Discount coupons for membership level upgrades
I have offered a one-year free membership to my new membership site users using a 100% off coupon that I created. It works pretty slick, when the new member signs up, the space for the code is right at the bottom of the sign up screen.
However, when a "free" member wants to convert to a paid membership using the coupon- the coupon code spot not there. Can you please add it to this form?

Released in version 5.11:
Dale Koetke commented
Thank you so much!
Yes, the restriction 'For active members only' will be optional.
Some organizations don't want to give discounts for lapsed members, some not.Katya, Astra crew
Dale Koetke commented
Way to go Team Astra! Being able to use a discount coupon on a renewal/level change will be a huge asset to me!
Hopefully the new restriction: "Available for active members only" will be optional, right?
Amy Jennings commented
Please allow administrators to have more control over discounts. I agree with the comment below that says it is tough to entice people to change levels if there is no way to offer a discount for upgrading. It's frustrating that this option isn't available. Please move this up the development list.
Sorry to hear about misunderstanding with sales. Probably, they were talking about membership application discounts - when a new member applies, he can use a discount. You're talking about very different thing, discount for early birds. Never had this, thanks for commenting.
Gary Box commented
Yes definitely! All of the talk about building memberships, nothing works better than a discount to tempt them in to try it. This should have been done a long time ago
Michael Scalf Sr commented
I was mislead by sales when we signed up for this software, that we could offer an early payment discount to members. We have always offered our members a discount to their annual dues, if they prepay their dues before January 1st each year. I have upset members now that the software will not allow this and several have said they will not renew if they do not get their usual discount. This glitch in the software has caused me major problems with my members. With the original misunderstanding between sales and myself, I now look like a total fool to my members and incompetent in doing my job. I must find some kind of a work around to fix this.
John commented
Hard to stay in business if we can't convert free or trial memberships to paid ones with a promotional discount without this functionality.
JamesF commented
Kind of hard to believe this feature is missing, we're running a discount on life memberships right now.
New members can use the discount, but existing yearly members can't. That makes no sense at all from our perspective and especially from the perspective of our members.
Woody35 commented
We need this, too.
DAMA MN Chapter
Dale Koetke commented
+1. The lack of coupons for renewal / upgrade scenarios is a huge gap.
Dale Koetke commented
We REALLY need this. Please consider this for near term release.
Thank you
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Not in the next one for sure, sorry. But the one after that - may be.
Dimitri Bieri commented
Totally agree that it should be implemented in the next release. Please.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
You are right and what we want to do is to create a centralized page where organization can manage all discounts - not just membership applications, but also renewals, level changes, event registrations, etc. This is a big task, we are working on it but I cannot promise anything in the nearest future.
chapka commented
I know this topic is a few years old now, but this is a feature that would be very helpful for us as well. Before we moved to WA, we always offered renewing members a $5 discount on a $40 membership. Now there's no way to do that--only new members can get a discount.
unknownid commented
I am disappointed that the discount codes do not work when renewing. It seems to me it is just common sense that admins could offer incentives to renew (renew early and save etc). I might go as far as to say this is a incomplete feature and should not have been released 1/2 way. Can anyone think of an alternative way to offer a discount when renewing? I thought of a membership level change hoping the app might come up and present the coupon again when changing membership level but no such luck.
There are many great features that work really well, this just doesn't seem to be one of them.
Thanks for any help.
esl commented
coupon code for upgrade is definitely a necessary feature for membership-based business.
Hope WA will develop it soon.
ITArchitect commented
I would second that request.
If the systemwas designed correctly, a request like this should be easily implementable in afew hours. However, with the push back I have seen, I'm not too sure whatthey have done and I will be curious to see their response.
Dmitry Buterin commented
The overall suggestion makes sense but for now this is a bit lower on our priority list compared to many other requests (Based on client feedback we are tracking). So I do not expect us to be able to do this at least for a few releases.
And I can definitely tell you this is not a few hours - more than a few days of development and testing.