Custom Administrator Permissions - to define new admin roles and access permissions depending on an organization needs
Currently there are set administrator "roles." If an organization's administrators don't fall neatly into these roles, then they end up with either too many or not enough permissions. It would be nice to be able to customize administrator roles, and determine whether that type of admin has full access, read-only access, or no access to all of the items described in the tables on the Site Administrators help page. I.e. A page to create/edit a role with radio selection to determine access for that role for each feature of the site. This would be immensely helpful for reducing clutter for administrators that don't need to see certain features and menu tabs.

R M Amato commented
Absolutely agree that the roles need to be able to be defined by the customer to meet how their organization is set up and how they want the various people to have access to various administrator functions.
Don Koz commented
I absolutely do not want Event managers or other roles to see the Finances Section. We really need to be able to restrict this area.
Randy Getz commented
Our group needs a way to define Limited Administrators more granularly than offered today. For each page available to Limited Administrators not utilizing one of WA's pre-defined roles, we need three radio buttons to choose from the following: no access, read-only access, or read / write access. The default for Limited Administrators would be read-only access to all pages, allowing the webmaster to grant read / write as appropriate.
Best I can tell, today's role-based permissions grant read / write to some pages and NO access to others. If I am inaccurate, please let me know.
Nao Nozawa commented
I need to be able to further customize the Event Manager role so that some of our members can add/delete/modify events that they created by not those that others created.
jim commented
This has been an issue for us since day 1. It would be nice if I can assign a specific level to various tasks (administrative) and then assign each admin access to tasks based upon the rights/privileges assigned to them. This will prevent exploration in the system and potential mods that could have disastrous effects. Some that I may not be able to undo. Having a tighter front end makes sense to protect the system.
Randy Getz commented
I agree with other comments here. Specifically, I would like most of those who have limited admin read / write to be able to read MOST of the admin areas of the site. Most would not need to access the Account page and some would not need to access Membership details.
Del Ahlstedt commented
We are an organization that needs the ability to limit an administrator to a selected subset of information. Ideally through selection of a data base field. For example, an Administrator type that gives full capabilities based on the contents of a specific member database field. Such that Jane Doe as full administration capabilities, where the member database field "any_field" contains "defined_text". Again, this limited administrator would be able to manage emails, but could only send to members with "any_field" contains "defined_text".
Only a Full Administrator would be able to set the "any_field" contains "defined_text" limitation. -
John OBrien commented
Admin permissions is very weak, therefore not giving us the control we need to assign personel to certain aspects of the site. I would like to see access broken down to a lot more detail than page. We should be able to restrict access and assign a coordinator also to individual ROWS as well as GADGETS. Right now we have to do a lot of work to get around this shortcoming. Club Express provides this level of control, so why not WA?
Matthew Clark commented
Yet another vote for this. I'd like for our membership chair to be able to access the information involving membership, but not set up invoices, etc. So, I can either give her full read-only access to everything, or I can trust that she's not going to make changes to stuff she shouldn't.
In essence, allow each role to specify whether they have read only or full access to that role.
John Oldland commented
yes this feature would be very helpful to our organisation, Allowing access to Membership details is too much access for administrators we want to manage only a particular member level. It would be great to be able to assign admin rights to specific levels and groups without compromising the entire data. Privacy is an issue at the moment.
Robin Sapiro commented
Did you perhaps see that email from Phil Dolan
Chief Marketing Officer
Personify Corporation
today at about 11:48 EDT telling us all how wonderful things are going to be?
(Sort of sounded like a politician telling us what he would do if we elected him - 'stretch goals for those of you who live in ON').Anyway suggest replying to him with all the concerns.
Now sadly the reply to address is a generic address so who knows if he will see any responses.
Just a pity that a C suite executive hides behind a generic email address -
We are WCE commented
YES! I love WA but this feature is really needed to make the experience better!!
Alex Sirota commented
One thing I can recommend is if you need someone to look at content throughout the system but not make changes use the Read Only role. For many this is good enough to make decisions as exports can be made. Once things are running there usually is no need to make changes at all, so if you cannot abide by allowing module administrators to have access to make changes, then just switch them to full admin- read only. It works great!
This is an increasing issue around events and ability to edit contact data. Surely there can be something done to start tightening this up?
The bigger an organisation gets the more of an issue this becomes as tasks have to be delegated to many people. a busy operation will have lots of event organisers - and they shouldn't be able to change member data. -
Chad commented
Please address this flaw in admin user permissions.
No updates here, sorry.
Daniel Friedman commented
Any development on this item since 2018 ?
Eric Brinsfield commented
Really need this, at least at some level. I don't want to give lots of people Event Manager rights, but I do want to permit some people to download the list of registrants for an event. In other words, read (to create reports or exports) but not create new events.
Brett Gallaway commented
Has the been any updates to this? This should be in the top of Wild Apricots priority list if you ask me. It scares me to death knowing how much access some of our admins have access to.
Scot McConnachie commented
Since there currently is no means of members having an ability to edit just their own complex events, we decided to use the honor system to encourage members to not edit others’ evens. We started to give them all Event Manager privileges....until we realized that the Event Manager could see all contacts, the detailed financial data of all members, and all of our organization summary financial reports. That was way too much information!
The granularity of administrative functions needs to be drastically increased. Since this granularity defines workflows it is a higher priority than most users realize.