Event Manager without being Event Admin
Prevent Event Admins from editing member data - or allow some events to be configured by non-admin. We want to allow certain members (rotates - different person each year) to be the 'admin' of an event but not give them full access (editing member data, viewing member financial info unrelated to the event). Wish there were a way to allow them to edit and monitor event registrations without being an admin.

Dave Hall commented
This would be helpful for us too. We have a board and some key volunteers for our non-profit who do our day to day things but we will typically have someone else for our larger events who we want to take care of everything within an event but without privileges to fiddle with memberships or other events.
Within this structure sometimes we also have volunteers who would need limited privileges for a particular event such as not change anything about the event but see the registrations to check-in attendees and/or record payments (and generate updated invoices) and/or add registrations.
Cassandra commented
Agree. Our swim club needs this so that emails can be automatically sent to the lifeguards. Not "forwarded."
I just need a box to fill in multiple email addresses separated by comma's in the Organizer(s) field. Currently you only allow 1 organizer.
Susan Culligan commented
Yes! We need a way to send system emails regarding educational events to our Education Coordinator and non-educational events to our Event Coordinator. Currently they both have to get each others' emails and this is annoying.
So, the ability to add separate Event Managers would be great! Also, if there is a way to add categories within the other Managers (System, Membership, Donation, etc.) that would be helpful as well.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Can you please look into http://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist/suggestions/8827180-event-manager-for-specific-events-only-with-limite ? Is it a better way of doing it after all?
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
I agree. We just did very first step in this direction back in 4.4, but it was not enough even close. Current thread is to make a proper support of limited event managers.
Gordon Stewart commented
Yes, that would be a better way to do things. However in your post here http://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist/suggestions/8827180-event-manager-for-specific-events-only-with-limite you stated that the topic "Event-specific administrators [10260]" was now considered closed after the release 4.4 which enabled an event manager to receive copies of confirmation emails. In my opinion, the ability to cc an event admin on a confirmation email does not constitute "Event Specific Administration".This thread "Event Manager for specific events only with limited access to other events [2548]" sounds a lot like thread 10260. My suggestion to provide an event admin a way to get a dump of the registrant database falls short of full admin capability but (maybe) is a less challenging task and could be implemented on a more aggressive schedule. I hope that these threads are not closed and that we can look forward to seeing some meaningful improvements how events are managed.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
The thread you mentioned we considered done when we released version 4.4 http://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Release+4.4 and introduced Event organizer http://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Event+emails?from=6QQaAw#Eventemails-Eventorganizer functionality with corresponding email routing ability.
GRRowing commented
May I please nudge this discussion? We have been watching this forum for years and waiting for this feature, which would be EXTREMELY valuable to our organization --- the ability to designate one contact as an individual event's "manager", for whom only that event, or any events for which they are manager, would be accessible in admin view, and to whom all event-related emails, such as registrations, etc. would be forwarded. This would be great, great, great.
I saw another thread about this feature in an archived conversation, http://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308920-archive/suggestions/8831335-event-specific-administrators-10260 ... please consider this idea again! Thank you, and thank you for such an enormously useful tool (in general)
Molly Flanagan commented
I agree. I just started with WA and have fleet captains throughout the US who should have access to updating the events calendar ONLY. This seems like something the Administrator can elect to give a member after they have joined.
ahernandez0231 commented
Development of two categories for events. Event manager and event administrator.
When you provide staff or volunteers the ability to enter events, they should not have access to the entire organizations finances, contacts and members.
So an event manager can add and edit events. Email the different categories members or all contacts about the event, but not have the access to everything.
Event administrator would have access to everything.
Mia Schober-King commented
My organization has the same needs as far as limiting event managers with access to only their events. As an example, we hire a gatekeeper to sign in our beach members. This employee has no valid reason to look at system pages, contacts, settings, finances, or (yikes) send emails.
We create restricted Board of Director only events where we document meeting minutes that are only intended for a limited audience. As it is now the gatekeeper employee could view this information along with far too much other information that is on a need to know basis only.
As a side note, the same issue arises with webmaster settings. Why a webmaster with access to only one page be, in turn, granted access to all the system files? As an example I would like to grant a blogger access to one specific page. Not sure this can be done without revealing/risking all the system pages including restricted files.
