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  1. Hierarchical Forum/Sub-Forum Structure

    Some of our board members have requested the ability to have sub-forums. I am trying to create a workaround using Forum Summary widgets and sub-pages, but this is not as easy to navigate (or search) as a forum with a hierarchical structure. This structure seems to be a common feature of fora I have seen elsewhere. How about it?

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  2. See the post you're replying to

    I'd like to see what I'm replying to without having to include the whole thing in my reply (as with quote). Also, the nomenclature is not what a user expects... most of my users didn't bother to even try "quote" before asking how to get that type of functionality.

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  3. Add "Anonymous" Commenting Option to Profile

    Currently, anyone commenting on a Forum has their name displayed with their comment. The only way to comment anonymously is to remove all outside access to the profile.

    On the premise that people might be more willing to participate in a Forum if they could easily create anonymity, adding a profile option to permit anonymous commenting would be a helpful feature.

    An alternative approach might be to direct the commenter through a process allowing removal of their name, substituting of a "nickname" or simply "anonymous" to identify the commenter.

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  4. Ability to see forum posts by each user/member

    I put this comment in a different thread (oops!) and the Chief Apricot Dmitry said "I totally agree with your point about the usefulness of seeing a particular person's posts and I would appreciate if you could create a thread on this" Thanks Dmitry! Here it is...

    It would be useful for us to see posts by each user - like in these WA forums when you click on the user's name and it brings you to a page with a tab that shows all of their posts.

    Situations when we would like to see a list of each user's…

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  5. Add a Report Post link in Discussion Forum Posts [7490]

    I see a Wish List about forum moderation. But I would like to see a "Report Post" link in every post that would allow any reader to report the post to the site owner. Nothing fancy. Just click the link and a message comes up that says "This post has been reported to the site administrator. Thanks for your concern". The admins would then get an email or maybe it would show up in a section in the dashboard that would let the admins investigate any posts flagged by users and then they can decide whether to edit, delete or…

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  6. expiration date on posts

    It is very important to have an expiration date on posts. We would like to delete posts older than 90 days, and we have to do it manually, very time consuming for Admin.

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  7. Add ability to add custom columns (Fields) to forum topics

    We have numerous forums that would benefit from having a custom icon or status in it's own column. Example is an "Items for sale" forum where we use a topic for each item and then the discussion becomes the bids and questions from the members. We would like to be able to include a "status" column in the list of topics to indicate where the item is in the inventory life cycle.

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  8. Idea to enhance forum functionality

    Look into using functionality to completely replace the forums feature. They already have options to embed a discourse instance into an existing web site for this purpose. Adopting tech would resolve at least 25 feature requests I have reviewed today!

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  9. Custom sorting options for forum subjects

    This is similar to Paul's. It'd be nice for admins to be able to sort forum subjects in different orders. We can only "pin" one item to the top of a forum. If we can sort them by subject alphabetically, or manually number them, that'd be dandy. Last to first is

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  10. Make Forum and Topic subscriptions consisten

    The inconsistency of subscribing to forums vs. topics is very confusing and difficult to explain to members.

    Current behavior for subscribing:
    You subscribe to forum on the forum page and then go to your Profile to change frequency. When you Create a Topic you get an option to subscribe and set frequency on the new topic page and don't need to go to your profile. Why can't you do the same for the Forum?

    If you subscribe to a forum you only get the titles as a summary. If you subscribe to the Topic you get the full post.…

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  11. Sign in Sheet


    Please consider adding a participant sign in sheet to the event Reports choices. We have groups that require individuals to sign in physically as a proof of attendance. The attendance sheet you have is ALMOST perfect. Is needs a columns marked sign in and adequate space to work for our needs. Thanks for your consideration.

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  12. Topic Tags for Forums

    Enable tags for Forum Topics for more dynamic engagement.

    Allow Admin to choose some amount (maybe ~10) topic tags that can be added when creating a new topic. Would be nice at the Forum level also.

    Example attached.

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  13. Use Organisation as Forum and Blog author

    I would like to use the member's ORGANISATION as the author for the Blogs and Forums. Our first and last name are private to the public so it just comes up as Anonymous which isn't good. On the private forums the author is first and last name when really it should be on behalf of their organisation.

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  14. Most search engines allow you to put a phrase in quotes or use the AND (find items with both repair AND invoice. Our forums are getting pret

    Most search engines allow you to put a phrase in quotes or use the AND (find items with both repair AND invoice. Our forums are getting pretty big and it is very time consuming to go thru all the matches without having the search results limited more effectively.

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  15. Include initial description along with Forum Title

    It seems that every other forum I have used always lists the initial description with the title of the Forum Topic at the top. Replies to the topic are listed below. Your own WA support forums work that way!!

    The current forum gadget treats the initial description the same as one of the replies, so that it may appear at the top or bottom . depending on your settings. This is a problem and should be fixed.

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  16. 2 votes

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  17. private messaging in forums

    I would like to be able to contact the author in a forum directly without having to post it on the forum. there should be a contact form that allows the author to be anonymous. For example, a buy sell forum you should be able to contact someone without simply posting it on the entire forum.

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  18. The pinned forum post should not be pinned in the forum summary gadget.

    We're just starting out, but the one forum that has a pinned post is showing that pinned post as the first entry on the forum summary gadget. It shouldn't be pinned there at all. If I limit that gadget to 5 entries and there are 5 pinned posts, that gadget will never update since it'll always be showing the pinned posts.

    At this point, I'll need to exclude the one forum using the pinned forum post. -OR- I'll need to unpin the post and add it as a notice above the forum gadget. Neither option is ideal.

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  19. Q&A forum, let anybody create a topic, but only a subset of members can reply


    We'd like to create a Q&A style forum, where any of our members can ask questions (ie, create topics), but only a subset of our members with expertise can answer the questions (ie, reply to topics). Is this a permission option that could be added to the forum feature?

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  20. Thread quoted replies to keep them together on forum lists

    Forum presentations that have quoted replies are clumsy and unsatisfying. If a reply is made to a comment using a quote, and it appears pages later, no easy way for a user to know there is an explanatory reply to be found later in subsequent pages. Quoted replies should be indented below the reply commented, or sorted to, or at least with a link on the original to see the replies. Right now, it is nearly useless to see the reply string to a comment on a topic.

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