My feedback
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47 votes
SWEAtlanta supported this idea ·
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10 votes
SWEAtlanta supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment SWEAtlanta commented
I like the idea of Option 3... for example, one of the extra cost options could be a T-Shirt ($20) and then it would force you to enter in size and style (mens/womens, color, etc.)
15 votes
SWEAtlanta supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment SWEAtlanta commented
The only reason I don't like the solution of creating a Membership Level for Board Members is that our regular meetings and events have different pricing depending on what Membership Level you are. Not all of our Board Members are the same membership level, so I couldn't just select "applies to board members" for each registrant type.
On the other hand, we should probably be giving our volunteers the cheapest price for events, but we're trying to keep it fair :)
So, I'll stick with the group participation. I'll have to look into organizing the positions the way I want. It would be nice if we didn't have to do all these workarounds!!
An error occurred while saving the comment SWEAtlanta commented
Here is the workaround I use for this (you can see it on this page http://ashraeatlanta.org/OfficerDirectory ) :
- In Settings > Group Management : Create a Group (in Group Participation) called "Officers" or something else. Add each of your officers to the group.
- In Settings > Membership Fields : Add a new field called "Officer Position". Set it up so that it is "View-Only" (Only an admin can change officer position) and then set visibility to "Anybody".
- Go to each member's profile and type in their position. Note: I like that this gives me flexibility to type in whatever position I want since there aren't standard ones out there.
- Make sure that the "officer" field is not a field that people fill out in the membership application, if you have one on your site.
- In Members, create a saved search of "Officers" by searching for those with group participation of "Officers".
- Then create a new functional page: a membership directory- and have it search ONLY your saved search of officers. Customize the page as you want.
The only thing this work around doesn't do is rank/organize officers like you mention (i.e. putting President first)... but people can at least search for the right officer or name if they know it.
Really the only thing I could see different or changed would be completely different from your suggestion: and that would be the ability to set up fixed "roles" on the site like President, VP, Treasurer, and other custom roles, and then define those specific roles to have specific admin abilities, and then be able to assign contacts into the role. So for example, if I moved from Treasurer to President, the admin wouldn't have to go in and change all of my specific administrative abilities; they would just have to change my "role" from Treasurer to President and the admin abilities would be inherent to that role. Likewise, the Officer Directory would automatically populate from these roles (so you wouldn't have to do a group, saved search, member field, etc) and if there's an open position, it would show that.
I would also like the ability to do online voting for officer roles, but right now I have that problem solved by using google forms/documents and putting the HTML in a members-only page. Still doesn't prevent someone from voting twice.... but there are workarounds and I like to think people are more honest than you think! :)
486 votes
Team Husky responded
Sorry for the late update.
The first step was finished and emails can now be carbon copied to contact’s alternative emails. To do so the contact fields which store the alternative emails must be explicitly marked on the email setting page.
Unsubscribing will unsubscribe all alternative emails simultaneously because they all belong to the very same account. The person clicking “unsubscribe” is warned about this on the unsubscribe page.
For now we paused the development of this feature. but not for good. :) So I’m changing this wish status back to “collecting comments”.
Thank you everyone for a valuable feedback.
SWEAtlanta supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment SWEAtlanta commented
Ah - I didn't realize the Contact ID was the primary checker - does it supercede checking the e-mail address?
An error occurred while saving the comment SWEAtlanta commented
We recently discovered another issue with this, which has forced us to deactivate what we thought was an incredibly helpful feature of Wild Apricot.
We download and "sync" rosters with our National organization twice a month. The way I understand it is if I do a member import, and e-mails match, the spreadsheet I'm importing will override any changed information. For example:
* WILD APRICOT: Mr. Cool Fish CoolFish@gmail.com w/ physical address: 123 Main Street
* IMPORT SPREADHSEET: Mr. Cool Fish CoolFish@gmail.com w/ physical address: 678 Stoney Street (in my example: Mr. Cool Fish has updated his address with our national society)
* WILD APRICOT AFTER IMPORT: Mr. Cool Fish CoolFish@gmail.com w/ physical address: 678 Stoney StreetGreat feature! But what happens when Mr. Cool Fish updates his e-mail with our national society, for example, because he changed companies?
