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62 results found
Turning poll questions into common fields
We'd like to survey our members about their interests, and then have their responses be automatically saved in a common field on their contact forms. Is it possible to create poll questions that can be captured as common fields for contacts/members?
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Include short or long answer responses in Polls
Will Wild Apricot include short or long answer responses on Polls in the near future?
Can you set up a poll so a member can only respond once?
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Allow to upload files by users to poll responses
(From a client) Allow users to upload files.
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It would be great if can allowing ranking in polls i.e first choice, second choice etc... and a way to stop participants voting the same nominee as their first and second chocie
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Revise mandatory two-answer minimum
Polls - currently, the system mandates two answers. In our instance, we're using the poll for elections, and have some positions with a single candidate and a write-in option. So each today has three choices: The candidate's name, Write-In, and Other. Our fear is they will choose "write-in" and not be able to conclude there is no write-in functionality with that choice. It would be crazy-town if "write-in" wins the election!
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Polls update - see anon participants but not their entries
Client would like polls to have a feature where anon responses can still record WHO voted without seeing their responses. This is to verify that they actually voted.
4 votes -
Increase lenght of answers in Polls
We use the membership poll for elections, which works great! But we also use the poll so that members can vote on proposed bylaws amendments. The body of the poll is limited on space. It would be great if this was not limited. Each question in the Q & A portion is also limited. Could there be an option for an unlimited question text box which would allow us to enter the current bylaw language and the proposed bylaw language the allow the user to vote. Not all questions are short and sweet. I think all users would appreciate the…
4 votes -
Support dividing questions into sections in polls
Polls / surveys often include groups of questions on a particular topic. It would be helpful if polls could be a bit more structured, allowing the questions to be divided into sections with a heading for each section.
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Allow the respondents to be able to see the question numbers in the poll
Allow the respondents to be able to see the question numbers in the poll not just the admin.
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Fix the damn polling mechanism
The poll feature offered via the email tab cannot be trusted to pick up the "Poll Description" in a newly created poll. Instead, the automatically-generated email for the poll inserts a description from a previous poll.
This is not something a user should have to figure out. It's something we should be able to count on the system doing correctly.
Please fix.
3 votes -
More flexible formatting for polls
Poll formatting is very limited and can only be changed by means of CSS. Even so, it is difficult to figure out which classes to write CSS for.
1. Questions are formatted with H2. This is wrong. Just because the only hierarchical level currently above the question is the page title does not make a question a header!
2. H* formats should be reserved for real headers, such as section headers (see https://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist/suggestions/42891228-support-dividing-questions-into-sections-in-polls).
Possible solutions:
1. Provide a rich-text editable template as is done for some other forms, like invoices, where one can apply standard formatting for all polls.…3 votes -
Most Recent Polls At Top of List
Have the most recently created or open polls listed at the top. I want to keep a record of previous polls, because we are doing elections this way, but I don't want to scroll through multiple years to view results for the ones that are currently open or being created.
3 votes -
allow a member to change their vote
in our elections which are run via paper ballots. At our annual shareholder meetings, members can submit a new vote over riding their mailed in ballot (based on information they recieved after they voted)
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Add more answer types in polls
Why are there only radio buttons and check boxes when creating a poll. The ability to add a drop down, text box (not the Add Other Option) etc...will be very useful.
Also, when you preview a Poll you should see it exactly as it will look. Currently, the text box from the Add Other Option only shows after the Poll is published which makes no sense!
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Log poll participation on member records as well as in the poll itself
Currently there's no way of seeing in a member's record which polls they participated in - the only way to measure their engagement is to look through each poll in turn and see if a member's recorded as an individual response. It would seem a logical extension of the functionality of a member's record if poll participation appeared there, in those cases where individual responses are recorded.
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Lapsed members redirected to generic /Sys/Error/403 when voting
I'm on a 30-day trial and tried an election style poll. Some of my test members have lapsed memberships. When they click on the poll link and login they are sent to a generic /Sys/Error/403 page saying
Access denied (error 403)
Sorry, but you have been denied access to the requested page or resource. (You might also see this message if you have been automatically logged out due to inactivity for reasons. Log out and log in again.)I was expecting something more informative like: "Sorry, your membership has lapsed. You are unable to take this poll. Please renew your…
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Introduce Min amount of replies required per poll to complement the max amount of replies
As a result of the Covid- 19, face-to-face voting held during AGMs will have to be replaced by online voting.
Despite that the polls functionality is fantastic, we are not able to make use of it. Currently, the system allows you to enter the maximum number of responses required by the respondent. Is there no possibility of introducing the minimum amount? Example: Minimum no of replies is 4, maximum is 7.
Thanks in advance for looking into the matter.
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Limit number of votes per option in poll, if one member selected it is not available for others
I would like to be able to poll members to pick a date when they take a specific assignment. In this case, when someone else picks one of the options, it is not available to the next person taking the poll. Sampling without replacement, as it were.
Eric2 votes -
Auto-Tabulation of Survey or a Special Survey Program
Is there a way to send a survey to our membership and then have the results automatically tabulated by the responses made, such as the number of Yes and No, etc responses? I know we can "email blast the question(s), but the responses would need to be manually tabulated. For 1100+ members that could be a great task.
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automate publishing of poll
We would like to automate the publishing of our poll. Once the poll is completed at midnight on that certain date, we would like results to automatically be emailed out to all members. In addition, it would be helpful to have the option to automate the email to be automatically released to members on the day the poll opens.
1 vote
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