Membership Trends Reporting
Retaining your membership is important to your organization. While Wild Apricot gives you the ability to do automatic renewals and send out reminders for non-automatic renewals, some have suggested that it would be handy to be able to report on this.
Create the ability for administrators to be able to run reports on renewal rates for members.
The important thing for this is that we identify what information should be in the reports. At first blush, I can imagine:
* In a year, how many renewals were done before the renewal date, on the renewal date, and then certain days after renewal date (5 days after, 30 days after etc). This could be set up so that it gets the dates from the reminders that you've set up on your membership level.
* Attrition - How many members within a certain time period have not renewed or have been archived .
I'd love to hear what other information about your members renewal/membership status you'd like to be able to track and analyze.

Membership trends report is available now. You can compare how your membership base changes over time and how it affects the organization’s revenue.
Historical data is available from the beginning of 2020.
See this help article for details
More reports will follow.
For any changes in reporting, please create a separate topic.
Nancy Scanlan commented
I would like to be able to print them without the search criteria at the top of the report. Even better would be to be able to export to a word processor.
evemarie commented
The search features on members and the custom layouts have been helpful for producing reports about our members. It's very helpful to export to excel, but I've been unable to export only the fields that are required, so we are doing a lot of work to get a report that can be distributed to our steering committee.
I would like to be able to print these reports with custom layouts, or export them to a word processing software. The print command prints the search criteria at the top of the report.
Thank you!
Dmitry Buterin commented
@roger111 - appreciate you posting the ideas on this matter.
Would love to hear from other users - is this something you are looking for, anything lacking/you would like to see in a different way etc.
roger111 commented
This is a follow up on the membership reporting. Any organization that wants to control its membership will probably be looking for statistics on:
Member numbers by level at a date.
Subsequent Additions and losses to those numbers during selected periods by month for a year for instance.
Member numbers at the end of the period so all these figures can reconcile.
At present there does not seem any method of extracting this due to the lack of basic information in the database. If it were I suppose we could dump the database into excel and massage it as a short term solution but we cannot deal with a lack of fundamental information.
The dashboard also is lacking as it does not show a coherent view of how the information should be displayed. Additions are treated differently from lapses. Despite the fact that most organizations will work in calendar months the additions are on a 30 day calendar - I suppose this speaks more to the ease of setting up a simple 30 day rule.
In a perfect world the database would capture the required information. There would be a reporting system in the dashboard that would be meaningful and allow the management to understand if the trends of membership were good or bad related to periods and that this with the ability to see the details and print them out would be complemented with a graph of the results. If not the ability to push this out to excel for graphical manipulation.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Thanks Gordon, appreciate the details. We do need to understand the general variety/direction of reports so that we can produce a customizable reporting tool.
About exporting - understood and makes good sense. You might want to create a separate thread so that this can be properly prioritized.
Gordon Stewart commented
Dmitry -
I currently produce a membership report from a program I wrote that scans the membership Export All file and counts the stuff that's important to me and my board. But this is a report that is personalized to my needs and whose content and format is not relevant or of interest to other WA customers.
I suspect that any attempt you make to come up with a fixed format membership report will satisfy a few WA users but fail to meet the unique needs of all the others. I urge you therefore to not produce membership (or any other?) reports but rather to provide tools for your users to produce their own reports.
There is a great example of a flexible and very powerful reporting tool in the Wild Apricot Event Registration Report. This is a wonderful tool that could fill the vast majority of membership reporting needs and it automatically adapts itself to the unique characteristics if each user's data.
It would be a great first step for you to provide this tool to report on membership data. It may be necessary to produce additional reports where this general tool falls short but this reporting tool would satisfy most general reporting requirements.
There is one other absolutely essential feature of any report - it must be exportable. All of these reports must have a "Copy" button or some way for them to be pasted into Excel or directly into emails or other documents. The preferred format for these reports would be tab delimited .txt files. Without the ability to export or cut 'n paste these reports they are just data on the screen and are of no particular value.
My membership report is shown below. While I concede that many of the items on this report could not be produced by the Event Registration Report the important details are the number of members falling into the various membership categories which is exactly what the Event Registration Report does so well.
SRCC Membership Report as of Wed May 12 17:06:17 2010
Count of Individual Memberships is 538
Count of Family Memberships is 290Total Memberships 828
Count of extra family members is 484
Total memberships + family members 1312
Count of 1, 2, 3 yr, reccur memberships is 777, 12, 14, 25.
Count of new members last month 27
Count of email newsletters to members 684
Count of print newsletters to members 144
Count of Complementary memberships is 42
Count of newsletters to Comp members is 38The average age of 360 members who have reported is 51 years and 318 days.
# of members by age range is:
0-10 years = 0
11-20 years = 1
21-30 years = 8
31-40 years = 46
41-50 years = 99
51-60 years = 119
61-70 years = 73
71-80 years = 13
81-90 years = 1
91-99 years = 0 -
Dmitry Buterin commented
Gordon, can you elaborate - what kind of membership reports would you ideally like to see in Wild Apricot? I would appreciated detailed examples.
