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62 results found
Admin will have the ability to create a surveySurveys are comprised of multiple questions, which are often inter-related or at least all concern a similar subject. Members or guests would have to ability to participate in a survey and answer the questions. Admins would be able to view the survey in the administrative side of the site and be able to see the ongoing results for each survey. Additionally, admins may only invite a certain group of people to participate in a survey.
There are a number of ways that this can be done, and a…
137 votes -
Polls, send reminder(s) to non-responders to vote
Polls - once created, you should have the ability to email non-respondents reminder(s) to vote
81 votes -
Open poll for public not only for logged in members. Do not require login to vote
From a client:
Our polls need to be able to be open to the public and not just logged in members.76 votes -
We are doing a survey on a recent event and it seems I can't just send to event attendees.
I'd love to be able to select the list from either all, member level, groups or events.
This will save me having to create a group for an event just for the polls.
Can you please add this???
72 votes -
Poll a subset of contacts or members (e.g. by status, zip code)
I'd like the ability to poll a subset of members, using an list generated by an advanced contact search. For example, it would be helpful to be able to have a new-member poll or a poll of members in certain zipcodes.
59 votes -
To show the poll results on the website
(From a client) Have a gadget to show the responses in a fun graph or chart. For fun polls to show useful results.
49 votes -
Embed the poll
From a client:
Would love to easily embed the poll rather than link to it40 votes -
Edit poll after published, e.g. fix typo
If you make a mistake there is no way of going back in and editing the poll
38 votes -
Poll Changes
- Need to have ability to make basic text edits even once the poll has gone live.
- Need to have ability to export results to excel or word.
- Need to have ability to send reminder for polls but only to those who have not responded.
- If can't send above reminder then need to have ability to download to spreadsheet those who already responded we can manually remove them and send email.Overall polls are not useful in their current form and have caused me more work. Until changes are made I will not use them in…
37 votes -
Polling conditional questions
We would like a conditional questions, where the questions may or may not be displayed, conditional upon the answer to a previous question.
36 votes -
Poll questions re-order
Once the poll question is entered, there is no way to order the questions. You have to pre-design and ensure the questions are created in the right order.
34 votes -
Set the exact time the poll should start and close
Polls - would like to be able to set the exact time the poll should close.
32 votes -
Re-open poll or extend voting period
Hi, I love the new polling feature! Some feedback based on our first use is that it would be nice to be able to reopen a poll after it has been closed and also, it would be nice to be able to extend the date of a poll if voting numbers are trending low. Thanks!
30 votes -
Control the access to poll results
(From a client) Access controls for restricting access to results (think of an election scenario)
28 votes -
Add gadget that list all open polls
(from a client) Have a Poll Gadget to add to web pages. Gadget should list all open Polls that are either Public or that logged on user is authorized to. For users that are not logged on (ie Public) – restricted polls should be shown but not selectable. There should be wording indicating that these Polls require login to access
23 votes -
Enable Proxy Voting for formal Votes (boards)
Allow Proxy Voting on Polls
We want to use the Poll feature for Board votes, but sometimes a board member can't go online but gives their Proxy to the Board Secretary to Vote on their behalf. So, we need Admin access to add Votes on behalf of specific Voters, without having to Login to their user account. The Proxy vote on behlf of a designated Voter should be registered to that User Account and record Who (which User with Admin priv. cast the Proxy Vote).22 votes -
Printing Poll results
Would like the ability to print the results of a poll. Thank you!
21 votes -
Offer Multiple Announcement Emails
Enhance polling capability to allow for multiple "announcement emails" similar to the event announcement capabilities. This would enable us to invite members to take the poll and not send the email to members that have already taken the poll.
19 votes -
Add a manual response to the poll
In Polls, be able to add a manual response (we have some people who don't use a computer), where an admin can log on and complete the poll for them.
16 votes -
Ability to edit 'Thank you' message for the poll
This feature has promise! Really need a little bit more control over editing... ability to edit poll thank you message. "Thank you for your vote" will not work for a membership survey.
15 votes
- Don't see your idea?