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131 results found
Social Media icons for WeChat and WhatsApp
We need social media icons for WeChat and WhatsApp. The current list is very US-centric
1 vote -
recurring payments message
We need an option to remove "No automatically recurring payments" line from the membership (join, renew) forms if we are not using that form of payment. This is confusing to people and may cause them to abandon the process if they fear there may be recurring payments. If I try to remove this with CSS, it merely removes everything, including the description of the membership level, which is undesirable.
7 votes -
More icons for social media profiles
Could you please add icons and links for Vimeo and Blog to the Social Media/Social Profile options?
3 votes -
Expand Filtered Search Option
Currently your Member Directory Gadget only allows you to choose from multiple choice, radio buttons, and dropdown field types. At first, I created my database with a restricted list of cities to choose from to standardize how they appear. But as I began to register non-members for certain events or add non-members to W.A. I was forced to add additional cities outside of our membership territory to the standardized cities list.
n addition to being a challenge when non-members register for an event and their city isn't in the list, this also muddies up the filtered search by including cities…
2 votes -
gadget event registrants
A new gadget for promoting an event by displaying registrants, with ability to select both order of appearance by registration field and which registration fields to display.
1 vote -
There should be easier access editing gadgets for those who do not know code.
Entering the information into the Upcoming Events Gadget is difficult, no control over the font size of that specific gadget. Not all of us are coders.
2 votes -
Recognition Badge Gadget
We are implementing a badge program where contacts and members can earn badges from our organization. It would be able to define picture fields for each badge and upload an image for each badge to the contact's profile, and have that image automatically appear on a "recognition" page.
We would need a gadget much like the member directory gadget, but allow any contact, not just members, and display any fields we select from their contact profile horizontally across the page. Naturally, we would select all the badges fields from the contact profile to display, and the person's name. The gadget…
6 votes -
User reviews or comments on a page
We're an organization that focuses on growing fruit. I'm creating a directory of the fruits we grow in our area and would like a user review/user comments gadget. It would show the user's name, give them to ability to rate it on a five or ten star level and leave some feedback about the particular fruit on the page.
1 vote -
Hover capability on calendar view.
Create feature to place a picture with a hover capability on calendar so the data pops up within the calendar view.
1 vote -
Form Gadget
It would be nice to have a generic FORM gadget. All the backend components seem to be there, but there is no front-end support.
18 votes -
Subscription Form / Allow login system email to be turned off (and or edited)
The "Subscription Form" sends to system emails. One confirming the subscription and a second with login info. As this is not a membership it does not require a login and only confuses people who are simply signing up for getting an email newsletter. Currently there is no way to turn off the login email and also no way to edit the login email. Both of these need to be an option.
2 votes -
Incorporate OpenStreetMap into a gadget.
I had to stop using Google map links because it messes up other content. Incorporating other mapping sources would provide viable alternatives.
For example: https://www.citylab.com/design/2015/06/who-owns-the-digital-map-of-the-world/396119/?utm_source=fbia1 vote -
Gadget visual options
For every gadget provide full alteration options such as:
-padding options (particularly to event gadgets)
-border options2 votes -
Tinted Tiles menu theme colors and styles settings missing
Theme menu type color
One of our members is both dyslexic and color impaired. We're using Tinted Tiles light blue theming. The menu text is somewhat low in contrast making it hard for this member to read. We'd like to be able to use a lighter type color on the blue background. Help says that this should be themed but we cannot find the menu options in colors and styles.
1 vote -
Prompt for Photo Album Gadget Captions
Captions in Photo Albums Gadget: It would be very helpful if the Photo Album Gadget prompted users to add a caption as they upload the pictures, as the current mechanism whereby visitors must "manually" add comments after upload means that many photos have no associated metadata. This is further to my Wild Apricot ticket # 200662 . Thanks
5 votes -
Recipe: Slideshow Gadget: Display title banner with each slide
Using the Slideshow gadget with the link for images functionality in place it is possible to display a description for each slide.
I wanted to display a second bit of text, a floating title (big text) on each of the slides using the "Tooltip" attribute of the link.
To do so, I use a global JS to add a .camera-title div as the first child of each .camera_link element on screen. The div.camera-title can then be styled.
Snippets included below for you to fiddle with:
//global JS<script type="text/javascript">
jq$(function(){//Make carousel titles visible
$('a.camera_link').each(function(idx, elt){
var linkTitle =…2 votes -
Limit listings on Forum Updates gadget by date
I would like to be able to use a date for the "show topics" selection on the Forum Updates gadget.
We don't have many posts and most of the ones we do have are old. Right now we have no way to limit what is shown based on a date and our home page (where the Forum Updates gadget is located) looks out-of-date.
Currently we can choose how many topics we'd like to show but I would like to be able to select "show topics newer than xx/xx/xxxx"3 votes -
Accordion gadget
An accordion (collapsing panel) area is a common interface item now but it is a bit time consuming with regular JS and CSS. A gadget that implements the technique would save lots of time. I've used this technique: https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_js_accordion.asp
18 votes -
iTunes & Google Play
I managed my non-profit group's website, but I'm not a programmer or web master by trade. We did a number of podcasts last year and I'd like to see about getting them onto iTunes and the Google Play Store. I'm perplexed with iTunes because I follow a link a friend sent me and apple keeps giving me a never ending loop where I log-in, click on the Podcast Connection button and then get asked to log-in again, over and over.
For Google Play though, seems like it might be working but it says I need to have <googeplay:author> and…
1 vote -
Some gadgets have built in Title and now none do?
I set my site up months ago, and the gadgets had self-contained titles like "Recent News" or something similar. But when I click on the gadget there is no way to edit that field/title.
So I add a new recent-news gadget and it has NO title at all, so I can add the Headline GADGET and style it accordingly.
Does this sound like an issue anyone else is noticing?
1 vote
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