Dmitry Buterin
My feedback
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100 votesDmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
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10 votesDmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commentedSteve, thanks for posting. Before we go into a (potentially very broad) topic of dynamic pages/APIs, I wonder if this can be narrowed down to something with a simpler solution,
Can you give us more examples of stuff you would want to display on the page?
You should be able to display member's name already, see examples here:
Your other example was Chapter name - which I assume would be a field in the member record?
11 votesDmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commentedCan you elaborate - why would you need a gadget to list past events?
11 votesDmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commentedIn our next version 4.3 payments will be fully decoupled from invoices/transactions - e.g. it will be possible for one payment to cover event registration AND a membership application. (Though donations are treated separately/differently as they do not have 'invoices')
So I would like to wait until version 4.3 (early December) and then resume this conversation to review possible ways to address this request.
3 votesDmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commentedThe challenge is that receipts correspond to payments and payment can be for one or multiple invoices. This will become even bigger consideration in v 4.3 (early Dec 2011) when we will allow paying any combination of open invoices online. So event-specific payment receipt does not look like the best path to explore - though I would love to hear feedback/ideas on this.
One idea we have - and we will try to include it in 4.3 - is to enable event field macros in templates, then it would be possible to collect address fields on events and then include those.
20 votesDmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commentedGood point, thanks for bringing this up!
11 votesDmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commentedThanks, that's a very important point for us to keep in mind.
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commentedGordon, good point.
I wonder if we should take it a step further: scan emails and and provide a warning if it contains unrecognized macro. What do you think?
5 votesDmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commentedOK, thanks for elaborating. Let's see what other users have to say on this.
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commentedCan you elaborate further on why not use an advanced search? You can create a saved search for quick access.
43 votesDmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commentedThis has been raised - personally I have a number of concerns (e.g. if you have several levels of access, this can easily lead to visitor confusion and frustration - I am logged in, why can't see this page? Also, I believe many user might find it unsecure to share even the existence of some pages with public visitors)
Also I feel that much better approach is to create some public-visible content with some excerpts/teasers - it would likely be much more attractive than just page names.
I would love to hear from others on this.
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commented#1 is part of what we do in CMS redesign - will be available in version 5.0 (Q1 2012)
So let's focus this thread on #2. This has come up before and I would like to get more input/comments:
Should restricted pages always be hidden from menu/shown in menu/user choice? And why.
15 votesDmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commentedvery cool collaboration to come up with a useful and functional way to handle officers!
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commentedThanks for posting - appreciate the detailed wrap up. This definitely sounds like something we should be considering - I know many clubs can use this - though I could not find prior posts on our wishlist. So we will now collect comments/votes and put this into our enhancements queue for future versions.
9 votesDmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commentedMy point is not that I doubt that staff should have higher level-access but rather that since each member might have a slightly different view, we need to come up with a sensible way for staff to have somewhat matching view - otherwise preview makes less sense it would not match the view of any particular member. Am I making sense?
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commentedThanks Robbi, it's a fair point, the challenge is that if admin is not a member, we need to figure out what to do with certain pages, e.g.
* What membership level should be assumed/emulated for access to member-only content, membership directory, event registration types etc.
* What to show instead of member own profile etc.
* Forms have to be disabled for actual processing (e.g. events, email subscriptions etc.)Bottom line I think in this case it would be something different like 'member preview' rather than member view for admins who are actually members - and I would appreciate thoughts from everyone on this.
127 votesDmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commentedJohn - what kind of membership information are you including into the invoice template? Have you considered sending that information in one of the membership emails instead?
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commentedHi Donna,
Can you tell us what kind of information would you ideally like to put on the membership invoice?
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commentedMax, have you considered using the Payment instructions in events to specify that payment is only taken only - and a different one for other invoices?
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commentedI would appreciate more details - what kind of differences would you like to have between those invoices and why?
32 votesDmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commentedThanks Alex.
I would appreciate comments from others who have similar needs, please add your comments.
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commentedAlex, Can you elaborate further - why do you want to categorize donations in this way, how this might be used?
15 votesDmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commentedThank for your posting. I would appreciate if you could elaborate - why do you consider these features necessary/how they would be typically used.
About your second note - can you please create a separate thread for this? We focus each thread on one enhancement so that it can be properly discussed/prioritized.
11 votesDmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commentedAppreciate the details, I understand your perspective now.
To be frank, since this applies to relatively narrow scenario (many events per day - not too common among our users; printing the calendar - also not very common vs. looking it up online), it's not something I envision us looking at for at least the next 12 months. However, the event calendar itself has not been updated in a while so there is a good chance that we will end up redesigning that - and when we do, I will make a note to consider the printing aspect.
For the time being I hope you will manage with the workarounds/procedures you have described.
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commentedI tried it on my account and it worked pretty well for me. Please contact support and provide more details:
- specific page in question
- your browser/OS details
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commentedCan you elaborate - which calendars do you print and why/how it is being used?
6 votesDmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commentedInteresting idea. A bit similar to saved searches we already have but I guess integrated with filters UI.
I would appreciate comments from other users.
22 votesDmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commentedIt's not that we don't get it - it makes total sense. The question is only of priority - this request has to be considered with ~2000 other requests we are currently tracking. As of now, our main focus is new CMS in version 5.0, later in the year we have a number of enhancements for other modules, including forums. So we will do this - but it will have to wait its turn against more common requests.
13 votesDmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commentedHave you considered using membership application for this? You can create a special free level and have it on a separate page, with its own set of fields.
250 votesDmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commentedThanks for posting - I do not think this has been brought up before. We did have people ask about the ability to register for an event and apply for membership and then pay once. That scenario we will try to address in our next version 4.3 - it would basically allow a user to do two separate things first (event registration and membership application) and then pay for both invoice in one online transaction. What you are talking is different, here are the key things to consider:
1)this would apply to existing members only (renewal)
2) Currently we always force members to review/check their profile/record during renewal, would this apply as well?
3) Would this work with memberships with dynamic pricing based on selected options?
Anyway, I would appreciate comments from other users as well.
11 votesDmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commentedHi Gordon,
Yes, since release 4.2 Members in *lapsed* status get renewed from actual date of when they renew - while members in *active* status but with past renewal date get renewed from that old renewal date.
In next version 4.3 archived members will be able to renew.
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commentedHi Gordon,
We recognize the deficiency of current approach where archived members can't login or reapply - this is something we are working to change, maybe even in version 4.3 (just have to be careful with data security/privacy)
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commentedThe gist of what we have changed was in response to requests from many users - who made a very good point that if someone was overdue for long time, it does not make any sense for them to catch up on overdue fees, they might as well simply register as a new member with a different email. To make this more flexible we decided to use Active/Lapsed status as administrator-controlled switch on whether to renew member from his prior renewal date (Active status - this situation assumes member kept using his membership privileges and thus owes back dues) OR renew from date of current renewal (Lapsed status).
From the feedback we got back so far, looks like most clients liked this change.
I agree that this might be improved further, specifically I see two areas:
1) Better way to identify/act on records which are Active but overdue (maybe add one more renewal action step?)
2) If someone does owe backpay and is way overdue (more than the whole full renewal period), force them to catch up in full (vs, current functionality where they would only pay for one renewal period and would still not be fully caught up)
I would really appreciate comments from other users.
Thanks for posting - though for now I doubt this is feasible. Email is not a very reliable medium in terms of timely delivery, due to server loads on our side and/or recipients side actual time from initiating the sending to delivery can be in pretty broad range.
Nevertheless, maybe there is another way to improve in this are - e.g. send a few hours (2-4) before, etc.
I would appreciate comments from other users.