Additional data needed in Financial Exports
We need to produce a report for our accountant similar to what can now be exported under the Finance tab, but with more information.
We need the excel export of financial data to be able to allow the selection of custom fields for donations. In particular we have a required donation field called "Fund" and need to know to which fund the donation should be applied in this report. For events we need, at the least, to have a column in the donation for the event name. And for memberships we need to know the membership level for the payment.
Currently is is possible to get the Donations information from the Donations export. (But it is not possible to restrict the donations export by date range. Why? All other exports can be restricted by a date range except for donations).
I find no other way, however, to export the other financial data (events and membships) with the additional fields that I've described.

Released in 5.12 (
[Deleted User] commented
"Currently is is possible to get the Donations information from the Donations export. (But it is not possible to restrict the donations export by date range. Why? All other exports can be restricted by a date range except for donations)."
This is the part I am struggling with right now. Contact search has a Donation date feature but doesn't export anything but total donated. Donation export has nice fields but you can't limit by date prior to export for some reason. -
Katherine commented
Similarly, I need to be able to export a CSV of itemised transactions. I currently have to use membership fields to add on the option to purchase other products and services alongside membership. However, in the report of transactions, these separate products and services are not itemised. They are itemised in the QB file format report, but I am unable to either use or convert that file format, due to being reliant on chromebook, cloud computing. A customisable export which allowed a report on units of items sold, would be extremely helpful
Bruce Cameron commented
Being able to include 'items' with the invoice export would allow better integration into all accounting software. Although the QB Export has this, an option to export to Excel or a generic invoice with item expoert would allow other software (ie SAGE) to import transactions by item or project.
Thanks for detailed comments, Dale, we appreciate it!
Dale and Meg DeJager commented
You already supply a separate report for donations that contains all the information, but it cannot be limited by date range. It is more useful to have one export limited by a selected date range. This export can then be given to the accountant to help in reconciling the data in different accounts in QuickBooks for the specified date(s).
Dale and Meg DeJager commented
Yes, we want the excel export to allow for additional columns. In particular we want to add the value from one of our custom fields from "Donations", titled "Fund". We also want to know if a payment is for an "event" or for "membership" or for "renewal". Note that the payment information is already present on the admin website where the "Export" button is visible (In the "Details" column, but it does not get exported.
Thanks for comment, Dale
Let me rephrase what you need: you want to expand current detailed payment report (Export of Payments and refunds) with more details: what payment was made for and some custom fields (e.g. from events).
As I see, you want a single report for all types of payments you receive. Will separate reports for events/donations/membership help you? -
Dale and Meg DeJager commented
To state this in another way, what I need is the information in the "Details" column that appears on the Payments and Refunds Finances screen to also appear in the excel sheet, plus the information from my "fund" donation field.