Suspend Expired Memberships instead of Archive
Option to set expired memberships to "suspend" instead of "archive" if membership is not renewed in a specific time frame.

Released in version 5.10:
[Deleted User] commented
******, give you our reason, but we really aren't enforcing it since it is more work. Our by-laws say every that if a membership expires by more than 30 days they are required to reapply for membership and aren't eligible for renew. So technically we would need to set them to lapse with on renew rights. But that rule was setup when the our club size was at is maximum, now we have a 1000 person margin.
See more about Lapsed vs. Suspended in our help
Why would you need to Suspend it versus putting into Lapse status? For example, Lapsed member cannot re-apply for rmembership again, while a contact with Suspended membership is considered as not a member and thus he can apply for membership again. Lapsed member can renew membership (based on level's renewal parameters)
Dmitry Buterin commented
Good point, thanks!
Anyone else can use this? please comment here.
abwoodward commented
Currently if a member does not pay their membership, the system can automatically change the membership level to a specific level but the system cannot automatically delete the membership level. With the changes that permit an individual to be a contact, the functionality has not been provided to delete a membership level from a contact. Currently, we have a membership level setup for these types of individuals (Other Contacts) but it would improve membership reporting if this group of individuals is not listed as a member. A feature that provides a means to manually and automatically remove the membership level from a contact would be helpful to assess membership numbers in the organization.