Recurring events: separate registrations for each occurrence (e.g. monthly board meetings)
Original recurring events request was to complex for us to resolve in a single release, so we decided to focus it on a simple scenario where event can have multiple sessions, but event registration is one and for all - like courses. See for more details on this one.
Another important scenario is when event is actually a recurring series of events, but each occurrence of an event may have a separate registration and updated description of event. Example - monthly board meetings. Event is created in the beginning of year with a monthly recurring schedule, but each occurrence can be updated as soon as time comes close to this particular event.

Collecting comments now.
Marilyn Segal commented
I don't understand why this hasn't been done. It seems like something most organizations need.
Jada commented
This is a problem. We have a recurring book club until the end of the year but not everyone is able to attend the meetings for this. Wild Apricot is such a problem...
Alex Sirota commented
The chances of this feature being implemented anytime soon is close to zero. You can complain here and offer all sorts of amazing solutions but the product is mature and personify won’t be and has not been investing much development resources to do anything but upkeep security profile and adding an app feature for 2 apps they have started to offer.
This is why we are offering an alternative : - we are looking at features like this being important and are actively assembling beta testers.
administrator commented
I agree with Tanya. How many votes does it take to have a feature added to the developers list. This important request is 8 YEARS OLD.
This is not just important functionality but somewhat obvious as it exists in almost every other calendar application. i.e. Recurring Events. e.g. Monthly meetings, Annual AGMs etc. Repeating "sessions" on a monthly or annual basis, which can be selected, are NOT the same thing.
More importantly, the KEY FUNCTIONALITY required it send the user defined emails prior to EACH INSTANCE of the meeting and, thereby, avoid the ridiculous need to duplicate / recreate each event every cycle.
It seems to me that there are 2 possible solutions:
1) Invoke the email functionality for EACH SESSION.
2) provide the option to select repeating EVENTS in addition to repeating SESSIONS, while also ensuring that the email function applies to EACH OCCURENCE of the event. -
Tanya Chute commented
So, since 2015 this has been pending. How many votes does it need to make it happen?
Thanks for help suggestion, but we don't allow others to view/change our sourcebase.
As for your situation - I completely understand it, and as of now I could only suggest creating duplicate several events instead of single multi-session event. -
James Stroud commented
Hi, I have access to many top software developers and if we were granted access to the source I may be able to enhance the recurring feature for Wild Apricot for free.
We are cycling club (Reston Bike Club) and desparately need a feature for recurring events. We would like the option for recurring events that when set up individuals must sign up for each event. Right now they sign up once and are automatically enrolled in each event (we do not want that). We need to track who was at each of these recurring events.
Any help or movement with this would be greatly appreciated. We need this change (option) for many reasons, one of which is liability to the club in case something happens on a ride, we need to know who actually registered for that day's ride. We use recurring events often and right now we cannot determine if a person that signed up for a recurring event was signed up because if they sign up once they are automatically listed as a registered rider for ALL events
J.Nichol commented
Is this still happening. We hold weekly meetings that require RSVP for each event. As a provincial organization, our events are mostly virtual and since zoom isn't integrated we can only try using the Advanced event tool to include the link. But we still have to manually create the event every week. Honestly we are always finding the promise of automation to be not so automatic, we do about the same about of manual labour as we did before joining Wild Apricot. It would be really nice to get a win here! I see this is from 2015, any updates?
Mike King commented
When (if?) you implement the second part of the feature, make sure you update the API.
My dream would be to keep a google calendar that my Members have resorted to using sync'd with the WA calendar.
Currently this is impossible due to repeating sessions have no context for reoccuring events.
This needs to happen. If a Microsoft calendar can do repeating events surely it can be done here. Repeating sessions are rather worthless for most clubs I suspect as you must have the ability to register new attendees at each occurrence. Having to create a forward calendar one event at a time (even using duplicate) is simply a time waster.
Katheryn Wolz commented
This has been an issue for us too since day one. We have lots of recurring events, that happen one same day of month or week at the same location. With different people attending each time. Keep it simple. Let the customer set it up, as a duplication for the year. And, then edit where necessary. It would create duplicate for the dates requested, at the time, and location. Set up the emails etc. Then Wild Apricot would set each meeting up exactly the same way; however, does not activate them. Client can then edit, if necessary and enable / activate.
Brad Cottrell commented
This is one of my priority items on the wish list. I need this item completed to use for monthly board meetings.
We have a bunch of other features on our plate - and we have to balance which ones to address first.
As for this particular improvement - we don't have immediate plans to address it in upcoming year. Sorry about this -
Larry I. commented
Could someone from WA please explain why this issue has not been addressed (or, as least, provide and update)
Comments have been collected since 2015. Five years later the issue still remains.
Marion H. commented
I agree that having a simple recurring series of events where you type once and are able to create a series (where each event is separate registration) is still very, very desirable. Even if I make a typo mistake when I set up the series, as long as I can delete them easily, and then recreate them, it is still a huge savings of time for the admin person to set them up all at once (over what we now have, inputting them one by one; very laborious).
Anonymous commented
Having separate registration for each event in a series would be helpful. We have a monthly discussion group, but the same people may not attend, but as soon as they have registered for one, they are registered for all. It provides complications for the organization, but also for registrants as they will continue getting emails for monthly discussions in which they have no interest. Don't want members and potential members to feel they are getting irrelevant email.
Brian commented
This is a feature I just realized didn't already exist in WA. We have an event that repeats on a schedule. Each event is separate, with its own registration. We have to edit and schedule separate events for each one of these. It seems so close to existing functionality (multiple sessions), for such a common use case, that I'm surprised it hasn't been implemented yet.
Edit: A big downside to the current system is that we can't generically link to our event. Like, we can't have a website that says, "click here to register for a tour", and have the link go to our Tour event, where they can choose the session to register for. We can't do it because each of those tours has to be its own event in WA, even though everything about them is identical except for the date, so the url is different.
Ryan Ewing commented
I would be fine with another duplicate option under edit, Duplicate Many, which would present the user with similar functionality to recurring sessions, but create separate events with the same name (don't include "copy" in the title) on the dates specified.
I find it disheartening that this issue has been here with almost 5 years of comments, and it's still not fixed. I will be vote 278 and the 61st comment, and this is something pretty basic that most organizations would need before they would need courses. PLEASE FIX!
Anonymous commented
It would be so nice if you could set up recurring events - we have several events that take place weekly and I need to create an event then copy it and edit it over and over. Is this on your product roadmap?
Wendy Bass commented
Is there a way to set up a recurring event? For example, we have an event the 2nd Thursday of every month and allow for Early Registration up to the Friday (6 days) before the event, then the cost is more from the Saturday (5 days before) to the event til the Monday (3 days) before the event. Every month I have to copy the event and type in specific dates for all of these registration prices for each registrations type when it would be much easier and efficient to be able to indicate the Recurring Event is 2nd Thursday of each month for the event and registration can open from the 1st day following the closed event, the 2nd Friday of each month through the Friday before (6 days) the event for the early registration price and the late registration price to be effective the Saturday (5 days before) - Monday (3 days before) before the event. Is this possible without having to type the dates in every single month?