have it in 2011
MichelleH commented
I would like to see a link to report abuse on posts. Like the posts on this forum have.