Expand Filtered Search Option
Currently your Member Directory Gadget only allows you to choose from multiple choice, radio buttons, and dropdown field types. At first, I created my database with a restricted list of cities to choose from to standardize how they appear. But as I began to register non-members for certain events or add non-members to W.A. I was forced to add additional cities outside of our membership territory to the standardized cities list.
n addition to being a challenge when non-members register for an event and their city isn't in the list, this also muddies up the filtered search by including cities that aren't populated with members (see picture).
So then, I convert all my cities to a text field rather than a dropdown only to discover that you can't use this kind of field for a quick filtered search. Argghhh.
I don't know what the right solution for this is, but present it as a problem.

Steven Reames commented
Ok, so apparently this works, but ONLY if I go into each member and change the privacy setting for the field to ANYBODY. I have already set that field globally to ANYBODY, but apparently it doesn't update existing records like it shows in the Member Privacy Settings help article. https://gethelp.wildapricot.com/en/articles/147#by
Steven Reames commented
I've worked around this issue by creating a duplicate field using preset values only. Then I just import the city field (in this case) to this duplicate field so that it can be used on filtered search.
However even after populating the database and being able to do a back end advanced search on it, it shows 0 results for any of the values.
Steven Reames commented
To clarify, it only allows you in the Quick Filter option to use those fields.