James Stroud
My feedback
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Hi, I have access to many top software developers and if we were granted access to the source I may be able to enhance the recurring feature for Wild Apricot for free.
We are cycling club (Reston Bike Club) and desparately need a feature for recurring events. We would like the option for recurring events that when set up individuals must sign up for each event. Right now they sign up once and are automatically enrolled in each event (we do not want that). We need to track who was at each of these recurring events.
Any help or movement with this would be greatly appreciated. We need this change (option) for many reasons, one of which is liability to the club in case something happens on a ride, we need to know who actually registered for that day's ride. We use recurring events often and right now we cannot determine if a person that signed up for a recurring event was signed up because if they sign up once they are automatically listed as a registered rider for ALL events