Put Save and Cancel Buttons at Top
When a member edits their profile, the Save and Cancel buttons are at the bottom. If the profile is long, as ours is, they can change a few items at the top but then they don't see how to save it.
These buttons should be at the top of the page, or at both the top and bottom.
The same thing should be done on other forms with Save and Cancel at the bottom, unless it's a form that we want the member to go all the way through (like event registration).
I know this is a little thing and probably won't get many votes, but sometimes the little things make the system go smoother for the members who use it.
Released in version 5.11: help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Release+5.11
[Deleted User] commented
I agree that buttons need to be at the top and bottom. When building our site we had to build in a lot of redundancy. We had the hardest time getting people to find the update profile section and now have it in no less than 4 places.
Ed commented
Why not detect any change and before allowing contact/member to leave the page without first pressing "Cancel" or "Save" - throw up a screen with "You made changes! Do you wish to CANCEL or SAVE them?"
Cindy Cooper commented
Buttons at both top and bottom, please
Thanks for the comment, Walt. Buttons positioning is a very interesting topic :) This is what all "green" buttons in Wild Apricot are at the top, so they are always visible. Still, quite a lot of people find this confusing and want to have them at the bottom.