* WILD APRICOT: Mr. Cool Fish CoolFish@gmail.com w/ physical address: 123 Main Street
* IMPORT SPREADHSEET: Mr. Cool Fish C.fish@mail.com w/ physical address: 678 Stoney Street* WILD APRICOT AFTER IMPORT: Now I have two contacts:
* Mr. Cool Fish CoolFish@gmail.com w/ physical address: 123 Main Street
* Mr. Cool Fish C.fish@mail.com w/ physical address: 678 Stoney StreetNow: because we have membership e-mails set up, e-mails that get sent when membership is overdue, CoolFish@gmail.com is getting "you're membership is past due" e-mails when in reality, he's all paid up; he just changed his e-mail address. Due to this, we have completely disabled the auto-membership e-mails and gone back to doing this manually.
Maybe eventually, we'd stumble on the two contacts and merge them. But we have so many contacts that it's probably 3 full days of busy work to sort through it all. Maybe a new feature would be a "similar contact" alert, or search, that shows people with identical first & last names?
An error occurred while saving the comment SWEAtlanta commented
Also, this could be solved if there was a simple macro created for Username and Password. I know someone mentioned the next version of WA will have an auto sign-in link. I think that's great but I would also like to have these macros so I can put something like this in an e-mail:
I could also have the option of putitng in the forgot password link:
An error occurred while saving the comment SWEAtlanta commented
For whatever reason, my members just can't get a hold of using one specific e-mail address for our website. They have a work e-mail (sometimes 2 versions of a work e-mail), a personal e-mail, a personal e-mail for newsletters, etc. For almost every event we host, I get 2-3 e-mails and then at least 10 complaints at the event itself that the member could not register as a "member" on the website, that it wasn't recognizing them, when really it was that they were not using the correct e-mail address.
I've put multiple instances of text on the site telling them to use the e-mail they've received the newsletter at to log in, but to no avail. I end up spending several hours coordinating with the member ("Which e-mail address would you like to use?") and then editing and deleting the "ghost members".
So for those who have multiple accounts on our website:
* They will get our e-mails at each of their accounts (some of them want this, some don't).
* Our contact count is increased, even though it's just 1 person with 3-4 e-mail addresses.
* If someone has 4 e-mails registered, maybe only 1 of them has the correct membership level assigned, so they become frustrated.
* When I do a data import of a roster from our national society, only the account with the matching e-mail address gets the updated information (address change, level change, renewal date change, etc)It seems like a solution similar to the bundle would work for this, but bundling would be a lot of work since almost every one of our 1500+ members would love the option to have additional e-mails on file.
226 votes
SWEAtlanta supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment SWEAtlanta commented
This ability would be helpful to us as well.
13 votes
SWEAtlanta supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment SWEAtlanta commented
Agree with Cheif Apricot on this one - for us, we have 3 different types of registration types for our monthly event that all have different prices. Copying the event relieves us from having to repeat that effort. Other settings get saved too, like showing a list of attendees. Unfortunately you do have to change the cutoff date, but this is a minor annoyance. It would be nice to have this fixed so that my more beginner-level officers don't get confused as to why they created an event but registration is closed.
215 votes
SWEAtlanta supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment SWEAtlanta commented
This thread made me think of this: http://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist/suggestions/8826646-multiple-choice-with-extra-cost-needs-more-mgmt
Would love to have a feature where the questions in an event registration changed depending on what registration type you selected. I could have used this feature on multiple occasions, but because of the current layout, I've created separate events.
For example, if we have both students and professionals attending an event, we would ask the students what University they are from, what professor they want extra credit for. Professionals, we'd ask their license number to submit continuing education credits. Right now we ask ALL these questions but they are optional to answer. Would be nice if you selected "professional" registration all the student questions went away.
This is very similar to a feature that is already available in the membership form. How certain fields only apply for certain membership levels.
84 votes
SWEAtlanta supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment SWEAtlanta commented
Not necessarily what the OP is asking for, but it would be cool to have a "member map" on the site. However! Each member should have the ability to just show location, location and information (such as name w/ link to profile), or nothing at all. In fact, I'm creating something like this right now!
62 votes
SWEAtlanta supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment SWEAtlanta commented
Other ideas:
- Bulk change of membership level
- Bulk change of e-mail subscriptions
An error occurred while saving the comment SWEAtlanta commented
It would be really, really nice to be able to do the same thing to multiple contacts. For example, deleting/archiving multiple contacts, changing renewal dates, adding group participation, etc. It's actually quite silly we can't do this already. Anytime I have to change a lot of people's information, I have to repeat the task 50-100+ times because I have to do it individually.
I thought we couldn't attach anything to e-mails (except for .pdf invoices)...
I have the opposite problem, people don't register for events because they forget about them! I would love to attach iCals to event reminders or preferably e-mail blasts (since we don't use event reminders, we do a monthly newsletter) so that they can download it to their calendar. Even better if I can customize the iCal so that it has a reminder to register for the meeting.