Text (SMS) communications with attendees, members, etc.
I did not see this on the wishlist in the list of 339, unless i missed it :).
SMS (text) notication option would be great to have as alot of our members use texting on their phones. Email works good too but push text woould be great to have as an option for communication. Thanks.

Text messaging service is available in the Communication center for US and Canadian customers.
Karen Mazowiecki commented
Is this in Wild Apricot’s radar? This was requested close to 10 years ago with the last admin comment two years ago. Current enhancements have far fewer votes than this one. Also, I think there’s a few more wishlist items that might belong here as well, if you search for ‘text message’.
Steve Smith commented
This is a feature that should be reconsidered.
Bob Von Der Linn commented
SMS messaging is essential. We are struggling to reach younger professionals who do not use email, and we find the corporate security systems are tighter than ever and blocking bulk emails.
Nasrullah Khan commented
I was wondering if you can develop a text message reminder for membership and other announcement. Thanks
M khan -
Gina Gallucci commented
Member Planet has a feature through which all members of the org. or all registrants for an event can be sent a text to their phones. I wish WA included that feature.
Andersson commented
I've had such issues with SMS ...
BSCAA QLD commented
We would really like the option of sending SMS - bulk and manual individual ones to our members. We are finding less and less emails are being responded to, even though they are delivered and opened - they aren't actioned. Our office is virtual, so we use a cloud based phone system, that doesn't allow for SMS. Sometimes when you ring a member, and get their voicemail, it would be great if I could then send them a quick SMS to say why I was calling.
Jim Sprandel commented
Is Wild Apricot considering the following feature:
- WHen I have an event, I can e-mail all registrants. WOuld be possible to have an option to Text all registrants ? Most of out mrmber have active smart phone and texting is the only way to contact them quickly en masse. -
Karen commented
Any update on this? It looks like the last admin comment was two years ago where it was removed from the 2017 plans. Any plans for 2019 and beyond?
Heather Shupe commented
When will texting be enabled? Many of our members prefer text rather than e-mails.
Sebastian Ostolaza commented
All the SMS services we have found, charge a fee. A few $$ a month may not be much for some organizations, but we struggle with our budget.
A way around it was the use of Whatsapp.
We created a Group and locked down the option to Send Messages by members. Only selected Admins can send messages to the group.
In the app, you can create an Invite Link. Either https:// or QR Code.
We decided to publish the QR Code in our News Letter for members who want to be contacted.Hope it helps some of you.
Carl commented
I agree. A texting capability would be a HUGE benefit.
Steven Jones commented
We're a WA Partner and most clients are asking for this feature.
Please review putting this back on your development plans.
As a short term option perhaps something like the CC Emails feature could be used with a third party 'Email to SMS service' where a 'CC SMS' option is selectable at the same time of scheduling to send an email blast? -
Ngame ENT commented
Hey Team Mobile, Any updates???? We need text messaging!
Robin Taylor commented
For a site that incorporates event planning into its services, it should absolutely have a text messaging option. The fact that it was decided two years ago not to pursue adding the feature is crazy! People are less and less likely to check emails. Text and text reminders are the most efficient and effective way to notify (and remind) members of their meetings and or functions.
Robin Sapiro commented
Hi Carolyn and others.
With the use of the new Integromat integration and my existing Message Bird account - I now have a very neat SMS messaging process running.
Every users needs are going to be slightly different. For myself I generally send 2 different but otherwise consistent SMS messages out per month.
For this in each instance, I pull my list of contacts meeting my selection criteria from my WA database. Included in that data is their complete cell phone number in the context of +14161231234 and also their name and any other filtering criteria that I may need.
Then for each instance, I send my specified message to Message Bird using their integration module.
I also embed each members name in the SMS message as part of building the SMS text. This is optional.
To trigger the messages, I initially look in a specific GMail calendar (another Integromat integration module) for certain meetings. I let this trigger run every week day at 8am. While our meetings are usually on a specific day of the week and week of the month - sometimes due to circumstances they are rescheduled.
For those circumstances where my text would be different on each occasion, I would have a scenario that I would run manually and modify the text manually each time before sending.
Yes this is outside of WA but the key thing here is that I still keep all my contact and SMS numbers inside of WA - so no duplication of contact data in another location
Carolyn commented
We need this feature. Our clients rarely read emails, but they do read messages that pop up on their phone.
Steven Jones commented
Almost all my new clients have asked for this feature in their project specification.
Faith commented
Please add mass text messages, it is the way of the future people don't have time for email but they will read a text in pop up notifications!
Anonymous commented
Please reconsider, Our membership prefers text communication. The comments we get is that they seldom check their personal email. We desperately need that option.