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When a member is automatically archived for non-payment of dues that member should not be able to re-activate their membership by logging in
When a member is automatically archived for non-payment of dues that member should not be able to re-activate their membership by logging in with their email/password. Or, at least from the global level the organization should be able to choose whether this is acceptable or not. Right now, we will have to check all archived members and individually remove their email to prevent this!
29 votesWe fixed this behaviour in version 5.17
If the member was Suspended and then Archived it will be not restored with Lapsed membership status.More information about release -
https://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Release+5.17Katya, Astra crew
Membership management @ Wild Apricot -
Membership approval on mobile app
At least on Android, it is not currently possible to approve pending memberships on the mobile app as it is done online.
The only option is to edit the pending member's status, but this does not generate an approval email or even create an expiration date for the membership.
Please add the approval feature to your mobile app, or make it possible to approve members by editing their membership status.
4 votesThis feature was released in 1.6 version:
https://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Mobile+1.6 -
Featured Member Widget
You should make the Featured Member gadget into a widget that can be placed into another site.
6 votesThe solution presented in the comment.
Product Owner @ Wild Apricot -
Sample PHP Application for SSO
Would it be possible to provide some sample code for the SSO? The documentation for this isn't very clear.
5 votesMatthew Thomure wrote a sample application on PHP for SSO:
https://github.com/matticustard/sample-wild-apricot-ssoThanks a lot, Matthew!
Text editing
Several quirks in text editing need repair.
Enter adds 2 blank line:
Attempting to insert blank lines and paragraphs between existing paragraphs can create double blank lines or no paragraph separation at all.Keep selection after applying formatting:
If text is selected and formatting (font size, bold, color) applied, the selection should stay there until clicked somewhere else. As is, it goes away when the formatting is applied, so if you want to change a paragraph to, say, a smaller font, italics, and a color, you have to selected it three times.And many more
275 votesWith the latest release version 6.12, we published a batch of fixes in the editing component. There were more than 20 bugs fixed (based on our internal tracker). Most of them were related to text and links formatting, issues with line spacing, HTML editing and different behavior in the different browsers.
We are not going to stop on this and will continue to update the Editor component. On some issues, we are still working and they will be published in the following releases.
As always, your feedback is very important. Please share it with us. -
Additional data needed in Financial Exports
We need to produce a report for our accountant similar to what can now be exported under the Finance tab, but with more information.
We need the excel export of financial data to be able to allow the selection of custom fields for donations. In particular we have a required donation field called "Fund" and need to know to which fund the donation should be applied in this report. For events we need, at the least, to have a column in the donation for the event name. And for memberships we need to know the membership level for the payment.
11 votesReleased in 5.12 (https://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Release+5.12#Release5.12-Donations)
Help guides
Update your stupid content.Jesus Christ.I have spent ages trying fathom out stuff but your help pages don't reflect the actual content on the website, especially the payments part. All i wanted to do was integrate a payment processor but after following the instructions the page i arrived at wasn't the same as in the tutorial. For this reason I will not be signing up as you have wasted enough of my time as it is.
1 vote -
Invoices and payments improvements in member's profile
On the contact (not in admin mode) “invoices and payments” web page under the contact’s profile there are three column labels: “Date”, “Transaction”, and “Balance Due”.
Below this is a list of the financial transactions for the contact. When the contact makes donations the donation appears in the Transaction column as expected. However in the “Balance Due” column the amount of the donation appears. This is very confusing, misleading and incorrect. The column title should read “Amount”, not “Balance Due” since sometimes the amount is due and other times it is a donation. It does not appear that I have…4 votesNo need to fix since we have moved donations to separate tab
Export all contact information (e.g., addresses, phone numbers) from financials
Export all contact information (e.g., addresses, phone numbers) from financials
13 votesWe have updated contents of financial exports in 5.12. release (https://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Release+5.12#Release5.12-Exportingfinancialdetails):
– Added more contact details
– Invoice origin details, e.g. Event name & Registration type for events and Level name for membership invoices
– Payment date to invoices
Some other minor changes. -
Put Save and Cancel Buttons at Top
When a member edits their profile, the Save and Cancel buttons are at the bottom. If the profile is long, as ours is, they can change a few items at the top but then they don't see how to save it.
