Lapsed members redirected to generic /Sys/Error/403 when voting
I'm on a 30-day trial and tried an election style poll. Some of my test members have lapsed memberships. When they click on the poll link and login they are sent to a generic /Sys/Error/403 page saying
Access denied (error 403)
Sorry, but you have been denied access to the requested page or resource. (You might also see this message if you have been automatically logged out due to inactivity for reasons. Log out and log in again.)
I was expecting something more informative like: "Sorry, your membership has lapsed. You are unable to take this poll. Please renew your membership first and then you can vote". Ideally this would be a customizable message/page including support for tag substitution similar to the email templates.
(I'm guessing there are several other cases where lapsed members might have direct links to a "members only" web page and they get redirected to this generic 403 error. So this could be generalized to other cases).