Allow secondary/alternate emails for members
Current features:
Each contact/member (company or individual) can only have one email that is used to receive messages.
Desired features:
Allow contacts/member to have multiple emails that can be used to receive emails.

Sorry for the late update.
The first step was finished and emails can now be carbon copied to contact’s alternative emails. To do so the contact fields which store the alternative emails must be explicitly marked on the email setting page.
Unsubscribing will unsubscribe all alternative emails simultaneously because they all belong to the very same account. The person clicking “unsubscribe” is warned about this on the unsubscribe page.
For now we paused the development of this feature. but not for good. :) So I’m changing this wish status back to “collecting comments”.
Thank you everyone for a valuable feedback.
Kim Skimmons commented
Would the bundled spouse then count toward our database contact total? If so, that would double our contacts pushing us beyond what we can afford. We're a community level now with up to 500 contacts for $50/month.
Karen Brodersen commented
We have two kinds of couples
The first kind, the spouse is insulted they don't receive the emails and that they don't appear on the attendee list. So we created accounts for all spouses. The problem is that we now have duplicate contact info (addresses and phone #s). If spouses don't remember to update both accounts, one of them will be out of date.
The second kind of couple, the spouse doesn't have their own email and would never attend an event without the primary member. I created accounts with dummy emails for them to be consistent, but it seems kind of pointless.
James Kerich commented
Hi, just a suggestion. Can't you make the husband and wife membership a bundled membership where one pays and the second one is free? This way you would be able to have both e-mail addresses receive messages, but only have one person pay. Another reason to do this is if the wife wants to go to one of your events and they are not on your member list they wouldn't be "seen" as a member. If you set them up as bundled members, either one could go to an event and both would be "seen" by the system as members.
Socokoi commented
Our members frequently request this.
Susan Bush commented
Would be very helpful.
Susan Bush
Kim Skimmons commented
My memberships typically consist of a husband and wife. The wife is usually the primary, but often times both would like to receive the emails from the website. However, since there is only one email address per membership that the system recognizes, only one of them can get the emails and then must forward them on to their spouse which is an inconvenience and unreliable.
Is it possible to have a second email address on a single membership that can optionally choose to receive system emails? Thanks.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Sorry there is no way for us to add this to upcoming release. First, plan releases a few months in advance since each item requires analysis, design, planning of dev work. Most impoirtantly, there are already a few hundred other items in the pipeline so we are very careful changing the priorities.
We have not yet decided if/when we make this. One important reason we limit price plan by number of contacts is because it affects volume of email sent (and sending email and ensuring its delivery requires infrastructure investments). Thus adding a secondary email potentially increases email volume for each account - which we are not too keen to rush.
MatthewAG commented
I have members where they have one email as the primary (for log-in and membership management purposes), but have a second email which they want to use only for email communication. I'd like a way to create a field for "secondary email" which doesn't effect membership mgmt (can't log in with it) but will receive any email blasts that go to the primary (blasts would go to both email addresses). It's like having a home email and work email, and at any given time I'll only have access to one email, so a time-sensitive blast needs to go to both. Withouth this functionality, I have to maintain a whole separate email list (via gmail) so it's double the administration!! Can you add this to the upcoming release so I ca say goodbye to double email maintenance? Thanks!
Dmitry Buterin commented
Thanks, we will consider this based on feedback from other users.
SWEAtlanta commented
For whatever reason, my members just can't get a hold of using one specific e-mail address for our website. They have a work e-mail (sometimes 2 versions of a work e-mail), a personal e-mail, a personal e-mail for newsletters, etc. For almost every event we host, I get 2-3 e-mails and then at least 10 complaints at the event itself that the member could not register as a "member" on the website, that it wasn't recognizing them, when really it was that they were not using the correct e-mail address.
I've put multiple instances of text on the site telling them to use the e-mail they've received the newsletter at to log in, but to no avail. I end up spending several hours coordinating with the member ("Which e-mail address would you like to use?") and then editing and deleting the "ghost members".
So for those who have multiple accounts on our website:
* They will get our e-mails at each of their accounts (some of them want this, some don't).
* Our contact count is increased, even though it's just 1 person with 3-4 e-mail addresses.
* If someone has 4 e-mails registered, maybe only 1 of them has the correct membership level assigned, so they become frustrated.
* When I do a data import of a roster from our national society, only the account with the matching e-mail address gets the updated information (address change, level change, renewal date change, etc)It seems like a solution similar to the bundle would work for this, but bundling would be a lot of work since almost every one of our 1500+ members would love the option to have additional e-mails on file.
Teri commented
Members can't remember which email they have used in the past, so they re-join and pay again. What about being able to put in an alternative email address in the contact information, so when they log in it searches for either email?