These buttons should be at the top of the page, or at both the top and bottom.
The same thing should be done on other forms with Save and Cancel at the bottom, unless it's a form that we want the member to go all the way through (like event registration).
I know this is a little thing and…
11 votesReleased in version 5.11: help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Release+5.11
Waiting List - Internal Notes
It would be helpful to be able to add notes to each waiting list person like we can on registrations. Also a filter option and check-in button would be nice.
1 voteReleased in version 5.17
https://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Release+5.17 -
Email Divider in Editing
When composing an email blast, I include several different topics of announcements. I'd like the divider tool, which is available in the webpage editor, in the emails as well so to make a solid line dividing different sections of the email.
19 votesLatest version of email editor has a divider gadget.
Option to send a payment receipt sent for manual payments
manual payment receipt
1 voteWhen you record a manual payment and save it, there a button “Email” at the top. See http://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Emailing+or+printing+invoices+and+receipts#Emailingorprintinginvoicesandreceipts-Emailingpaymentreceipts
When new members join, would like the e-mail notice sent to all system administrators and not just the overall system administrator.
We have 3 people listed as administrators, one of which is our membership director. Because I am the "primary" administrator, I get notified when a person applies for membership. The other administrators do not get notified. If all of us received the notice, it would eliminate an extra step for me to check for applicants and notify our membership director.
Another way to handle this would be to be able to specify who should receive notice of new applications. I have been unable to find such a feature.
1 voteYou can do this, see http://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Routing+of+system+emails
Allow multiple choice options to not be sorted A-Z or Z-A but fixed in the order I enter them.
We have fields in our database that offer selections of day of week (Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat). Currently WA will always sort these in either A-Z or Z-A order according to the field definition. But we would like the option to force the order to always remain in the entered order.
1 voteNo,we do not sort them automatically in alphabetical order, you can sort them in any order. See http://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Customizing+database+fields#Customizingdatabasefields-listfieldsAddingchoicestomulti-optionfields for more details
Waitlist Export Option
We need the ability to export our waiting list participants into an excel spreadsheet. Currently it only pulls the class registrants with no option to add or pull the waiting list.
30 votesHello, dear supporters!
We’re happy to announce that now, in version 6.17, the Waitlist Export option is available for all our clients.Now you can include waitlisters in your regular export file along with other registrants.
Check our help page for more information about these changes and others, that we added in this release – https://gethelp.wildapricot.com/en/articles/1662
Archive a bundle
Currently, archiving a bundle is tedious and not intuitive. You have to archive the bundle member(s) first before the Archive button appears on the Bundle administrator's record.
This is not easy to figure out. My Membership Chair just reported that she couldn't archive the membership.
I suggest that you always display the Archive button for the Bundle administrator. If it's clicked, say "You are archiving a Bundle administrator, so all the bundle members will be archived too. Proceed?" Clicking "Yes" will archive the entire bundle.
7 votesResolved in 5.8.3 – https://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Update+5.8.3
Add a preview button to the event emails
It would be helpful to have a "send & preview" button for the event emails just like you have it for all other emails. The only option currently is to send a test email, wait for it in the mailbox, review it in the email software. Why not simply have the "send & preview" button for these emails too?
8 votesThe preview mode for all system emails now displays actual data in place of macros.
Released in version 5.12: help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Release+5.12
Automatically add a waitlisted person upon someone's cancellation
(Capture from other feedback source) Waitlist feature only half helpful....needs further automation to automatically add a waitlisted person upon someone's cancellation AND then automatically send out confirming email to the new person.
91 votesReleased in version 5.18.
You can now allow people on your event waitlists to be automatically registered when spaces become available.
More about 5.18 release: gethelp.wildapricot.com/en/articles/1566-ve..
Thanks for your votes and comments.
Katya, Events crew @ Wild Apricot -
Save emails without closing them
When drafting an email, could we have the option to just SAVE, do not need to Save & Close all the time.
Thanks22 votesHi, Mc and all the supporters!
The ability to save email draft without closing it is already supported in Wild Apricot. For more info, click here – https://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Sending+email+blasts/?utm_source=contexthelp&utm_medium=site&utm_campaign=contexthelp#Sendingemailblasts-Savingandexiting
Hope you find it useful.
Emailing development team
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