Change Checkboxes for fields with Radio choice in Advanced Search - e.g. Membership level or Status
Hi guys,
I love the advanced search feature, with one exception. The "Radio Buttons" field should be searchable like a checkbox field is. This is the search for a radio button field:
Whereas the checkbox search looks like this:
I think they should have essentially the same options. There are some questions that I do not want members to have the option to choose multiples of - for example region. They can only live in one region, so I do not want them choosing 3-4 regions.
However, I'd like to be able to run a search for those who are NOT in ANY region, and so forth. The checkbox search is far more functional than the radio button search.
Thanks in advance for your help.

- commented
The advanced search for membership needs an OR function. For example, I trying to create a search for members in a specific area with either of two membership levels. The only way to currently do this is to create five different criteria indicating that the members ARE NOT each of the other membership levels.
Jenna Keindel commented
It would also be helpful to have greater than/ equal to... And less than/ equal to in the search boxes..
PAmela Graham commented
Me too for this type of search option and the below mentioned Boolean logic. I do wish the advanced search was a bit less limited. I have 47 different membership levels (I know – its crazy!) to allow for 2 application levels and then all sorts of combinations of family groups/discounted senior rates/junior rates/members with & without boats at our sailing club/ and separate admin & system testers. If I need to exclude any of the membership levels from a search I have to do each one individually. It would be SO great to be able to check the box to include/exclude a number of levels in one go, without having to add a new criteria and check the box for each one. Is there any chance this sort of thing in is the search facility development pipeline?
AnnaG commented
Absolutely. We have around 30 levels (different age and family situations) and I need to divide these levels into three sports using Advanced Search. It is currently so time consuming... Multiple checkboxes would reduce time for assembling such a search dramatically...
Scot McConnachie commented
I also would like to see this request and the below mentioned Boolean logic.
We have a lot of membership levels and terms so trying to send a message to subsets of these groups is a nightmare under the current system. When searching by membership levels, for example, the search criteria should be check boxes not radio buttons.
groovamatic commented
Current search options are "is", "is not", and "any" for Membership Level. I'd like a "contains". This would allow grouping of some common levels in a query. Three of our levels contain the string "Author" and five contain "Subscription". This would allow us to select those groups with one search criteria and allow certain searches we could only otherwise do once (if) the boolean feature is added.
I assume this is a fairly easy fix as "contains" appears on other criteria.
Good suggestion, I agree with your proposal. For now you can just create a saved search and add there several search criteria, each one for each membership level. Then use "Match [Any] of the following criteria" option
W. Cody Anderson commented
We have six different membership levels. Frequently, we only want to export the member list for certain, but multiple, membership levels, or to send out emails to certain, but multiple, membership levels. To do so now, we have to run multiple searches/exports, and combine them into a single spreadsheet (for exports) or select multiple saved searches (for emails).
We would love an "any of selected" option added to the existing membership level search criteria of "is/is not/any" to save us the work of combining or selecting multiple lists. Thank you!
Andrew Steele commented
This is similar to this Wishlist item: Add Boolean logic to Advanced Search. We are also advocating that Advanced Search allow radio button field searches to have multiple selected. It sound like you want the same thing for dropdowns, which makes a lot of sense.
Jon Crossno commented
It would be helpful if the advanced search criteria could allow the ability to build a query using select items within a single field. For example, I might want to limit a member search to specific states, and I currently have to add a separate line for *each* state. So it would be much easier if I could select the State field and then Ctrl-Click or use checkboxes to select multiple items to use in the filter.
Bonnie commented
Allow for the Advanced Search to select multiple member types that you want rather than eliminating those that you don't want in the "Is Not " drop down menu. We have more that we don't want in most cases. It is time consuming to select the types you don't want.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Good comment - and we have actually internal change request for that (so I linked the number to the title of the post).
We also want to expand search abilities of some radio-like fields like Membership Level, Status - so they also can be searched in multiple selections.