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390 results found
Changes to bundles needed!
I called and spoke to technical support about the bundle option. I have several agencies that I would love to setup using the bundle however, it seems the bundle can only be programmed as a set dollar amount. That is totally useless for organizations that have annual dues for members. We want to be able to give an agency the ability to add employees to their bundle and delete them when an employee leaves but they would need to pay the annual dues for each person as they add them instead of having a set number which they may or…
3 votes -
Membership Renewal in Membership Directory Information
For Membership Directories, it would be really really ideal to include the membership renewal date.
3 votes -
It would be great if there was a checklist version of the member list for meetings. When we print the list it has sensitive financial information we do not want showing when people are checking in.
2 votes -
Allow 0 in the "Limit renewal to within --- days of expiration" field in the renewal policy of a membership level. Currently, the field allows positive integers only. The minimum value it accepts is 1. which allows members to renew 1 day before the membership expiry date. My organization does not want that.
2 votes -
Attendance record for members
Need to have check-in attendance status available to members in their contact profile.
5 votes -
Reminder emails for memberships with a Pending status
Add an admin notification for membership applications that are stuck in a pending status. Currently, admins can receive an email when a membership application requiring approval is first created. But in many cases, this approval depends on a requirement being met or documentation being submitted. We need a way to be notified after a certain amount of time if the approval is still outstanding.
1 vote -
Member Profile - Common Fields - Hide email and phone from public view
It would be great to mask the email and phone on your public profile. For instance, the Customizable Common Fields in the Administrative Settings allows you to hide from the email and phone fields. However, this page will still show the email and phone regardless of the settings. I would propose having the Email allow a member to send that person a message to their email through the website, but not be able to actually see their email address. In addition, the phone number probably should at least be masked so all the thousands of spider bots that comb web…
2 votes -
custom member emails for each level
custom member emails for each level.
We like to provide our Members with their benefits, right in the activation email. Since they change from level to level, I would love the feature to set up different Welcome mails (activation) to each level.2 votes -
Get summary of member info by hovering mouse over their name
I'd like to be able to see a member's contact information (address, phone number) simply by moving my mouse over their name in an advanced search. Otherwise, I end up clicking on each name on the list to find their info, and then having to redo the whole advanced search because the back button doesn't take me back to the list created by my search.
1 vote -
I want to be able to add members manually after an event where they have paid for their membership. Short of having them fill out a form wit
I want to be able to add members manually after an event where they have paid for their membership. Short of having them fill out a form with all of the required data, is there a way of initiating a membership using just a name and e-mail address, then require the new member to fill out all of the required fields when they first log on?
1 vote -
Membership Past Performance Reports Needed!
Wild Apricot needs to find a way to capture membership numbers from the past. A past performance report has been requested by 2 of our clients. Again, Memberclicks offers this feature. I know this because one of our other clients uses that system. Please advise me of a way to do this if I am wrong.
3 votes -
Note death of member
It appears that there is no way to mark a member as deceased. We want to keep the information about the member and show relevant info about them (including date of death) but remove their email address from future mailings.
9 votes -
Daily membership
I'd like to see a daily membership option added. My application for the software is a little different than most but I do see a few similar requests and it doesn't seem like it would be that difficult to add that option. Thanks
3 votes -
Print additional member xsrd
Printing membership card for the additional household member in the members profile. Unable to do this function and for now have to manually change main member name-print-then change back.
1 vote -
No renewal membership option
Have a free trial membership level with no renewal but an option for paid membership.
11 votes -
Allow larger pictures in member fields
While you can add pictures as a member field, the images are too small to be of any real use. (110x110?) Please increase the image size limit. Other files up to 20mb can be uploaded, why not a picture of usable size?
7 votes -
Unique custom membership fields
It would be nice to be able to mark custom membership fields as unique (only one member may have a given value)
2 votes -
Allow different membership levels for bundle
I have business owners that own different business types which also have different membership fees. Bundle Administrators (Owners) should be able to have any type of member types assigned to them. They do not have multiple email address which is currently required. Also as a Bundle Administrator, I have to assign them personally as a member type that associates with the business type which then the system wants to charge them for. They are paying for the registered business they are the BA for. This has caused issues.
5 votes -
Setting limit on renewals
We have some life membership levels where people can choose to pay in full or pay monthly for a year. It would be nice to be able to have an option to limit payments for 12 renewal periods
1 vote -
Customize or brand the member Send message emails
We would like the ability to customize or brand the member Send message emails within the Directory.
2 votes
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