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57 results found
Paid SSL
Allow for or offer a paid premium SSL for those who want one
1 vote -
Plans - provide a 10000 member plan
Could you please introduce a 10000-membership package. We currently have a member base that is just under 5000 and will need to upgrade soon. We find the next package level of 15000 members too large for our needs. At best we will grow to 7500 members. The gap between 5000-15000 is just too large and it would be good to have a well priced midpoint option
2 votes -
Pricing that allows small clubs to use WildApricot
If a club has 25 members, then WildApricot costs $23.04 per member per year. This is far more than a small club can afford. Contrast this with a club of 75 members, WildApricot costs $7.68 per member per year. Is there a way to bring this pricing to small clubs, in keeping with WildApricot's vision to "be the most robust and affordable all-in-one solution for small and midsize organizations"? Perhaps cap the price at $10 per member per year, or charge $.80 or even $.50 per member per month. We do not need a lot of features, just an automated…
3 votes -
Administrators activity log
Full activity log of all commands and administrator does. Run reports, make changes to a user or system setting, everything so another administrator can audit what other administrators are doing.
17 votes -
Additional information for the saved searches, last run, last updates, etc.
Provide metrics to assist in managing Saved Searches such as last time run, average run frequency, if the search is linked an area on the webpage and/or allow description field similar to what is offer in groups. This would help in periodically cleaning up Saved Searches.
2 votes -
Email Manager with access to all emails, not only newsletters
Currently automated emails can be generated from Membership Levels and 'Events, if something happens to delay an announcement you have to go into a number of places to edit it. If we had a email manager function that brought all scheduled emails together this would make managing them easier. As an example during COVID our Opening Day has been delayed a couple of times, so our Renewal notices have had to be edited along with our Opening Day Event email. Often we set up events ahead of time and if we had an manager function we could see all emails…
3 votes -
Don't auto populate password / email address when editing in admin mode
When editing a members record that doesn't have an email address, it always puts in our admin password and admin email address. Then we have to delete it out before saving the record. Can you make it so that it doesn't auto populate? This would save us a tremendous amount of time when updating our members.
6 votes -
Newsletter manager role restrictions
Suggest further granularity on Newsletter administration role. Should be allowed to restrict to specific groups or contacts, or require another administrator to approve mass emails.
2 votes -
we suggest or ask you guidance in regards to the wildapricot application, can we customize the logo on the application.
1 vote -
Date Format Examples in Organization
My request is that you please update the date formatting examples in the Organization field so that the days in the templates cannot be confused with the months. All the examples are below 12. Pick day numbers from 16-31 so they can be easily understood. I picked a bad date format to start because there was no way to discern between month and day.
3 votes -
Account History Information
Our Board changes year-to-year. The people who first established our account with WildApricot are long gone. It would be helpful to know how long our association has been using your software. When did we first subscribe with WildApricot? What has been the history of our use? Have we upgraded or downgraded to a different plan during that time? What have been the pricing changes since we first enrolled? If that information is already in the Account section, I can't find it.
7 votes -
Set Up Default to Show Admin View at log in
At the moment, there is no option to set a default for the admin view. When you log in as an admin, you will be returned to the last page you were on before you switched to public view. Please provide a way to have default be admin view
2 votes -
Show member status (active, pending, lapsed, suspended) in the Member Directory
The membership directory shows all members, including those that are pending, lapsed and suspended. Enable a setting that will allow us to display member status in the directory.
This will be especially helpful during renewals: members need to know if their membership has lapsed (since some forget to renew or forget IF they have renewed!)7 votes -
website admin access
separate website admin setting within access settings.
6 votes -
Search products
Please consider:
In the products portion of the store there needs to be a way to search for products. This could be accomplished by either the tags used for the catague displays or by meta words used in the product name description. I'm sure there are other options as well.
Using ctrl F, is not user friendly, but is better than nothing.4 votes -
better read only administrator access control
We need to give some Admins read only permission to our members data but also full Events admin access. In this case we would want them to maintain the 'write' access associated with the Events Admin but also have the additional Read Only components added with the 'RA' access.
The selector does not allow this combination to be selected.
This is a critical issue which is preventing some of our members from fulfilling their roles in our club. We do not want to solve it bu giving them full configuration access.The ability to separate core configuration access and read…
19 votes -
Simple Videos tutorials
Starting out:
Checklist stage by stage with links to videos you can watch and do as you go,this would be totally amazing!2 votes -
Some fields should be viewable in Directory but NOT editable by Members
There are valid reasons why some field(s) might be required to be visible for each member (in Directory) but not allowing the Member to edit that field(s). One example are site locations (like we use) where the physical location cannot be changed ever but the owner might sell to a new owner. Owner still cannot change the site #.
Same for Stock shares that purchased when a home is sold. That specific share # never changes.
We do not have Membership #s like other orgs (ours are share/site#) but I would assume these like Employee badge #s would not be…
3 votes -
Pull a payment report with finical and member data
I want to be able to see what members paid in a one month span and I want to see who used a discount code.
2 votes -
Account Number Always Visible in Admin Section
Put the account number on the side of the header where the help/support/feedback links are since you need it to submit a request. That way you don't have to navigate away from where you were to get the account number just to navigate back to finish what you were doing.
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?