Help guides
Update your stupid content.Jesus Christ.I have spent ages trying fathom out stuff but your help pages don't reflect the actual content on the website, especially the payments part. All i wanted to do was integrate a payment processor but after following the instructions the page i arrived at wasn't the same as in the tutorial. For this reason I will not be signing up as you have wasted enough of my time as it is.

David, thanks for your comments. Instructions for setting up third-party payment systems are provided as a courtesy and may contain out of date information or screen clips, since we are not notified when these providers decide to change their sites. We do our best to keep up, but for the latest instructions, you need to consult your service provider's website.
Hi, David, thanks for pointing this out. You are using PayPal Standard payment provider, that delivers slightly different interface depending on many factors (like your country, age of your account, PayPal "flavor", etc).
So our screenshots in help page might be different from what you actually see. We will investigate how to address this.
Sorry for inconvenience.