Financial Reporting: Break out extra charges
Anytime Memberships are reported out, maybe not at the high summary level, but at the indivdual membership level I would like to see a breakdown of membership fee vs. extra item fee (e.g. In July I had $500 of membership income, how much was from elite level, how much from regular level, and for each, what percentage is membership fee and what percentage is extra items).

Good news out there!
We have released invoice line-items export that will allow you to build your own financial reports, including extra-charges break-out.
More details in release notes:
Alex Sirota commented
The Integromat solution we created allows breakouts of all extra charges. See for more.
Alex Rubenstein commented
Agreed. I am looking to get information on "extra charges" as well. We need to know how much money we collected (not charged) on a specific extra charge.
Laura Headon commented
When multiple invoices are paid at once I need to be able to split out the individual invoice amounts for reporting purposes. Right now the only way to do this is to individually search of each invoice and manually record the amount. There has to be an easier way.
Tim Dahl commented
Since I voted I just wanted to state we spend too many hours trying to reconcile payments and invoices. As part of membership and renewals we have extras that they can add which needs to be broken out in reports.
PAmela Graham commented
Yes please to be able to report 'extra charges' separately! But also need to identify the different types of extra charges on one membership invoice eg Extra Charges: Mooring cruiser LOA
Extra Charges: Sailing Dinghy < 11' -
PAmela Graham commented
Agree. As a sailing club we have our membership levels (lots!) and 'extra charge' fields for members 'with boats' (different chargeing levels by class of boat). On export to QB we really need to be able to separate out our 'Membership Income' and our 'Boat Charges income'. Income: Membership just does not do the job for us.
Scott commented
This is a VERY important upgrade for us. As in Mark's comment we belong to a larger body and have smaller sub groups under us. We are using the other charges to separate the funds we need to remit to each. We apparently misunderstood our sales rep and thought this was an existing feature. Without it the functionality and value of this otherwise GREAT product is greatly diminished. Please float this up to the top of your 'to do' lists. We and I am sure many other organizations are in the same boat. We eagerly await the addition of this feature.
Communications commented
Yes. Completely agree.
CVMG web Administrator commented
Release 5.1.2 implemented the wishlist item 'Custom Reports/Full Transaction Data Extract' for financial reports. However, not all financial fields were made downloadable. We still need to export invoice line items (so, line item description and the amount and whether it's taxable), rather than just the total amounts for an invoice.
What information would you miss if we export invoice line-items (Option 2)? -
Robert Routledge commented
Option 1 is the only one that meets our needs, and I would assume the need of any non-profit that has to reconcile their books? We have to be able to see the "extras" a member purchases as part of their membership in detail in order to do this. Option 2 doesn't show enough detail, option 3 appears to be "change nothing".
Jon Carlson commented
Yes, I really need this too - break out the items people signed up for. I'm similar to Pamela Graham in that I need to import the "Extra Items" amounts separately from the base membership fee to break out different budget items. I am currently trying to import the Quickbooks export into Quickbooks Online (with mixed success), and I've had to write my own script software to massage the exported .IIF data.
Chad Hoffart commented
For budgeting and reporting purposes we need to break out Extra Costs. As a swimming pool, we charge for Guest Passes, Voluteer Fee, Initiation, Bond, etc. Right now it's all lumped into "Membership".
PAmela Graham commented
As a sailing club Members pay fees and boat charges according to type of boat and variables as to whether cruisers are on a mooring or not. We have set up boat charges as 'extra charges' for invoicing, but we will need to be able to export the detail of charges by boat type etc for financial accounting (boat fee income by various category). We are currently piloting WA to see if the financial reporting and link with Quickbooks makes it a long term option for us. We really like some aspects of WA, but hopefully your current work on financials will be addressing some of our concerns (these are similar to those expressed on this and other threads). Thank you.
During analysis of related thread on improving financial exports (, we have also investigated some of the options to report on extra charges. We explored several solution options and want to verify them with you before making any further moves.
We see at least 3 options to break out extra charges:
Option 1: further improve invoice export and add dedicated column for each extra charge. E.g. one column for shipping, another - for certificate option, etc. See example:
- might be too many columns to export, especially when invoices for events and membership mixed
- hard to implement at the moment, requires deep architectural changesOption 2: make an invoice line-item export, where each row represents single invoice item. Common invoice fields, like number, date, etc are duplicated in each row. See example:
- no architectural problems for implementing
- format is digestable by QuickBooks (probably with some extra plug-ins/adaptors)Option 3 is not to bother with individual extra charge export and report consolidated numbers. I've added some more details in this thread:
Any comments on which option is better are appreciated. Or suggest your own one :)
Oleg, Product designer @ Payments team
During analysis of related thread on improving financial exports (, we have also investigated some of the options to report on extra charges and generally what kind of reports is needed. Here's a draft idea:
Any comments/ideas?
Oleg, Product designer @ Payments team
Jon Carlson commented
I have figured out the QB export. However, when I have a new member sign up (or a renewal), I have a basic membership fee, and the user can optionally check another box or two for additional things to pay for.
When I manually view the invoice, the items selected are individually broken out.
But the IIF file that is prepared to import into Quicken has the invoice item amounts broken out into the SPL records, but every item has the same QB "Account" tagged, i.e. Income:Membership. I need the base membership fee to have one Account (Income:Membership) and the additional items to have a different Account (Income:MyItem1, Income:MyItem2, etc).
The items paid for are reflected in the memo field. I just can't get it to be reflected in the QB Account field for categorization. Yes, I could go into QB and fix it manually, but the point of computers is to do that sort of thing for us and eliminate errors along the way. Thanks.
Shelbi Hoffman commented
I vote for the feature! I have a client that charges a membership fee, but gives the options for membership materials to be shipped for $20. We would like to easily break out this fee instead of having to track it manually. I would also vote for the ability to add donation fields within the membership application/renewal process.
Mark Millsap commented
We run a "Makerspace" (shared tools, knowledge and inspiration for benefit of members and public) that includes monthly membership dues and "other" charges throughout the month, such as time on laser cutter, shop consumables, and goodies (tee shirts, electronic parts and pieces, etc.). Would love to be able to add these other charges to member account and send comprehensive invoice once a month. We could also add charges via API to member accounts. That would be nice.
Rob commented
This would make it much easier for our treasurer to reconcile income that flows in through WA vs. income that is gathered at club meetings, etc.