Customization of Email sent during Membership Level Change workflow
When a member changes there level, the system automatically sends them an email. Since there is an option to choose "manual payment", we need to be able to add our physical address to the email.

We're currently working on customizing level change emails.
Jenna Keindel commented
Our members change levels all the time
The get a boring un personal email "Lever change complete"
They NEED to be getting the "Thank you for being a Member, we value you..." Retention is important. Our "Renewal Competed" emails have lots of important promos and over quick links and it allows us to let them know we appreciate them being part of our organization....I agree that the acknowledgment email they receive is embarrassing and amateurish looking.
Becky Parsons commented
Please make these emails customizable as are other membership emails:
• “Member level change initiated”
• “Member level change succeeded”These system emails are poor looking emails. When people change their membership level, they are typically wanting to support the organization at a HIGHER monetary level, and they are selecting a new member level that has a higher dues amount.
And for their monetary “gift” to the organization, the acknowledgment email they receive is embarrassing and amateurish looking.
We need to be able to customize these system emails with our logo and appropriate appreciation verbiage to thank and acknowledge their level of commitment and desire to support our organization at a higher level.
When I made this request to Wild Apricot, the response was "this is currently not possible". Please make it possible! Thank you.
Becky Parsons commented
I just noted this request has been outstandng since 2010 - over 9 years ago!
Please allow customization of the “Membership Level Change Initiated” and "Member level change succeeded" automated emails.
The “Customize default membership emails” screen specifically states, “Note: the following emails cannot be customized: “Member level change initiated” and “Member level change succeeded.” Why not?
All our other default membership emails have been customized with our logo and member-friendly verbiage. These emails look awful and totally uninviting! The sentence structure looks primitive. What an embarrassing representation of our organization!
Mattias Umaerus commented
I agree that this is needed, as the member changes level we need to be able to automatically provide them with new information for the new membership.
Rob commented
I support many of the request in this thread. We also need the fundamental ability to customize level change emails. If someone goes from a free level to a paid level for example, we should be thanking them!
Becky Parsons commented
We need to be able to customize the “Member Level Change Initiated” and the “Member Level Change Succeeded” automated emails.
The Membership emails screen states, “Note: the following emails cannot be customized: "Member level change initiated" and "Member level change succeeded".
Please allow these emails to be customized! This system email format looks awful! We want all our emails to have our logo, branding message, and a welcoming and appreciative content. It’s critical to look professional and appreciate our members when they increase their membership level!
We are starting a campaign to appeal to our members to change their membership levels from annual memberships to monthly sustaining memberships, which will increase the amount of their financial commitment and support. It will be an embarrassment to have this automated email sent to them.
Please allow us to make these emails professional looking!
Kyle Bisley commented
Yet another customer interested in being able to edit these emails. We would like to use the member change email to send an email template to our security desk to automatically change the members security level. At present we have to do this manually.
It would be nice to be able to send multiple emails at member level changes similar to the present new member application process. OR be able to have member level changes go through the current framework for new member applications.
Aleksey Tsalolikhin commented
When I get an email like: to board
administration notice: Member John Doe successfully changed membership level.It only creates a mystery for me. What was their level before? What is it now? Could you please include this vital information?
We just didn’t have time to fix this :)
Chris commented
What's the status of this change request? I do not understand why we have complete control over all emails EXCEPT level change emails. Why???
Jenna Keindel commented
Not only the ability to add physical address... BUT All these members should also AUTOMATICALLY get the "activation email" as its a very important email that has all the good stuff... I hate that I have to remember to go in and look up the ones that changed levels to manually send them the "Welcome email" with links to the events and links to news.
-Jenna- -
Stephen commented
Would love to customize the member level change confirmation email to include a link to a specific donation page.
New member and renewal member emails have been customized to invite a donation, but we have "Non-Member x" membership levels to assign contacts to groups for multi-event and program emailing. When those members upgrade to a paid membership level, there is apparently no way to ask them for a donation, or link/ send them to a specific donation page.
Chris commented
We can customize every other email automatically sent to our members and prospects. Why not this one? Even before we get full customization, the ability to change the message OR the email distribution would be most welcome.
Thomas Bahls commented
Being able to customize a level-change e-mail template would be great: the system-generated version is pretty plain compared to the customization we've done to the other membership-related messages.
But I would also be happy with simply sending the "member activation" message on a level change as suggested by user groovamatic.
groovamatic commented
The best adjustment for us would be if level change triggered the "member activation" email for the target level. Since this email is sent once a member has paid for or been approved for the level, it is where we put all key new member information. If we had the option to send this when a member "changes into" that level, it would address this issue.
As it is, members coming from other levels get no information about the unique programs/features of the new level, and are thus not greeted properly as new member types.
Since there are fairly unique programs with most of our levels, putting them all in a generic level change email is not a solution.
SMA Member Administration commented
Allow the level change e-mails to be personalised so that those organisations who need further information from members before confirming a change can make this plain.
Jeffrey Hill commented
We also need the ability to just turn off these emails, as well as the ability to customize them.
Megan commented
This is a critical change needed for us. We provide members with a lot of information when they renew, that they'll need for the upcoming year. However anyone who changes levels misses out on this email completely.
Ridgewood Pool commented
Approximately half of our members "Change Member Level" annually. Of those, ~2/3 we can anticipate, the other ~1/3 we can not. Years 2-4 of membership are when almost all of the level changes occur. So we get a member in the door, make a good impression their first year, then for the next 2-4 years, all they get from us when they return is some non-customized raw-format junk mail that is meaningless to them, using terms that are unfamiliar and meaningless to them, rather than my customized "Welcome!" email that they SHOULD get which contains all the information and policy they need for the year. There is no automated way to send this out.
I just discovered after 4 years of using Wild Apricot that those Level Change members have not been receiving their Welcome email that I've so carefully crafted for each membership level. I now have to figure out some manual way to send Level Change members the information that they need, but there is also no good way to search for Level Change members to send those emails once they're active, which is the only time a Welcome email should be sent. This is a gigantic problem.
There is no reason that everything else that is sent to our members is customizable EXCEPT this. It's inexcusable that we pay Wild Apricot $100/mo at a professional level and can't reach HALF our 500-family membership automatically unless we comb through and send manual emails to each individual member.
The "Level Change Initiated" email is redundant junk mail since they get an invoice already, and obviously, they know they've changed their level. At least the "Level Change Completed" email confirms their registration was received, even though it's worthless beyond that. Those two emails alone train my members not to bother opening the emails they receive from us. They get THREE emails after they hit "submit" with nothing they don't already know. Most of the time they have written their check and dropped it in the mail before they have even gotten those emails. Why should members who change their level be treated so callously while everyone else is allowed to get the information from us that they need?
This needs to be fixed NOW as it is negatively affecting our member retention due to perceived poor communication that is completely out of our control. This makes me consider going back into Excel Hell if $100/month can't even get half of my members a simple automated CUSTOMIZED welcome email after their payment is received. Wild Apricot, you need to do better.
Jon Crossno commented
It would be great if there were a way to customize the "Member level change initiated" and "Member level change succeeded" emails. All of the other membership emails can easily be branded with the organization's logo, and customized text can be applied to them that would be very helpful and specific to the various membership levels. However, not being able to customize the level change emails may make it more difficult for our members to understand what is going on, and they may be unaware that they are "official" emails.