Anne_K commented
I agree, a report like this would be nice. I received a survey from Wild Apricot and one question asked to describe our membership growth pattern over the last year. My answer was my best guess because I don't have specific numbers. The only way I can think of to get exact numbers is to look at each member's renewal date, but I don't have that kind of time. It would be very helpful to have a report on the number of active members in each calendar year.
ht2151 commented
Another vote for this one. Currently I manually go in and check to see when the member renewed (After Reminder 1, 2, 3 or 4 was sent to them) and store this information in an Excel file. Adding another field where WA would automatically capture this info would be SUCH a time saver.
I could see the report columns as:
- Transaction date
- Transaction type (new, renewal, or lapsed)
- If renewal, include the number of reminders they were sentI also include a field for how they first heard about us, and how long they've been subscribed to our email newsletter before joining. That's specific to our organization, but if you could customize those columns that would be great.
iant commented
I haven't thought this one through yet as we are also not currently using the automatic renewal facility because of the lack of invoices.
Off the top of my head though we'd probably only be interested in basic data on a monthly basis, stuff like who renewed after 1st reminder or 2nd reminder etc. are not of great interest.
worthing and adur chamber of commerce -
Patricia Eggers commented
I would also like to have Renewal reports on membership. I have not yet gone thru the renewal cycle yet with Wild Apricot, so may have more to add to this topic later this year. However did want to add that in addition to renewal rates by dates of the reminder notices, I would also like a final one for whatever date the report is run on. As a ski club, we have members who join late in the membership year to go on specific trips later in the season, and it might be long after the last reminder notice goes out, so I'd like to be sure to capture those renewals on the report also. Also would want to make sure there is a final renewal rate calculated for the entire membership base, regardless of date renewed.
Dmitry Buterin commented
We would love to get as much detail as possible - what kind of data exactly would you ideally like to see.
Meagan commented
You have NO idea how much we would love this feature. As it stands now We often have to come up with this exact data. I run reports and export total number of lapsed members in given time period , etc, and it takes a bit of massaging the data to come up wtih this info... You would make my life so much easier if it were done in WA.....
Could you consider adding to the report statistics how many people changed membership levels.... such as renewed at an individual level rather than maintaining membership at a business level.
Josh Hunt commented
I'd like to see how many members I had as of, say, the first of the month for the last 12 months. Is my group growing?
Rgm5602 commented
I want to query my member database to determine how many active members we had in prior years. For example, how many members did we have in 2012? I have set criteria for member status=active and member since<12/31/2012. My problem is that I need to count members who have been members since 2009, unless they lapsed before 1/1/2012 and were not active during 2012. I cannot figure out how to do that with the advanced query structure.
Niki Passmore commented
I would love for there to be options to make reports on membership statistics. For example, every month at our Board Meeting, I'm expected to submit a report that gives the following information:
1. Number of New Members and what membership categories they are in
2. Number of Members Up for Renewal, and the Number of those that did renew
3. The renewal rate, or percentage of those members that renew
Although I can finagle the Wild Apricot Software to come up these numbers, it seems it shouldn't be as difficult as it currently is. The renewals are particularly difficult to track. It also needs to have adjustable date periods from which to pull information for the report.
docjohn commented
This suggestion was first made over 3 years ago, with no followup.
The success of any nonprofit is tied to the renewal rate of their membership. Today, Wild Apricot doesn't really offer such a report. You can sort of devise a custom advanced search to get at this data, but it doesn't provide you with basic statistics any nonprofit needs to grow:
#1 - What's your membership renewal rate over all time? Past 3 months? Past 6 months? Past year? A specified time period?
#2 - Are older members (greater than 3 years' membership) renewing at a different rate than newer members (1 year old members)?
#3 - What's the membership rate in different membership levels (assuming you have more than one level)? And provide the same ability to lookup the renewal statistics by data as in #1 above.
#4 - Industry statistics. What is your renewal rate compared to other nonprofits in your specific industry who are also using Wild Apricot? Choose from a drop down of a few dozen topic areas, and then show what the industry average is. MailChimp provides data like this for open rates of mailings.
Thanks for the consideration!
bmaurey commented
Would like to have reports on membership numbers such as renewals in the past month, new members, reports that are based on membership input variables, etc. The reports are great in finances and in events, but there are none in membership.
Todd Buegler commented
One thing that would be very helpful for us is if there was an "at a glance" tracking of our membership tracking rates over time. What percentage of our members are we keeping...what percentage are we losing...etc...
That would be very valuable for us.
Thank you!
jamieatl commented
Facebook sends a weekly "Insights" email showing us how many Likes our page received. Google Analytics provides a wealth of customized report automation.
My organization would like to see a weekly, automated report from Wild Apricot with high-level membership trend data, such as:
- Members: how many members we currently have
- Trend: how many members have we added or lost this week/month/year
- Finances: how much cash have we taken in over the past week/month/yearSince my org---a neighborhood-funded private security patrol---provides services based on how many members we have, we must log in and check our member levels weekly to set our patrol budget and schedule. It would be great to have something as simple as Facebook's automated email (which we can't customize) and HUGE to have something as flexible as Google Analytics' reporting tools, which enable us to create, memorize and schedule pretty much any type of report.
I imagine if the latter was rolled out---even at a simple level---it would give a wide range of Wild Apricot clients/orgs a great deal of actionable intelligence, including:
- Events: daily updates on how many members have registered, etc
- eMail Logs: open/CTR data sent automatically 1, 2, and 3 days after a blast
- Bail-outs: weekly list of members who've lapsed (time to pick up the phone)
- Donations: weekly financial report