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101 results found
use Wild Apricot payments with Wild Apricot admin app on Android
WA payments works great on iOs but we need it on Android too. When will this be possible?
5 votes -
Integrate whatsapp application
Please consider integrating the whatsapp application to the system. This is one way of communicating to the members directly to their phones.
4 votes -
Option to dial members number from mobile app
When you are using the mobile app, it would be nice if you were able to dial the members number from the app by clicking on the number after to do a member search. Once you locate the member that you are looking for it would be nice just to click on the number and call them.
12 votes -
"Email Registrants" option on the admin app
Please consider adding an "email registrants" option in the admin app. I have a few admins that are in charge of events and if an event location or other details change, they will be overwhelmed to email registrants through the browser. Thanks!
3 votes -
include link to privacy policy or other terms in mobile app
It would be great if members could view contents of our privacy policy or waiver other terms and conditions from within the mobile app. This way we could include a link to our club rules and regulatios in the app for reference.
3 votes -
Modify the Admin app to allow member check in without having to RSVP.
Modify the Admin app to allow member check in without having to RSVP first or having to manually enter each person in the database.
The modification could be as simple as create event and have the option for the event creator to default all RSVP's to "yes". Then you can check people in quickly at the gate.
2 votes -
Push News on Mobile App
Would be ideal if we can push lates news - ie AGM dates, race dates etc to the mobile app
8 votes -
Company name on mobile gadget device
Make it so the Member mobile App displays our company name (rather than Wild Apricot)
9 votes -
Add new Functions to mobile app
Add the following pages to the mobile app:
Online Store, Donations and Payments
(membership renewals), Photo Album12 votes -
mobile app member names
Mobile App For Members - Members tab.
Please provide an index on the right side to jump further down on the list (vs. scrolling only by swiping up or down) to find a name. Something similar or the same as Apple provides on a Contacts list.
Sorry if this is a duplicate request... there are too many to scroll through to find out...
3 votesDmitry Smirnov responded
Why is the index more preferable for you than a search?
group selection for member directory on member app
Permit simple search options in member app. such as groups
2 votes -
Remain Logged In Option on Member App
The member app periodically asks for email and password. This is an inconvenience to members wanting to use it routinely. It should offer the same option to remain logged in as the website does.
2 votes -
Mobile app chat
Customizable mobile application. It would be nice to be able to chat with members within the app
39 votes -
Mobile App: Registration Types & Availabilities
For events displayed in the Mobile App, the registrations types are not sorted in the same way as the desktop version.
Additionally, all registrations types are displayed regardless of their availability. This makes for a confusing experience for users.
At this stage we would probably not use the mobile app for event registration because of this.
5 votes -
Member renewal in admin app
I would like to have the ability to renew a member using the admin mobile app. Currently, if a member wants to renew, and we are not at a place with a computer (for example, on a field trip) i have to log into the website and go through the admin section. On a phone, the admin section of the web site is unmanageable.
3 votes -
Member mobile app: invoice renewal payment
Hi, Re the Member Mobile App. Surely a function to pay there membership is beneficial?In addition to the ability to edit there profile. Such as adding photos, or a description of their company to add to a directory. Often this task for members is low priority during a work day but perfect timing if they had access to a mobile app outside of the office. Also the Gallery, Blog & Resources and so on. All of these are much more likely to be accessed outside of the office and would offer greater connection for members.
9 votes -
Mobile App Login/Credentials
Feature request for mobile app - login via social account (e.g. Google+, Facebook, LinkedIn).
3 votes -
Mobile App Member Directory - Link Personal Websites
The mobile app member directory should provide a link personal websites in the same manner as the online directory provides, rather than just the address in text.
1 vote -
Mobile App Upgrades
In the future, is there a way to restrict the membership directory based on the membership level? Our organization has two types of membership levels (paid and non-paid)...we would like for our member directory to have access to the membership directory via mobile app...however, for people who sign up for a free membership, we would like to restrict their access to the membership directory.
Thank you!
5 votes -
membership payments on mobile app for members
There needs to be a way for members and new members to pay for intial or renewing membership fees. If you can pay for events then why not memberships. Seems like they should go hand in hand. Isn't that what Wild Apricot is all about? Membership software?
Last night I sent out an email to our club recommending members download and use the app and the first two emails I got were about this very topic. Please put this into the wish list lineup.
Thanks, Michael7 votes
- Don't see your idea?