Also, would like to mention, happy to serve as a beta tester. Let me know, if I can help.
Scott commented
We could certainly use this functionality as well. We run a sports officials' association. We have several different people who need to add/manage events (officiating assignments for football contests). But they should have access to only their own events. Some of these people are not members of our association, so the only thing they need access to is event management. They don't need to be able to see or do anything that is not directly associated with their event. If there is a payment that needs to be processed, that is all handled by our treasurer, who is a MEMBERSHIP MANAGER level admin and can do all of the financials in WA.
In addition, right now if you set someone as Event Manager they can change the information about any contact in the database (including passwords!). That is one of the biggest problems for us.
Having this functionality would lead to many more orgs like ours potentially choosing WA...
allenknox commented
I agree. We have this kind of a need where a person is assigned an event (trip leader for a ski trip). I would love/need to have the ability to assign a person as the trip leader and have them see all the information on each person who has signed up for their trip only. They should not be able to see other trip leader's travelers or financials. And they should not be allowed to change the content of the web pages in any way. They should be allowed to record payments and any other additional information needed. To complicate this process further, I would also like/need to be able to assign a level to the treasurer where they can see all trips and travelers on those trips and all of the financial information but not be able to modify web pages. I know this could be a hard thing to code but I think a well thought out layered system of access levels could be the answer.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
You mean that even if they want, they should not be allowed to access any other event, except their own?
Estela Basso commented
You are so right! We have volunteers that vary greatly in their computer savvy. It would be amazing to be able to designate an Event Manager for each individual event- or less desirably- for each type of events. That way, they can only mess up their own event- this said with most kindness for our volunteers...
Please make it happen Chief Apricot!!!!
Dmitry Buterin commented
Additional details from another client:
I’m glad you’ve asked me about this one, because once I lay it out, you might see why this would help organizations like ours. Our volunteers range from very tech-savvy to driving around in covered-wagons. So I do not trust many of them to have full admin access. However, I often must make them Event-Level admins so that they can check on their registration numbers, etc. Of course, it would be bad if they messed-up their event by accidentally deleting it or something. But at least it would just be their event. However, if I make them Event-Level admins, they could also completely mess-up OTHER people’s events. To minimize this risk, I decided to make them Read-Only admins so that they could check/download their registrations lists. This alleviated the risk of messing things up. But it also dramatically reduced the privacy of our members because Read-Only admins can see which of our members haven’t paid their dues, what they’ve done in the past, get the mailing addresses of people who HAVE NOT registered for their events, etc. So I was forced to settle on having each person who is in-charge of an event email me whenever they want an updated registration list. Then I have to download it and email it to them. This is a pain because I am a volunteer as well!
In a perfect world, I could:
1) choose a person for each event to have EITHER full or read-only access to ONLY that event
2) choose EITHER full or read-only when making someone a Membership Admin. This would be helpful for our Treasurer who needs to look at invoices and renewal info, but shouldn’t be able to modify those records.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
In other words, you want different people to be responsible for different events without ability to change other events, right?
We made some moves into this area - see http://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308920-archive/suggestions/8831335-event-specific-administrators-10260 - but this was very first step.
What you are speaking about, is evolution of this into more organized and automated forkflow. We've had comments about that and we have this in our design queue, but there is no timeline for that.
Thanks for sharing your ideas!
Gordon Stewart commented
We use the event registration system as a way to have members volunteer for committees. For a recent event we had 72 different committees, each with their own event and committee manager. The committee manager needs to be able to develop an email list to communicate with the committee.
In release 4.4 (?) we got the ability to direct a copy of confirmation emails to a member (committee manager). This appeared to shut down all the related requests to allow a member limited management authority over an event. This need still exists.
Many of the requests to have a member manage volunteers could have been met by providing the committee chair with the ability to request an "Export Registrants" of the committee they manage.
Whether this is implemented as part of the member system (like a group) or as a by-product of being the recipient of confirmation emails (or by an API?) does not matter but this ability would completely change the way committees are managed.
The basic need is for an event manager to be able to retrieve a list of attendees and their email addresses.
M. Smith commented
How a about a feature to allow an event manager to only have admin access to a subset of all the events. I want to be able to assign event manager rights to only a type (meta data tags) of event not all events. Or another option might be to allow only admin rights to those events that, that person has created.