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164 results found
Let Admins "un-void" an invoice
We ABSOLUTELY need to be able to resurrect/"un-void" invoices that have been expired. It is possible that a member mails a check and it arrives after due date, but I will honor the post mark if it is before the deadline. I want to be able to "un-void" an invoice, and not need to generate a new one.
12 votes -
MYOB integration
It would be fantastic for Wild Apricot to integrate with MYOB as it does with QuickBooks. Thank you!
12 votes -
Event Registration to NOT create invoice
We are not using the financial components of WA and do not want event registration to create an invoice.
11 votes -
Limiting discount codes
In a previous event registration system I used, I could create coupon codes and then limit the number of times it could be used. The way that I used it was to create each of my sponsor companies their own code, and then limit it to however many discounts they were allowed (i.e. one level of sponsorship gets 2 free attendees to all events, so I would make the coupon be a 100% discount and limit it to being used twice).
Right now, it appears that you can do ONE coupon per registration level. I prefer not to do that…
11 votes -
need different receipt for membership/event
It appears that we have 2 customizable receipts:
Payment receipt
Donation receipt
However, we would like to give different wording on receipts for membership versus events. Our memberships are tax deductible, so we need to include our non-profit, tax deductible blurb on that receipt. But it could be confusing for someone who pays for a class, as those payments are not tax deductible. Any chance for help on this?
11 votes -
member can apply discount to existing invoice
apply a discount at checkout, and validate the discount is applicable for that items being invoiced.
10 votes -
Print watermarks on invoices
Some organizations create hard copies of invoices for accounting. It would be beneficial when printing invoices to print out the Paid or a VOID watermark on an invoice.
10 votes -
Consolidated Invoice to Non-Member/Contact
We have bundles but the person who pays is invariably not a member (nor should they be). We have no way to send a bundle invoice to a non-member for payment. This is causing a LOT of issues.
In addition, we often need to manually create an invoice to set up an invoice outside of WA to allow an organization to pay for memberships and open event invoices for a single payment.
This is an extremely painful and manual process. Sometimes, we can find a way to do this (please see attached example), but most of the time, we can't.
10 votes -
Payment due date for manual invoices
I would really like to be able to add a "payment due" date in a specific field when raising a manual invoice.
When creating an invoice, this would appear as a date field to complete. It could then be inserted into the invoice template using a macro. For convenience it could deafult to invoice date +30 days (for example). Although some companies might have standard payment terms (eg pay within 30 days of invoice date), we need to be able to give a specific due date for every invoice issued.
However, it would perhaps be most useful for reporting. When…
10 votes -
We would like to have the ability to add more than one fully integrated bank account to use in our website. I would think that you would be working diligently on this NOW as it is an easy way for Wild Apricot to capture more revenue.
9 votes -
A summary breakdown of charges showing a line item for each calc field choice along with total of payment due
Our organization has at least six calculation fields for each member level. Our member forms are long and complicated with calculation fields spread throughout. It would be very helpful if a breakdown is presented to the applicant/member that shows each item and the cost of the item they selected along with the total before payment is made. Without a summary that shows each charge, it’s difficult for the applicant/member to review the charges, spot a mistake or change their mind about their selections. Many members select an item or the wrong item without realizing it until after they have submitted…
9 votes -
Download only paid invoices into Quickbooks for Cash based accounting
I would like to download only those payments that I have received for invoices into quickbooks instead of all invoices which unpaid invoices are treated as A/R. I have some members who may decide not to renew so they don't pay the invoice, so I have to go back to my QB to void the invoice--extra work I don't always remember to do! Downloading only those paid invoices gives me only cash basis accounting instead of accrual.
9 votes -
Discount Coupon Codes Reporting
We are using discount coupon codes both to drive attendance at events and to drive membership. Our marketing model incentivizes the sales reps who call on our target audience to sell our events and memberships. When someone uses that rep's code, they get an incentive payment.
Currently the only way to track who used a given code is to manually open each code and report on it. This becomes quite burdensome with 40 or 50 sales reps involved.
We would request an upgrade that consolidates the reporting for these -- either:
A discount coupon report that shows the member name,…
9 votes -
Print Multiple member receipts at 1 time
REEAAAALLY wish we could print all receipts based a search criteria.. I'm having to currently print 1800 receipts 1 account at a time.. =(
8 votes -
QUANTITY Field For Invoices
It would be great to have a QUANTITY field in the Invoice.
8 votes -
Assign income codes to financial transactions
It would be helpful if Wild Apricot offered the option to automatically assign a certain transaction type with an income code.
We currently add the income revenue buckets that we use to the transactions on a monthly basis, and this would save us a lot of work!
It would be helpful if, for example, we could assign all revenue from membership dues for both new and renewing members to "4100 - Membership Income"; all revenue from monthly programs to "4200 - Program Income", and so forth.
8 votes -
Sage Accounting
Can you have WA sync with Sage Accounting?
8 votes -
Allow admin to record membership recurring payment starting from next renewal period
This may be specific to auth.net which we use. If one wishes to start recurring payments the apricot/auth.net process requires the initial payment to be made at the time the recurring payments are launched. We have run across multiple instances where we wish to start recurring payments at some point in the future but not credit the member's cards now. For instance we just had a case where someone had recently paid to join via check but for future payments wished to pay by credit card; Our alternatives are for the member or ourselves to remember to set up recurring…
8 votes -
Ability to Report Membership Income by Membership Year
Our finacial reports require disclosure of dues paid for future membership years based on membership expiration (e.g., renewal) date. Many of our members pay dues for several years into the future. It would be great if there were an option on the income report to show either the summary totals by membership year or optionally list the detail along with the total.
8 votes -
Attach membership invoice to bundle members
When a bundle administrator changes the renewal invoice goes with the original person. It would be best if invoices could be associated with the bundle and not the individual.
7 votes
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