Customize event registration form for each reg. type
In Events, I'd like to have custom registration forms associated with each registration type instead of one single registration form for the whole event (all types). This would allow me to create more complex event registrations. Example: A three-day conference has two types of registrants (Individual and Professional) at different prices. Each one has an early-bird price as well. In addition, each one can choose to register for one day, two days, or all three days -- all at prorated prices.
To do this today, I have to create separate events for Individuals and Professionals, then customize those event reg. forms. Then the choice of which days they want to attend must be an Extra Cost add-on to the registration. It's a bit awkward to implement and a bit confusing to registrants.

Doug Bank commented
This ability is super important, mostly because there are few work arounds. Our organization would like an event with 3 different ticket types. We would like to give different instructions and/or ask for different options for each ticket type. This is currently impossible, which makes the registration forms very confusing.
Sarah commented
For example, we need to create our data capture through the registration form, asking for dietary requirements, etc. This is confusing to registrants and us if the ticket type they select doesn't require any catering. It would be good if these questions could be attached to the ticket types rather than the registration form.
Roman commented
We organize event's that have different Event Types like Kids, Adult's, Members, Nonmembers etc. With that said, we also like to collect different information unique to each Registration Type.
Unfortunately, all the Registration Types will only see and collect one and the same Registration Form details.I suggest Wild Apricot moves the "Registration form" under each Registration Type and get's ride of the "Registration form Tab". That would allow everyone to collect unique information (Common and Custom fields) for each "Registration Type" and solve a lot of our issues we currently have with the Event's.
Below I have attached some screenshot to explain and to show how it would look like adding the Registration Form to the Registration Types.
Anonymous commented
Definitely this! Our club has many events that include a pre-registration period where we gather additional details - including shirt orders ahead of time - that we then cutoff a few weeks prior to allow for processing. People can still register for the event up until the day of, but can no longer order materials, and I want to hide those specific registration fields. To support this currently, I must create two separate events - which is honestly confusing to our customers. So, I manually hide or make visible the appropriate one based on which time period we are in. We need the ability to limit registration fields based on the registration type to avoid this extremely manual and highly confusing workaround!
Vice-Chair ISKO UK commented
WildApricot - please do something. To be able to customise forms is an absolute basic requirement for event registration. We always have at least 3 types of registrations types to process for each event. It is very frustrating managing registrations. Why is this not sorted out already?
Eric Brinsfield commented
We definitely need this. The comments provide lots of additional great ideas to go with it. Please implement this. Thanks
Anonymous commented
There needs to be a way to have people register in different types and fill out different forms.
Dena Culpepper commented
Having the option to be able to specify which registration fields show for which registration type would greatly help our association. Please work on this feature!
Alex Sirota commented
There is a basic workaround: use separate events for different registration forms. That way you will have an event for vendors and one for attendees for example.
Julie Miller commented
Having the option to be able to specify which registration fields show for which registration type would greatly help our association.
Anonymous commented
Please make a way for differentiated registration for events so I can have vendors and attendees register on the same event but with different questions for registration.
prefabAUS commented
Our association would benefit from this as well. We have individual membership and corporate bundle memberships which affects the registration. We would also like to use to event registration forms to help complete profiles. i.e. include membership fields in event registration forms.
John R commented
Event registration form personalized to each Registration Type.
We have a range of registration types that require different attendance fees based on their location. It would be really convenient to be able to direct a Registration Type to a specific reg. form that is pertinent to them. Atm we have to create different listings for the same event to acheive this and then marry all the results to get an total list of all the registrations.
Or, alternatively, we have a complex list of attendance fees on the one form and rely the member will find the one applicable to them.Which brings me to an idea already posted about having better layout control over the registration form to make them more user friendly.
Anonymous commented
Custom Fields in events should be allowed to get segregated/restricted by registration type. This would allow us to do custom fields that are only applicable to specific registration types. Would really help in doing advanced events!
cheers, john
Michele Rempel commented
Yes, this is a feature that is much needed.
In our case, we are holding an event where we are selling both individual tickets and tables of 10. The complication is that people must choose a meal type at registration. Since the custom fields for meal choices applies to all ticket types, the meal choice shows up awkwardly on the table of 10 registration for just one person. It would be better to not have the meal choice option at all apply to that type of registration, but it does because the custom field applies to all ticket types. -
Alex Sirota commented
Another interesting request we have had to expand registration types: Allow a common field or membership field to "drive" which registration type is preselected. So if there is a common field call "Occuption" and it is a dropdown list, it could drive the preselected registration type by the same name. That way you could specify which registration type of selected automatically based on this field. If there is no exact match then the registration types are all shown. Otherwise if there is a match (case insentitive of course) the common/membership field can automatically select the right registration type. This can be useful when assigning registrants to a specific registration type only available to them without needing to set access control. It's sort of a second level of access control based on the membership profile outside of Membership Level or Group.
Mike commented
2 registrations types: member & non-member
Each type has 5 options:
Day 1, class 1
Day 1, class 2
Days 2&3
Days 2& 3 with class 1
Days 2&3 with class 2We have a guest price. I'm also planning to tier my registration with a early and late window. I'd really like to offer digital recordings as an option. Yikes. Having unique fields per registration type could clean up what is going to be a administrative mess.
I could literally go to two registration types - member & non-member and use extra charge options to get the details.
Edie Tella commented
Also customized confirmations for each registration type is needed.
Anonymous commented
We do charity car shows. Sponsors or Vendors who register are not interested in or required to enter year, make, and model of their cars. With registrations for vendors, sponsors, competitors, volunteers, etc. It makes for a very complex and off-putting registration process. Is there some work around? Registration Type specific forms are critical. It looks so very unprofessional otherwise.
Mihai Florea commented
This feature is mandatory for such a system !
Please add it as soon as possible.