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112 results found
archive store orders
Once an online ordering event is complete need the ability to clear out store orders for that event. Either delete orders or archive them. Some way to clear out the Order screen so only currently running store events are displayed.
3 votes -
Customize which fields appear on pages during the checkout process from online store (physical and digital products)
I'm so happy you can now sell digital products with Wild Apricot! The issue is that when selling products/digital products with Wild Apricot, it's pulling in any of the common fields from the database that are marked as required, and making the customer purchasing the product look at these fields and complete unnecessary info. This makes it confusing for customers who are buying products. For example, one of my common fields has to do with confirming they signed a waiver, and this works really well for people purchasing a membership, and/or attending an event. But is very confusing for someone…
15 votes -
Add options for digital products, e.g. different formats for e-books
We are a bookstore/publisher - and we sell a physical version plus 3 digital versions (mobi, epub and pdf) of each of our books. With the current design we will have to make FOUR separate products for every ONE book/product we sell (i.e. three for digital and one for physical).
We are absolutely thrilled to see you have added digital products, Thank you! Unfortunately, for most people selling digital products, most of us will need to offer 3 different versions of the digital product, and for many of us, a physical version as well...
Is there any chance this might…4 votes -
Use 2 decimal places for dollar values in store orders
Dollar values do not use 0's in decimals on the order page.
When I look at an order in admin view, if the price is an even amount (like $9.00) the decimals do not show up. If only one decimal is needed (like $9.50) then the 0 doesn't show up.11 votes -
Product Tag Central List
The Online Store products have the ability to group them by meaningful tags. These tags are nice for breaking the products into meaningful customer groups.
However, manual tag entry must be an exact match which is error prone to maintain and very difficult to correct.
It would be nice to have a pull-down list of tags that can be controlled centrally when new products are added to the store. This would make it much easier to enter and make the web page presentation dynamic. See
9 votes -
We would like the ability to set a minimum value for an order in the online store before allowing the buyer to check out.
If the buyer buys $1.00 worth of merchandise it is not worth it to us with the credit card fees, etc. We would like to specify that they order at least $5.00 worth of books before they can check out. Thank you.
4 votes -
Show orders / purchases list in contact details
To make the store integrated with the rest of Wild Apricot, since there are tabs in an individual record for membership, events, donations there should be a way to attribute a purchase to an individual contact and that income shows up within the contact record. I want to see the total income from a contact including purchases.
25 votes -
Print product catalogue
We would like to print the store catalogue in hard copy for customers . We would like this to include website logo and colours - and display as a printed catalogue to be handed out at conferences etc. Thankyou
1 vote -
Online Store Checkout
Some of these ideas have been touched upon by users, and I haven't read through all 321 online store suggestions however I suggest:
1. Add a "Ship To NAME" to the Shipping Address screen. Those ordering items for gifts, etc. need to put in the actual recipient's name.
2. Make the shipping charges correspond to the Quantity Ordered, e.g. for 1 item ordered, one fee; for 10 items ordered, another fee. Could automatically be added once the item qty is selected.
3. Allow Orders to be edited by Admin. (Suggested by others also.)10 votes -
Send message when an item is sold out in the store
I would like to receive a message when an item is sold out in the store. Something similar to how I get a message when max number of registrations is reached for an event. Right now the only way to do it is to scroll through the list of products, which is not very efficient.
6 votes -
Control over email notification for individual units in the online store
Hi, We'd like to be able to sell self-published books for our members. In order to streamline this we'd like to be able to stipulate a third party email to be notified of the particulars of sale, for each individual unit in the store.
That way the authors could remain responsible for delivery and we wouldn't have to collect all their stock and keep it here, or individually contact them every time a unit sells to ensure timely delivery.3 votes -
make shopping cart display larger
The size of the cart icon is too small. It is difficult to see, particularly when it is the only way a user can tell they added something to the cart successfully. I would like to see us be able to control more of the size and other features within the shopping cart gadget.
3 votes -
add to cart needs better feedback than only changing the number of items in cart.
When someone adds a product to the cart, the only feedback is that the view cart on the page shows an incremented number. this is so small that people will likely not see it and think nothing happened. There needs to be feedback that explicitly lets the user know their item was added. There are lots of established ways to do this.
3 votes -
Online store product only admin
In the admin functions for the online store >shopkeeper, could you create a 2nd level with only access to add product, not access to orders? An alternative would be to create an input template so users could input product to the shop - that is the goal I'm trying to get to.
4 votes -
store personalized field
Add personalize field to store. Would like to use the store for customized pet id, but no place to enter the pet name.
18 votes -
email marketing for online store buyers
We should be able to do email marketing campaigns to online store buyers. Perhaps add the criteria in the advanced search.
5 votes -
Volume Pricing
Volume Pricing Option for Items. Allow us to configure options such as one shirt for $10 and three for $25.
6 votes -
Store options
We would like to be able to do this with our online store:
1) search by item for products - so a search button on the product page
2) would like to have a $ for cost and $ for retail so we know what our inventory value is
3) we would like to be able to print out the products with inventory levelsthis is for Meydenbauer Bay Yacht Club
15 votes -
WA Store: Bulk-Import via CSV / Social media integration / Search products
Wishlist for Wild Apricot online store?
- Ability to bulk-import products via CSV file
- Ability to integrate with social media
- Ability to Search products by keyword (i.e. in our case, author name or book title)
16 votes -
It would be greatly helpful to allow a split of stores so that each store can set up settings based on if it is merchandise or service.
Please set the store up to be able to group products and then set the settings based on those products within the group. For example, I am trying to add a service for purchase and would like to have the emails different from other merchandise for sale. I also would like merchandise to be purchased online only, but allow the services to be purchased online or offline due to the larger fee charged. I also would like the information requested, like shipping or other information, to be able to be customized by groupings. Thank you!
5 votes
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